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The Tavern

TopicRepliesAuthorViewsLast Message
El Dorado Stormgate Located?!
6 3911
Why Cadiz isn't Valencian (Italian)
0 1196
6 4007
Anyone up for Regatta
9 3820
over half way to 300!
17 9376
I'm back
4 2090
Favorite video game
10 4490
6 3351
Troll Sting
20 10241
9 4351
what were my parents like?
3 2214
Cádiz vs. Calabria
1 1648
The hat of ulitmate protection
2 2341
Ahoy, from Bonnie Anne!
93 55339
Pirate Conspiracy
0 1224
Questions about Musketeer Traps.
2 2542
Something weird??
1 1335
not sure if anyone has noticed but
2 2183
Best Dressed Bosses?
30 14700
What's Your Favorite World?
9 3887
9 4753
Dialogues for Newest Companions?
8 4474
Favorite songs?
12 6146
An Unexpected Return
2 1879
Changes since I've been gone
9 5000
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