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You know you play too much Pirate101 when...

Jun 16, 2009
When you start borrowing the puns and pop-culture references for use in everyday conversation

Community Leader
When your kids start bickering and you threaten to bench both of them if they don't knock it off.

Chatroom Moderator - Pieces of Eight Radio
Oct 15, 2012
Mastermind M on Mar 9, 2013 wrote:
I'll add a few more of my own:

.When you start putting your pirate's name and class instead of your name and period on homework
.When you see something about platypuses and yell, "That's not a platypus, that's a water mole!"
.When you start looking around for treasure chests after you win a sports match/argument
.When you ask your mom/dad how much XP you receive for doing the quest, "Chores"

Ruthless Rebecca Radcliffe
Yes! too true XD lol

Oct 15, 2012
or when your watching a fight scene in show and you go "he block, riposte!" XD

Xavier Veldon 50

Jun 16, 2012
Ruthless Anthony on Mar 1, 2013 wrote:
You know you play Pirate101 too much when instead of laughing, you start saying "LOL" out loud.
- Your on your your computer in a p101 fight and you pick up random pens nearby and pretend your a swashbuckler
- You scream and yell at your companions when the battle depends on their one move and they miss
- You see a fox running across the road and think its bonnie anne
- A mouse is dead in a mouse trap and you think "Oh poor Sarah Steele!"
- when you come home from school, throw your backback down, and log onto pirate 101
- You start doodling characters like mustang sally in your math journal
- its all you think about
- you yell at hte administratiors for not hurrying up and making the new chapter because your membership is running out of time
- Your using terms like "scurvy dog" or sergent shepard's line when you fight finn: "shut ya trap ye bully!" to insult your siblings

Oct 15, 2012
LadyClockwork on Mar 21, 2013 wrote:
- Your on your your computer in a p101 fight and you pick up random pens nearby and pretend your a swashbuckler
- You scream and yell at your companions when the battle depends on their one move and they miss
- You see a fox running across the road and think its bonnie anne
- A mouse is dead in a mouse trap and you think "Oh poor Sarah Steele!"
- when you come home from school, throw your backback down, and log onto pirate 101
- You start doodling characters like mustang sally in your math journal
- its all you think about
- you yell at hte administratiors for not hurrying up and making the new chapter because your membership is running out of time
- Your using terms like "scurvy dog" or sergent shepard's line when you fight finn: "shut ya trap ye bully!" to insult your siblings
Kitty, i do EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. of those things XD except, i do NOT draw mustang sally, i draw my pirate lol and i say, "its milo" if its grey, and "its Malik" if it's brown LOL

and i dont itend to play ANY LESS!

Aug 01, 2011
Ashamed to say but I pretend I am doing the Armada animation when they are attacking. LOL it just looks so cool.

Gunner's Mate
Apr 13, 2010
When you change your screen name on a website to El Toro.

Nov 26, 2011
You know it when you watch a pirate movie and they say 'rum' you say 'No! It's Yum!'

Feb 01, 2013
When you buy swords and sword fight your dad. Also you get a whip and a sword and pretend ur el toro

Dec 21, 2009
You know you play too much pirate101 when...

You start try to cast hoodoo hexes and say "Where's Bonnie Anne?" in public or reach for an air cutlass.

Hope you like it!

Oct 11, 2012
You know you play too much Pirate101 when...
1. You see a penguin and call it "Napoleguin"
2. When your guinea pig is named "Gaspard De Vole"
3. You see a cat and say "Ahoy, Catbeard!"
4. Your friends have to call you by your p101 name to get your attention.
5. You yell at the screen whenever your enemy blocks or dodges an attack.
6. Your bedroom wall is covered in Pirate101 pictures.

Sadly, I do all of these

Marissa Everhart

Feb 26, 2013
you know you play pirate 101 too much when you talk like one. Like "I be done with me homework matey!"

Impolite William Blake Level 23 Defender of the Defensless

Gunner's Mate
Sep 29, 2012
You know you're playing Pirate101 too much when you introduce you self as "sunny sean silver, privateer lvl 50!"

Gunner's Mate
Apr 13, 2010
When your mom has to remind you to not act out critical attacks at supper.

