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Story Thread 1: A few story questions...

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
What kind of clue to the next piece of Marco Pollo's Map did Captain Avery mean by that? I hope it's very invigorating, Blind Mew! I'm itching to see Book 13, and beyond, real soon!

I know how to be patient, but I'm hoping that major story updates don't take too long, Blind Mew, because I'm not that fond of waiting too long for major story updates to come to Pirate101.

Jan 18, 2011
Doctor Z on Apr 5, 2013 wrote:
wow know i have some questions!
1: Are wild bill and Jane canary a couple? When you recruit them Jane says to bill you are not getting rid of me that easily
2:Unicorns and Guinea Pigs live in Valencia. But Unicorns are the stars of the show. what about the guinea pigs?
3: Why are do many promotion quests involve Moo Manchu?
4: Does Marleybone know we sprung naploguin and sally?
5: If Ensign Emmet is a pirate why does he have a marleybone military rank?
6: How did gunn get one of Marco Pollo's map pieces?
7: Will the armada make new clockwork enemies?
Quiet Zachary Armstrong
1. I don't work for the game but from what i seen and heard its quite clear they are married
2. Leaving that to KI
3. When you reach mooshu during this time, moo manchu becomes very important to the mooshu starter companions since he tearing up the land (sometimes he concern other major companions), so basicly you have to fight him not only to have a lead off for those who do the side quest to kill him once and for all and to complete your companion's honor (mooshu is both china and japan, to them honor is a HUGE deal)
4. I think they will only notice them and any extras gone but i don't think they knew who helped them, That's up to KI
5. Emmet is one of those examples of what a privateer in real life "really" is. back then some royals will hire a pirate captain and grant them permission to plunder only if they rob a certain power
6. Again, its a huge mystery we never knew but there were hints back in the motherload mine that perhaps gunn worked for marco pollo making him trustworthy to own one of the pieces to the map
7. Perhaps ... I be really exicited if they do.(mostly because i love smashing them)

otherwise how about you follow me up Blind mew. I doing half the work since I pay attention enough to know these things
Black Rashida level50

Jan 26, 2012
rossman819 on Apr 2, 2013 wrote:
We know that kane is the leader but they where created as mindless cogs Then tell me this how did he take over his programing and take over the armada army! was it magic... was it a evil wizard we all know..... was it a old foe we might have already taken down or is there someone behind him pulling the strings......!

- Level 50 Witchdoctor Bloody Adam Webb
The reason Kane and the Armada have strayed so far from what was originally intended will be revealed.

Jan 26, 2012
CaptainFlint193 on Apr 4, 2013 wrote:
Oooh, excellent...I just love lore. I find it fascinating, Blind Mew! Thanks! But I do have a few more questions...

1. What exactly is a Merchant Family?
2. I think you misunderstood my second question - I did not ask whether there are other skyways (though thanks for the tidbit), I asked why the major powers don't just attack the pirate colonies. I don't really think they need to go to war over it. After all, a lot of them are quite close by.
3. Does each member of the Elite Court have a backstory? Like Deacon and Phule and Rooke and Bishop and the like? I know they were all created to fight in the Polarian Wars, but why are they so individual?
4. Are there other any bits of Pirate101 lore you'd like to share with us? I know this is fishing for spoilers, but I'm a bit of a story nut!

1. Back during the Renaissance, you saw several major families in Italy that created huge economic empires (the Medicis are the most famous, but there were many others) - they started in commerce, but ended up with so much wealth that they started driving politics as well. Picture something like a multinational corporation, but run by an extended family.

2. Again, it's a question of cost vs. benefit - the Pirates are a nuisance, yes, but not enough of one to justify the expense of a war. But there are lots of other reasons:
  • If Monquista or Marleybone were to take major action against the pirates, the other might try to take advantage of the chaos and distraction to make a play of their own.
  • Also, both Monquista and Marleybone have learned to their sorrow that Pirates can be a major headache if you rile them up - every now and then hero pirates emerge that seem to continually do impossible things...
  • Pirates are often very useful for tasks that are... less than honest. The Bishop in Puerto Mico and the Royal Navy both have been known to recruit Pirates for dirty deeds they don't want to seem involved in.
  • Black Markets can also be useful, especially for colonies far from home. This is why Scrimshaw in particular still hangs on.
3. Again, they're individuals because each is a work of art, made for a specific purpose. Kane cannot control every tiny aspect of the Armada - he needed subordinates that are almost on his level.

