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A Pirate's Life

TopicRepliesAuthorViewsLast Message
Companion quest
3 2456
why no level 70 weapons?
5 4671
Valencia part 2 companion promotions
4 4783
0 1461
New Character
2 2162
Musketeer tips
4 3200
More Rogue's Galleries?
0 1097
Will we ever see new attack powers?
0 1139
New Character Decision Help
10 6364
Storyline Until Now?
1 3669
A good set-up for a Privateer?
5 6748
Bonnie Promotion Mystery
10 5714
I give up
10 6134
swashbuckler companion help please.
2 2939
Will Avernus ever be anything else?
2 2474
24 14169
Pet ?'s
2 1969
do we ever get to go to eldorado
3 3083
Is the next world polaris ?
10 9022
What do witchdoctors use to attack
1 1639
0 1419
Can you transfer memberships?
7 8948
Blast of discord, charm, same thing?
4 3206
Why is Dooley here?
2 2590
real places in the game
5 4471
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