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Who is your Favorite Companion?

Nov 17, 2012
Fearless Davy on Jul 7, 2013 wrote:
I have been thinking for a while............the critical theme music for Ratbeard and Kobe are my favorite themes! I think it would be cool to have their theme on one of my criticals.
Reply what you think!

- Fearless Davy Jones
the music is strange... but whatever you say.

Oct 27, 2012
I can only choose two companions and those two are El Toro and Hawkules! For some strange reason, I've always had a soft spot for the foolishly brave and the hopelessly dumb (well, at least Hawkules is hopelessly dumb)

Despite that, I love how no matter how large their egos get, they know they are fighting for the sake of those who cannot help themselves. So, I guess why I like them is because they are big hearted, big headed heroes with a strong sense of justice, adventure, and danger.

Thank you, Kings Isle, for allowing us to post feedback of the game and its colorful, original characters.

Your humble, swashbuckling servant,

Abigail Laverne

Dec 23, 2012
Its Bonnie Anne (big suprise) she is just perfect for sniping at long range while my other compainions go in blocking the path to get to me an Bonnie Anne.
I know there is no favorite companion moment but i am bored it was when we were about to break into Mabels room and Bonnie Anne said she wasnt comfortable capturing a young girl from her family and Ratbeard said yea if were gunna capture her we should at least ransom her! I Cracked up! there i think i made this longer

Petty Officer
Jun 05, 2011
Bonnie Anne

Criticals are good. Damage is good. Burst Fires all the time.


Jul 06, 2012
My 3 first companions are:

3- Sarah Steele
2- Catbeard
1- EEEEEEEEEL TORO! *watatatatatatam!*

I also love Subodai (he has almost as much health as me ) and Bonnie Anne (who's my fourth companion, by the way)

Noble Nicholas Nichols level 65 Swashbuckler

Feb 05, 2012
Gunner's Mate
Nov 01, 2012
my three so far favorite companions are my three eagles
1. samocles
2. hawkules
3. zeena

Oct 29, 2012
1.mac mc tooth... he has a good art job and he's strong
2. bonnie anne... she's pretty good in battle.
3. kobe yojimbo... i love his 2nd artwork

Petty Officer
Jul 12, 2013
Hello! Today I would like everyone to say their favorite companion mine is Kobe Yojimbo now say yours! well see you sailing Toby lvl22

Dec 16, 2011
mine is el toro's promotion and i love is epic hit wit the


First Mate
Dec 12, 2011
624711 on Jul 26, 2013 wrote:
mine is el toro's promotion and i love is epic hit wit the

LoL, I see what you tried to do there XD

Nov 11, 2011
Bonnie Anne with a DSR-50 if any of you play call of duty black ops 2

Jan 10, 2011
my favorite (right now) is lost ranger, a side quest companion. he has strong stats and such, and I really love and laugh when he does the yeehaw!!!pose when he defeats a enemy, he also has second chance and riposite (I don't know how to spell it ) which makes him better.

Oct 28, 2012
Darth JT on Oct 18, 2012 wrote:
My most favorite companion in the game currently is Kobe YoJimbo!

He is an awesome Bull Samoori, his Crown Brother Wagyu or as I call him WagE is a very worthy purchase from the crown shop. He starts with First strike and later on, I train him in relentless twice, then riposte!

My second favorite companion is Kan Po, who is also a very worthy companion as well as his crown counterpart. He starts with Riposte, which I later get riposte 2 and Relentless twice, and he gets a heal.

What is your favorite companion and why?
I'm a so my favorite companion is Mormo!

Jun 17, 2013
Probably El Tiburon the sky shark. Even though my unicorn Iago is stronger and my strongest i have El Tiburon as my first mate because his criticals are devastatingly strong. and you are probably thinking: well thats obvious, criticals are stronget than normal attacks. Well of course they are, but i have done the math, and El Tirburons criticals are more stronger than his normal attack then milo graytails criticals compared to his normal attacks by like 75.

Plus i am a privateer so i can just bust him with discipline so then he will get criticals every turn, plus he has flanking +2 so he gets lots of extra attacks!

Level 31
Fearless Jason Barclay

Jul 21, 2012
For me, its a toss up between El Toro and Bonnie Anne. El Toro criticals a lot, but Bonnie can be used in a lot more situations. I say, El Toro. I can't ignore the awesome battle music he has.

May 14, 2010
My favorite companion is Shiruku Neko, the cat ninja.

Raised in Marleybone, Shiruku was taken and trained by the ninja pigs in Subata. She worked alongside the ninja pigs, but betrayed them when she was tasked to assassinate the final master of Cao Tzu, and he rescued her from a horrible mistake.

Shiruku is a swashbuckler who has the abilities, " Cheap Shot", "Critical Strike", and " First Strike". I especially like her attack technique which is double slash, outgoing circle kick, then backflip. Her super, mega, and epic hits are all smoke bomb, slash, upwards kick, inwards double slash, then backwards kick-over.( Shiruku has two daggers, one held like Froggo Villa's, and one held like a sword)

You can recruit Shiruku Neko by completing the quest, "The Silk One", given by Constable Shao in Subata temple( next to the town hall) If you do not see the quest, you may need to level up once or twice.

Petty Officer
Nov 15, 2012
well on my lvl 53 musketeer i like Monkey King Ridolfo El Toro. couse they have riposte :)

Oct 25, 2009
My favorite boy companion is Mormo hes a witchdoctor . witchdoctors are pretty cool they can shot from far away & can take health away from enemies that's cool but they cant heal there companions but, there still pretty cool, my Favorite girl companion is Bonnie Anne shes a sharpshooter i know shes like the only girl companion id ever had i hope you can get more girl companions soon,

-Sophia Voss

Jan 26, 2013
My favoriate character would have to be subodai.
His brutish mind makes being a swashbuckler even more awesome

Petty Officer
Jan 30, 2013
Darth JT on Oct 18, 2012 wrote:
My most favorite companion in the game currently is Kobe YoJimbo!

He is an awesome Bull Samoori, his Crown Brother Wagyu or as I call him WagE is a very worthy purchase from the crown shop. He starts with First strike and later on, I train him in relentless twice, then riposte!

My second favorite companion is Kan Po, who is also a very worthy companion as well as his crown counterpart. He starts with Riposte, which I later get riposte 2 and Relentless twice, and he gets a heal.

What is your favorite companion and why?
Eagle Hoplite is by far my favorite. Level 67 Swashbuckler and very strong. I have seen Samocles in action as well, but I do not have him for I am a buccaneer. He can deliver tons of damage and would be my favorite if I could get him.

May 11, 2013
kan po the first class I was was a so he was my first companion ever

Jul 01, 2013
Aug 10, 2011
  • My favorite companion far by is Bonnie Ann. She may not have the best talents, but she is one awesome musketeer out of all my companions, even when I have the warrior princess Zeena... Bonnie Ann would still and always will be my best companion!!

Nov 17, 2012
My favorite/Firstmate has to be...


Smart Horace Reade

~Level 30+~

Swashbuckler Class

"En Garde!"

(I'm taking this a little too far )