4. Tee hee. Once the story update is fully announced and the new Book is revealed, I'll be able to say much more.

Jan 26, 2012
Ethan the baron on Apr 5, 2013 wrote:
Thank you Blind Mew I think you are one of my favorite developers because you talk with us the most and I'm serious about that and sorry about the two three questions my bad and thank you the person who answered my question about bishops nose and sorry about not remembering your name but I am thankful and I have a few more questions for blind mew or anyone who can answer them

1. I know when we received the picture of the people in el dorado Avery said he would talk to cat beard about the map piece but are we going to confront him about it?

2. What are the classes of the armada elites I've figured that rooke is a bucaneer with the heavy armor, shield, and big mace or hammer I think is what he was holding. Bishop is probably witch doctor which also reminds me to ask you I thought the armada outlaw magic so why would they be allowed to use it. I think Kane would be privateer. Queen I believe is a swashbuckler. And Phule I'm not sure is he a witch doctor or use a gun for musketeer.

3. Will the PC ever get another human companion other then him/herself I personally just think it would be cool

4. Besides the pirates parents is their any other family relative like a brother, sister, uncle, etc. that our pirate has and or will meet

5. Will the deacon ever return or be mentioned again in the game we only saw him 4 times at the beginning, Boot Hill, monte royale, and his death spot in mother lode mine I just feel we didn't learn much about him considering he was in my opinion our biggest enemy besides Kane and if you've seen the post about armada companions with blind mew you'll see what I said about deacon returning.

6. Last question how did the armada find us I know why they took us which is how you chose how to get captured but how did they find us and also how and why did brooch beard and gandry know "we were the one that will change everything" what does that mean

This is just a question for you blind mew do you enjoy hearing our questions I know I continue to post questions but are they getting annoying just wondering
And as I always say I would appreciate an answer soon please
Find me in the game
Slick Cody Jones privateer lvl 50
Merciless Ethan Jenkins swashbuckler lvl 44
1. We will follow up with Avery soon - don't worry.

2. Your guess for Rooke is right on. I think I'll wait until they appear to reveal the classes of the rest. We'll be seeing more of them, and soon.

3. That would be cool - we'll look into it.

4. An interesting idea...

5. Don't think so - I'm not into undoing the PCs biggest achievement in the first half of the story by bringing Deacon back to life.

6. You had specific crime that the Armada grabbed you for, but Deacon went out of his way to grab you. Boochbeard and Deacon, likewise, were looking for you in particular. Why? There's been one oblique hint, but all will be revealed...

Jan 26, 2012
Doctor Z on Apr 5, 2013 wrote:
wow know i have some questions!
1: Are wild bill and Jane canary a couple? When you recruit them Jane says to bill you are not getting rid of me that easily
2:Unicorns and Guinea Pigs live in Valencia. But Unicorns are the stars of the show. what about the guinea pigs?
3: Why are do many promotion quests involve Moo Manchu?
4: Does Marleybone know we sprung naploguin and sally?
5: If Ensign Emmet is a pirate why does he have a marleybone military rank?
6: How did gunn get one of Marco Pollo's map pieces?
7: Will the armada make new clockwork enemies?
Quiet Zachary Armstrong
1. We may never say it outright, but they're married.

2. It will be revealed - we'll get to see Valencia pretty close up in good time.

3. Moo was a dear character to me, but as the plot for Books 11 and 12 developed, there wasn't a good way to bring him into the main story. So, we built a big side quest arc for him, and it occurred to me that putting him in a bunch of side quests would be a cool way to introduce him, especially as a hidden mastermind with his evil fingers into everything.

4. I don't think they do yet. If they ever find out, that would be... troublesome.

5. An affectation, more than anything else - the other poster's thoughts about him being a real Privateer aren't far off. Emmett sees himself as Royal Navy in exile.

6. You'll find out.

7. We've got a lot of story left before El Dorado - it'd be kind of boring if they didn't...

Jan 26, 2012
Trimond297 on Apr 8, 2013 wrote:
What kind of clue to the next piece of Marco Pollo's Map did Captain Avery mean by that? I hope it's very invigorating, Blind Mew! I'm itching to see Book 13, and beyond, real soon!