George Gordon, lvl 22 Buccaneer Extraordinaire

Petty Officer
Jun 09, 2009
You know you play too much Pirate101 when...

1. You think your evil siblings are spies from the armada.
2. You always think at a bar there's pirates.
3. You start talking like a monquistador.
4. You act out a lot of critical attacks.
5. You spend almost all of your money on prepaid cards for pirate101

I do about 3 of these XD

Jun 16, 2009
-When someone mentions robots and you start grumbling about the Armada.
-When you start comparing your everyday actions with what your pirate would do
-When you start answering questions with a "Yar" or "Nar."

Oct 19, 2012
Speed Switch on Mar 21, 2013 wrote:
or when your watching a fight scene in show and you go "he block, riposte!" XD

Xavier Veldon 50
I was laughing about this one for ages because I do that at the computer.

Great Answers this has kept me laughing.

Apr 15, 2011
You curse bumblebees for being so hard to defeat
You go on a cruise and spend the whole time looking out for enemy ships
You call your friends by their pirate name
You wonder why there aren't any updates on the Armada's takeover on the news

Ruthless Rebecca Radcliffe

Jul 23, 2010
you know when you play too much pirate101 when...
-you start to yell at yourself for loosing
-you feel the urge to fly on a skyship
-you beat an enemy and totally over react and do a weird victory dance
-your hands feel like weapons
and finally:
you know when you play too much pirate101 when...
-you take a short bathroom break and realize you forgot you had a meeting 37 years ago...
-Luke BattleCaster lever 22 and level 34 myth wizard

Petty Officer
Sep 02, 2011
here are a few
1. When your class is talking about Chirstiphor Columbus you ask "Were there any sharks helping o man the crew?"
2. When you go to Mexico or a sandy place you say " I'll be right back i see El toro!"
3. You go up to your parents and say " Mom i want a Sword to go and kill some machines!"
4. You ask your mom if your dog knows how to use a gun
5. When your playing hockey in gym and your friend misses the puck you yell " He missed! I have riposte! i kill you!"
6. You try to fly like a sky snake
7. When you go to the zoo you look at the animals and say " these aren't as cool as i thought they would be
8. you go on vacation and ask. Are we done yet? i want to go home and play pirate some more.
9. you have to go outside daily to make a ship and house out of cardboard boxes
10. your teacher says this is a musket you say no its a rifle!

Petty Officer
Sep 02, 2011
You play to much and you ask a guy at the cemetery why they didn't build a life fountain

Petty Officer
Sep 02, 2011
If you quit playing your best friends look like your companions. You are hunting for Sarah Steele and ask you cat mittens aka catbeard to go hunt her down (It has happened) you find human bones throw them and hope they become a skeleton like old scratch when you go to the mall you ask where is the weapon shop? You attempt to get a snake to be your BFF you get a spider as a pet when you see a monkey you say Yea monkey I'm yo worst enemy! Woot! When you see a crab you go get a crossbow. when you look at the farm all you see are cold blooded killers when you go to the grocery store and see products such as soda you ask where's the yum? You to your neighbors house and ask to surrender or face my crew mateys! You dive into a lake and look for lagoon monsters. you learn that animals don't talk but you talk to them anyway You try to summon a blade like in the move mojo blade you sing your favorite critical music a lot you walk like a Samoorai You color a pear purple and tape wings onto it. Finally you make weapons in your backyard and play pirate101 alone xD

Petty Officer
Jun 09, 2009
You know you play too much Pirate101 when ...

You see some Bison and you think one of them is Tonka
You think if you went into a sewer you'd see some pack rats with swords.
When you see ancient ruins you say that they came from Azteca
When you see a zombie you say "Hello Dead Mike!"
You always call coins "gold" and you say "get yer hands of me gold!" when someone is trying to take your money.
You try to steal monkeys from a zoo and see if they have gold (from Monquista).
When you go to spain and see some bull fights you say "El toro use your critical attack!"
You always think Valencia is a place where Unicorns live (Valencia is located in Spain! )

Petty Officer
Sep 02, 2011
When you buy a panther and you learn that they are carnivours.