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The Tavern

TopicRepliesAuthorViewsLast Message
What's your pirate's dream ship?
6 4094
14 8097
unamed spiral entrances
0 970
The XP for bosses is not good
4 2609
What's your pirate101 story?
6 3465
Level 65
3 2139
A Return (with Some Hope)
1 1798
Hope your ok
16 7161
Favorite easter egg
6 2912
Yeah, I kinda forgot...
3 2064
6 4374
64 20932
Falmea Friday - 2-5-16
58 41401
3 1886
Pirates Helping Pirates, (PHP)
491 205655
Nefarious 5 Theory.
12 8056
Companion timers too long
12 5864
Battle standards
5 2951
Spell Boosts and Summons
4 3772
Funny story about Tiny Dino Percy
8 4439
Swashbuckler Privateer combo???
3 2125
Favorite Pirate Music
2 1854
Whats your favorite skyway
5 3316
the men behind the rope
10 4897
Tired my Pack luck again.....
6 2999
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