I know how to be patient, but I'm hoping that major story updates don't take too long, Blind Mew, because I'm not that fond of waiting too long for major story updates to come to Pirate101.
Don't worry - you'll find out what Avery's up to soon enough.

The story update is coming - we're working tirelessly on it. It'll be worth the wait, trust me.

May 06, 2009
Blind Mew, I was wondering on another set of things I was hoping you could answer:

1. I'm not exactly sure if you work in the arts department of Pirate101 along with writing the story, but I noticed that the Gold Mine and Dark Jungle in Skull Island used the same layout as Vigrid Roughland in inner Grizzlehiem just cut in half. Was there any particular reason this was done graphically?

2. Are there more worlds to the El Dorado than what is already mentioned and known? So far Polaris, Darkmoor, Krokotopia, Grizzlehiem, Marleybone and Aquila have already been mentioned, but will there be more outside of these 6 before we see El Dorado?

3. Is it possible you can help me create something of a picture of El Dorado? I keep looking it up online but I keep coming to a thesis that it's primary design will mirror Azteca only gold, but I doubt El Dorado holds more Aztecosaurs.

4. Is it easier in terms of creating a Book to work within just one World or do you prefer touching into another here and there? Ex: Book 4 compared to Book 6

5. If Pirates were to sail to Krokotopia, how is it that the Kroks still have the Manders enslave (choosing Krokotopia for character creation) if the Wizards took care of that? Or Wizards didn't exactly free them?

6. During the Polarian Wars, it was stated that Grizzlehiem played a role of neutrality. Are there more neutral Worlds and does Grizzlehiem still hold it's neutral power?

7. Last one: For players that choose Grizzlehiem and Krokotopia as their raised home land, that would sort of imply that these worlds would need to appear in order to do a foster parent quest. Sometimes I get the feeling there are not enough books to worlds (depends on how big these worlds will be) in order to complete this quest (if it does come out). Would it be easer just to place an NPC from this world in one of the story Worlds and it could be like a "Hey! How did you get here? It's been a while" moment? But going to Grizzlehiem is nice too.


Community Leader
I am posting a question for myself and for others who cannot post on this board. I thought their questions were very interesting, so here they are! :)

Can you give us the background on Duck of Death? (from Dux Ducis Gooden)
Where did he come from? Why did he turn evil? Was he originally evil? Which world is he really from? I just wonder because the Darkmoor ships' flags has Duck symbols... Darkmoor = Ducks? (From Me)

Btw, are the doors in Monsquista as well as Port Regal intentionally that small? I can't imagine myself being able to stuff myself through those doors. They seem way too small. Monsquista's doors seem SLIGHTLY bigger than Port Regal. But still.. I can't wrap my head around it LOL. Can you explain this? (From Me, lol)

Why are all the Starter Companions from Mooshu AND on the same Prison Ship as us? (From Sheldon Cooper)

Thank you!

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May 02, 2009
Blind Mew on Apr 9, 2013 wrote:
1. We will follow up with Avery soon - don't worry.

2. Your guess for Rooke is right on. I think I'll wait until they appear to reveal the classes of the rest. We'll be seeing more of them, and soon.

3. That would be cool - we'll look into it.

4. An interesting idea...

5. Don't think so - I'm not into undoing the PCs biggest achievement in the first half of the story by bringing Deacon back to life.

6. You had specific crime that the Armada grabbed you for, but Deacon went out of his way to grab you. Boochbeard and Deacon, likewise, were looking for you in particular. Why? There's been one oblique hint, but all will be revealed...
I think I know that oblique hint. Is it the fact that your parents (or mother at least) went to El Dorado so the Armada and Boochbead and Gandry think that you have some sort of key that will lead them to it?

Petty Officer
Dec 05, 2009
love all the insights and clarification Blind Mew i have a couple questions.

1:why does captain Avery trust us pirates? after all Fin has betrayed him.

2:the armada seems to have the resources, why don't they invade skull island and take over?

3:why are there clockwork birds in cool ranch? did i miss something?

4:just curious, are you a gamer? do you play pirate101 and/or wizard101

Dylan level 50 musketeer

Gunner's Mate
Nov 01, 2012
Blind Mew on Apr 9, 2013 wrote:
1. We will follow up with Avery soon - don't worry.

2. Your guess for Rooke is right on. I think I'll wait until they appear to reveal the classes of the rest. We'll be seeing more of them, and soon.

3. That would be cool - we'll look into it.

4. An interesting idea...

5. Don't think so - I'm not into undoing the PCs biggest achievement in the first half of the story by bringing Deacon back to life.

6. You had specific crime that the Armada grabbed you for, but Deacon went out of his way to grab you. Boochbeard and Deacon, likewise, were looking for you in particular. Why? There's been one oblique hint, but all will be revealed...
Thank you blind mew for the answers I really appreciate it I have a few more questions you are just making me ask more and more I am getting really excited about the next update by the way. And also before I forget can you please check my response to the armada companions talk I think I have a good idea how to make everyone happy

1. When I was doing Sarah steeles 2nd promotion quest I can't remember who but i distinctly remember these words "Don't trust her captain Sarah is sneaky she will betray you" or something like that I know you answered I think a question about companions betraying us but is this foreshadowing that she and the others (barnabus, Louis le bisque, Mormo, and Emmett) will be the ones to betray us?

2. When we killed deacon and eventually the other elites will Kane find replacements for their positions (I also said this in my adding deacon as a companion talk) because in the armada puppet show it said deacon is Kane's spymaster and I think that is a very Important role so wouldn't someone else have to take that role?

3. I know that Napoleguin was betrayed by his people and the armada captured him and put him in fort Elena but will we ever help him get back his throne in Polaris because I know he went with gortez to help him win the war in monquista.

4. You told me that in future updates that people we have seen before (catbeard, calico jake, etc.) would become our companions but does that include old and new enemies (brass monkey, moo Manchu, captain blood, etc.)

5. What is up with phule? Everybody most likely knows he is two-faced but does that mean he is two different people or just that one side is good and one evil?

6. Wyatt chirp died and all we know about him was that he was the leader and the one who made the magnificent seven. But will we ever go into him I think he is an interesting character and deserves a bigger role in the main story

7. Someone else asked the question why is the starter companion in a cell with us? I also would like to know why and why the armada got him?

8. Moo Manchu was mentioned and seen a lot in MS why wasn't he in the main storyline he seems like an important character and also will we be seeing him again

9. My final question concerns the pirates father because he wasn't in the picture of el dorado and he didn't speak in the crystal caves in the gortez duengeon why is that and will we ever hear anything about him because so far we know more about our mother than our father you also said deacon found us for a specific reason and I have another crazy theory which I'm pretty sure is wrong but is deacon or Kane or any of the armada our father? This also brings me to the other part which is was anyone of the armada elites or armada period used to be a human but was turned into a clockwork with some machine

Those are all my questions blind mew I would appreciate an answer soon please thank you

Find me
Slick Cody Jones privateer lvl 50
Merciless Ethan Jenkins swashbuckler lvl 49

Petty Officer
Nov 05, 2009
Blind Mew on Feb 12, 2013 wrote:
I can confirm nothing. But I will say a guest appearance by one of those two is far more likely than the other.
Its gonna be Malistare isn't it? He has all ready had 1 sort of guest appearance from the Puppet Show in Mooshu so we will probably see him again.

Petty Officer
Nov 05, 2009
I've got some questions too that I'd like you too answer too Blind Mew
1. What is your favorite class in Pirate101?
2. If you could have any Wizard101 creature as a companion what would they be?
3. If Blind Mew was an ally or companion in the game, what class do you think they would be?
4. Is there any spoilers you can tell us about Chapter 13?
5. Like in Wizard101 will their be any celebrity guest stars?
6. Will their ever be a companion or an NPC of one of the PC's friends before they got captured? e.g. when you click Swashbuckler to be your class Boochbeard says "So you assulted an Armada officer while defending your Best Friends Honor?"
7. Will any of the side companions get a promotion? I really like some of them like Froggo Villa but I don't use them that much anymore because they don't stack up too my other companions.

Hope you take the time to answer my questions

Dashing Roberto Sharp Level 50

Jan 26, 2012
Cunning Finnigan S... on Apr 10, 2013 wrote:
Blind Mew, I was wondering on another set of things I was hoping you could answer:

1. I'm not exactly sure if you work in the arts department of Pirate101 along with writing the story, but I noticed that the Gold Mine and Dark Jungle in Skull Island used the same layout as Vigrid Roughland in inner Grizzlehiem just cut in half. Was there any particular reason this was done graphically?

2. Are there more worlds to the El Dorado than what is already mentioned and known? So far Polaris, Darkmoor, Krokotopia, Grizzlehiem, Marleybone and Aquila have already been mentioned, but will there be more outside of these 6 before we see El Dorado?

3. Is it possible you can help me create something of a picture of El Dorado? I keep looking it up online but I keep coming to a thesis that it's primary design will mirror Azteca only gold, but I doubt El Dorado holds more Aztecosaurs.

4. Is it easier in terms of creating a Book to work within just one World or do you prefer touching into another here and there? Ex: Book 4 compared to Book 6

5. If Pirates were to sail to Krokotopia, how is it that the Kroks still have the Manders enslave (choosing Krokotopia for character creation) if the Wizards took care of that? Or Wizards didn't exactly free them?

6. During the Polarian Wars, it was stated that Grizzlehiem played a role of neutrality. Are there more neutral Worlds and does Grizzlehiem still hold it's neutral power?

7. Last one: For players that choose Grizzlehiem and Krokotopia as their raised home land, that would sort of imply that these worlds would need to appear in order to do a foster parent quest. Sometimes I get the feeling there are not enough books to worlds (depends on how big these worlds will be) in order to complete this quest (if it does come out). Would it be easer just to place an NPC from this world in one of the story Worlds and it could be like a "Hey! How did you get here? It's been a while" moment? But going to Grizzlehiem is nice too.

1. I don't work in the Art Department, but i certainly work with them very closely - me and my staff create all the vision documents (short descriptions) for all of the environment and character assets they produce, and we give feedback throughout the process of building them. As to the Isle of Doom areas - good eye! We did indeed re-use some terrain from Wizard. The decision to re-use was an experiment, based primarily on time: everything we do involves balancing the story we want to tell with the time it will take artists and designers to build it. At that point in development, we'd realized we needed "cards" (large exterior terrain spaces) and dungeons: small islands and skyway sailing weren't enough to sustain play and tell a good story. We were interested in seeing if re-purposing existing environments would save us time: the ultimate answer was "not really." Thus, the exterior spaces we've created since have been pretty custom.

2. Just because a world has been mentioned doesn't mean we'll go there on the road to El Dorado. And there may well be worlds as yet unmentioned that have a part to play. Other than El Dorado itself (it'd be rally lame if we didn't go there), I'm going to remain tight-lipped about our future destinations.

3. Nope. All info about El Dorado, especially what it looks like, will only be revealed as the PC discovers it. That glimpse in Avery's puppet show will have to do for now.

4. From a story standpoint, it doesn't make much difference. From a production standpoint, a new world mean lots of new art - the skies themselves take a lot of effort to develop (color, look of the clouds, etc). As a result, you'll notice that even when we do use multiple worlds in a Book, one of them is an existing world (Book 4 is a good example: lots of Skull Island and Valencia. Avernus really doesn't count).

5. If (and note that's a BIG IF, not a when), the story might ever go to Krok, we'd have to decide to what degree the Wizard story has or hasn't happened, and how it affects our plot - just as we did in MooShu. Why couldn't our version of Krok have free Manders?

6. Oh sure - there were plenty of neutral worlds. As to Grizzleheim, the war's over so the question of their neutrality is kind of moot.

7. It MIGHT imply that, but see answer 2 above. You yourself have provided a perfect way for us to use background worlds we don't go to. Yeah, we'd do something like that.

Jan 26, 2012
Kelsey Fireheart on Apr 10, 2013 wrote:
I am posting a question for myself and for others who cannot post on this board. I thought their questions were very interesting, so here they are! :)

Can you give us the background on Duck of Death? (from Dux Ducis Gooden)
Where did he come from? Why did he turn evil? Was he originally evil? Which world is he really from? I just wonder because the Darkmoor ships' flags has Duck symbols... Darkmoor = Ducks? (From Me)

Btw, are the doors in Monsquista as well as Port Regal intentionally that small? I can't imagine myself being able to stuff myself through those doors. They seem way too small. Monsquista's doors seem SLIGHTLY bigger than Port Regal. But still.. I can't wrap my head around it LOL. Can you explain this? (From Me, lol)

Why are all the Starter Companions from Mooshu AND on the same Prison Ship as us? (From Sheldon Cooper)

Thank you!
I'm going to hold off on the Duck of Death for now, other to say that he was originally from Cool Ranch but got corrupted someplace else - very likely Darkmoor. It may be that we haven't seen the last of him...

Yes, Monquistan doors (and buildings, for that matter) are deliberately small. Our goal with the Monquistans was to make their buildings really small, to emphasize how short they are (the fact that they're constantly making quips about your height reinforces this). If you notice, second story balconies fall at about eye level for your character. For the few buildings you must enter that aren't grand like palaces or cathedrals, we're presuming the PC has to crawl in.

They all ran afoul of the Armada, and got arrested for doing something, just like you. What exactly? I don't know that it matters, but it's always a point we might come back to someday.

Jan 26, 2012
coolster50 on Apr 10, 2013 wrote:
I think I know that oblique hint. Is it the fact that your parents (or mother at least) went to El Dorado so the Armada and Boochbead and Gandry think that you have some sort of key that will lead them to it?
That would be telling, though I will say that the notion you might know how to get a Map piece would make you very attractive to Kane (and thus Deacon).

Jan 26, 2012
Daft Dylan on Apr 10, 2013 wrote:
love all the insights and clarification Blind Mew i have a couple questions.

1:why does captain Avery trust us pirates? after all Fin has betrayed him.

2:the armada seems to have the resources, why don't they invade skull island and take over?

3:why are there clockwork birds in cool ranch? did i miss something?

4:just curious, are you a gamer? do you play pirate101 and/or wizard101

Dylan level 50 musketeer
1. Well, he is a pirate himself, and knows what to expect. As he himself says, what else does he have to work with?

2. I gave a similar answer to this about Marleybone and Monquista in an earlier post: Risk and Cost vs. Results. There was deifintely something Kane wanted in Skull Island, and he was going about getting it with as little effort as possible. Also, the Armada is already at war with one of the most powerful realms in the Spiral - why start another conflict?

3. That would be telling. They turn up int he darndest places, though, don't they?

4. Dude, I've been playing old school RPGs (the kind you roll dice with) for more than 30 years. As to computer games, I love MMOs, and have played many, but don't have the time to seriously invest in one now. Beyond getting my feet wet for tone and feel of the Spiral, I must admit I haven't played much Wizard101.

Jan 26, 2012
Ethan the baron on Apr 11, 2013 wrote:
Thank you blind mew for the answers I really appreciate it I have a few more questions you are just making me ask more and more I am getting really excited about the next update by the way. And also before I forget can you please check my response to the armada companions talk I think I have a good idea how to make everyone happy

1. When I was doing Sarah steeles 2nd promotion quest I can't remember who but i distinctly remember these words "Don't trust her captain Sarah is sneaky she will betray you" or something like that I know you answered I think a question about companions betraying us but is this foreshadowing that she and the others (barnabus, Louis le bisque, Mormo, and Emmett) will be the ones to betray us?

2. When we killed deacon and eventually the other elites will Kane find replacements for their positions (I also said this in my adding deacon as a companion talk) because in the armada puppet show it said deacon is Kane's spymaster and I think that is a very Important role so wouldn't someone else have to take that role?

3. I know that Napoleguin was betrayed by his people and the armada captured him and put him in fort Elena but will we ever help him get back his throne in Polaris because I know he went with gortez to help him win the war in monquista.

4. You told me that in future updates that people we have seen before (catbeard, calico jake, etc.) would become our companions but does that include old and new enemies (brass monkey, moo Manchu, captain blood, etc.)

5. What is up with phule? Everybody most likely knows he is two-faced but does that mean he is two different people or just that one side is good and one evil?

6. Wyatt chirp died and all we know about him was that he was the leader and the one who made the magnificent seven. But will we ever go into him I think he is an interesting character and deserves a bigger role in the main story

7. Someone else asked the question why is the starter companion in a cell with us? I also would like to know why and why the armada got him?

8. Moo Manchu was mentioned and seen a lot in MS why wasn't he in the main storyline he seems like an important character and also will we be seeing him again

9. My final question concerns the pirates father because he wasn't in the picture of el dorado and he didn't speak in the crystal caves in the gortez duengeon why is that and will we ever hear anything about him because so far we know more about our mother than our father you also said deacon found us for a specific reason and I have another crazy theory which I'm pretty sure is wrong but is deacon or Kane or any of the armada our father? This also brings me to the other part which is was anyone of the armada elites or armada period used to be a human but was turned into a clockwork with some machine

Those are all my questions blind mew I would appreciate an answer soon please thank you

Find me
Slick Cody Jones privateer lvl 50
Merciless Ethan Jenkins swashbuckler lvl 49
1. Maybe... Then again, look at who was talking. Do you trust Mick Dagger more than Sarah Steele?

2. Deacon's destruction had put a bit of a crimp in Kane's schemes. How he compensates will be a factor in future Books.

3. That would be telling. I love to plat seeds in the plot and have them bear fruit later - the Clockwork Birds are one. Napoleguin would certainly be fun to bring back...

4. Maybe. Given the number of enemies who've joined you already, I'd say the idea is farfetched.

5. Phule is... an interesting case. We'll be getting to know him and the other Elites much better... in good time.

6. See, I have almost the opposite reaction - he is a great character, but I think the Main Story does just fine without him. Having a world with such rich elements that we don't follow up on is pretty cool, and shows how rich the Spiral is. I love all the things that are touched but never elaborated on in Tolkien, for instance, and the obsession with filling in every detail about C-3PO and Boba Fet in the Star Wars prequels bugged me. Whenever you bring a semi mysterious character into full view, there's a risk that the official explanation will never live up to expectations, and the character will get diminished as a result.

7. I'll repeat my previous answer - does it matter?

8. He's great, and I love him dearly. If given a chance to bring him back, I'll do it in an instant. It's nice to have a stable of cool characters that aren't tied to the Main Story that we can use in promotion quests, trainer quests, or for other nefarious purposes.

9. I think he does speak in the crystal caves if I'm not mistaken. As to details, again, that would be telling. Having Kane be the character's father is an interesting idea, but it feels very unlikely to me - not only would it fundamentally change the nature of the character, but doing that would be a bit too derivative of a certain sci fi sequel that was a pillar of my childhood. Such a move would carry things way beyond quoting lines, nods and winks, or loving homage, I think. The nature of the Elites and their origins will be explored in good time.

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
So, if Rooke, Bonnie Anne's pretty much her own target and nemesis to destroy herself, is more likely a Buccaneer, then Bishop is also in the Witchdoctor class, as he is quite the nemesis to Hoodoo itself (and pretty much soon to be Old Scratch's nemesis, just thinking), Deacon is part Musketeer, becuase he does very well with his guns, and Phule is somewhat likely a Privateer, if my guesses are correct, are they not? He led the Armada Servus Captains to take the El Dorado Map piece from the PC and the crew back in the Bruno Chapel instance in Valencia. He might not be the most reliable of the Elites, nor the most predictable, but I think he might be made an inspiring leader of sorts, under certain orders from Kane, that is. I wonder if there's another Armada Clockwork Elite being part Swashbuckler? Hey, can certain Companions have their own Clockwork Elite nemeses to beat? The MooShu 5 had their nemeses, Deacon, and destroyed him. I think Ratbeard may have one soon.

Blind Mew, would you like to be a narrator starring in your very own puppet show in the game one day soon? Just a thought, mind you, but a good one, none the less. It would be very thrilling to see Blind Mew himself tell a tale or two in his own puppet shows! I might be looking forward to that really soon!

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Blind Mew on Apr 11, 2013 wrote:
1. Maybe... Then again, look at who was talking. Do you trust Mick Dagger more than Sarah Steele?

2. Deacon's destruction had put a bit of a crimp in Kane's schemes. How he compensates will be a factor in future Books.

3. That would be telling. I love to plat seeds in the plot and have them bear fruit later - the Clockwork Birds are one. Napoleguin would certainly be fun to bring back...

4. Maybe. Given the number of enemies who've joined you already, I'd say the idea is farfetched.

5. Phule is... an interesting case. We'll be getting to know him and the other Elites much better... in good time.

6. See, I have almost the opposite reaction - he is a great character, but I think the Main Story does just fine without him. Having a world with such rich elements that we don't follow up on is pretty cool, and shows how rich the Spiral is. I love all the things that are touched but never elaborated on in Tolkien, for instance, and the obsession with filling in every detail about C-3PO and Boba Fet in the Star Wars prequels bugged me. Whenever you bring a semi mysterious character into full view, there's a risk that the official explanation will never live up to expectations, and the character will get diminished as a result.

7. I'll repeat my previous answer - does it matter?

8. He's great, and I love him dearly. If given a chance to bring him back, I'll do it in an instant. It's nice to have a stable of cool characters that aren't tied to the Main Story that we can use in promotion quests, trainer quests, or for other nefarious purposes.

9. I think he does speak in the crystal caves if I'm not mistaken. As to details, again, that would be telling. Having Kane be the character's father is an interesting idea, but it feels very unlikely to me - not only would it fundamentally change the nature of the character, but doing that would be a bit too derivative of a certain sci fi sequel that was a pillar of my childhood. Such a move would carry things way beyond quoting lines, nods and winks, or loving homage, I think. The nature of the Elites and their origins will be explored in good time.
Mick Dagger was just trying to turn their minds around, but it didn't work. I wouldn't worry. She's completely loyal to the PC Swashbuckler, no matter what.

Now that I've beaten Moo Manchu and his scheme, Sarah Steele finally got her chance to destroy the Black Pearl forever, and she succeeded, am I right? I wish I could see her do that. Now that she's done with the Black Pearl, what's she going to do next?

The Waponi Water Moles' crazy thought to destroy Gunn's gold by sacrificing it to the volcano and turn against Ratbeard was hilarious! I enjoyed it! He was using them to find Gunn's treasure, but the tides have turned. Some Water Moles have such strange, crazy ways. I'll never know how their minds work. Chumba Wumba was a great opponent to battle because he was their leader, right? It would be a twisting shocker, but would Chumba Wumba be brought back to life by the Armada after he jumped into the volcano and legionized him as an ally, along with much of his body burned, scarred by the lava, covered by welding much mechinal pieces to him? It would be shocking to see the Waponi Water Moles back again for revenge after their sacrifice was interupted and the Waponis, being the Armada's newest batch of allies, enraged by disgrace. I would like to see Chumba Wumba again as a returning enemy someday. It could happen.

Petty Officer
Jun 06, 2009
I've read a lot that wonders why the Armada was looking for us. Two questions:
1: Did someone in the Armada think we had a map piece before the game story began?
2: Did we? Do we?

Jan 26, 2012
Dashing Roberto Sh... on Apr 11, 2013 wrote:
I've got some questions too that I'd like you too answer too Blind Mew
1. What is your favorite class in Pirate101?
2. If you could have any Wizard101 creature as a companion what would they be?
3. If Blind Mew was an ally or companion in the game, what class do you think they would be?
4. Is there any spoilers you can tell us about Chapter 13?
5. Like in Wizard101 will their be any celebrity guest stars?
6. Will their ever be a companion or an NPC of one of the PC's friends before they got captured? e.g. when you click Swashbuckler to be your class Boochbeard says "So you assulted an Armada officer while defending your Best Friends Honor?"
7. Will any of the side companions get a promotion? I really like some of them like Froggo Villa but I don't use them that much anymore because they don't stack up too my other companions.

Hope you take the time to answer my questions

Dashing Roberto Sharp Level 50
1. I pretty much only play Musketeers. I love them.

2. I think a Mander.

3. Mew? Yikes. Hadn't thought about it, really. I expect a Swashbuckler - he can be surprisingly sneaky...

4. See many previous posts. It's a war story, and it's about consequences.

5. Don't know.

6. An interesting idea - we're going to delve a lot more into the PCs background int he future, as the Presidio Companions keep promoting.

7. If by "promotion" you mean will they upgrade, then yeah, most of them do - it's just that anybody who shows up in Cool Ranch or later may not have had time to promote yet - we like to stagger 'em out.

Jul 27, 2012
Blind Mew on Apr 11, 2013 wrote:
That would be telling, though I will say that the notion you might know how to get a Map piece would make you very attractive to Kane (and thus Deacon).
Gulp. Well, the Armada have access to all Pollo's papers and books, so it makes sense that they have an idea of where the various map pieces went. So, in other words, our story begins as we are kidnapped for information the Armada thinks we have, but of course we don't. Eeek. The implications are not good. (and thank you again Blind Mew for being so kind and willing to inform and tease all us storylovers!)
Virtuous Anne Radcliffe

Community Leader
Don't tell me ... we had the last piece of the map all along? Let me guess, it's in the raft? Esp when our parents left it to us.. I bet the Avery and the Armada Elite won't expect it either.. So many possibilities ;) Can't wait to find out if our theorycrafting was correct or wayyyyy off the mark LOL

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