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Story Thread 1: A few story questions...

Jan 26, 2012
CaptainFlint193 on Feb 2, 2013 wrote:
Bonnie Anne's background? Ok, you are making me drool with excitement for these stories....

Well, let me ask this: what other backgrounds will we learn about? Old Scratch when he was alive? Ensign Emmett's reason to turn pirate? You are just making us ask EVEN MORE questions, Blind Mew!
Making you ask more questions?

Well yeah! That's the name of the game, isn't it?

Interesting thing about Companions - in the original design, they were never going to talk. Originally, Boochbeard was going to serve the role of Narrator, much like Grandmother Raven for Wizard. But as the Skull Island chapters were being written, we hit upon the idea. And suddenly, all these characters started coming to life. (And suddenly I had to go back to ALL the Cool Ranch quests and insert Companion dialogue - fun!)

The same for promo quests - back before Companions started talking, promo quests were going to be pretty darn simple: maybe a gather goal or two attached to the standard "Gimme gold to upgrade me!" exercise that most Companions have now. Once they could talk, however, they demanded full-on quests. And, as we crafted them, we realized they could go even deeper, story-wise, than standard quests.

So, it may surprise you to know that I don't really have extensive backgrounds on a lot of them - when first conceived, all that was required was that they look great and be distinctive. The way the Promo Quests are typically done, I'll write them after the Main Story of a given book is finished. I look at themes and locations, then figure out what to do from there, and if the story demands we delve into background, we make it up then to suit. So I'm afraid I don't have an answer to your questions yet. But I will...

Jan 26, 2012
CaptainFlint193 on Feb 2, 2013 wrote:
Oh, I forgot...

How many promotions per storyline companion will there be? I always thought some of the promotions like 'Subodai - Horse Khan' and 'Bonnie Anne - Fox Sniper' were kinda final. They sound final, anyway. I mean, how can you top a khan? Or a sniper? Old Scratch might have a promotion in his future...'Undead Houngan' sounds kinda mighty, but I can see 'Hoodoo God' or something....

So yeah. There's a lot finality in some of these promotion titles. 'Dog Corsair', 'Otter Commander', 'Undead Avenger'...the Avenger one was especially misleading. I assumed it meant he had avenged his former captain....until you fooled me with the whole 'preservation' quest.

So yeah. What companion stories can we look forward too? Do I dare ask, what can we expect from the Magnificent Seven's promotion quest? They just seem so fascinating, I can't get my mind off of them!
There will always be a different number of promotions for different Companions (after all, Monkey King doesn't show up until more than halfway through the El Dorado Story!) - and I agree, it'll be tough to top some of the Tier 2 to 3 ones. But we'll hit them in good time...

As to the Seven, I don't want to ratchet up expectations too far. I will say, the sheer size of the coming update has kept me from lavishing the attention on them that I'd have liked - like the 3 Monks, for their first promotion they'll all use essentially the same quest. Next time they promote (Book 17 or 18, I should think), they'll get the royal treatment - the second promo is when we tend to dig deep.

Aug 18, 2011
Blind Mew on Feb 4, 2013 wrote:
Making you ask more questions?

Well yeah! That's the name of the game, isn't it?

Interesting thing about Companions - in the original design, they were never going to talk. Originally, Boochbeard was going to serve the role of Narrator, much like Grandmother Raven for Wizard. But as the Skull Island chapters were being written, we hit upon the idea. And suddenly, all these characters started coming to life. (And suddenly I had to go back to ALL the Cool Ranch quests and insert Companion dialogue - fun!)

The same for promo quests - back before Companions started talking, promo quests were going to be pretty darn simple: maybe a gather goal or two attached to the standard "Gimme gold to upgrade me!" exercise that most Companions have now. Once they could talk, however, they demanded full-on quests. And, as we crafted them, we realized they could go even deeper, story-wise, than standard quests.

So, it may surprise you to know that I don't really have extensive backgrounds on a lot of them - when first conceived, all that was required was that they look great and be distinctive. The way the Promo Quests are typically done, I'll write them after the Main Story of a given book is finished. I look at themes and locations, then figure out what to do from there, and if the story demands we delve into background, we make it up then to suit. So I'm afraid I don't have an answer to your questions yet. But I will...
First thing, I'm really glad that you guys gave the companions dialogue it's hilarious when Bonnie Anne and Ratbeard especially start bickering with each other.

And Secondly, speaking of Boochbeard... are we going to ever see/talk with him again? And I don't mean whenever he informs his where we last left off when we first log in. He and Mr. Gandry appear at the Traveling Medicine Show in Cool Ranch. But are we going to ever have to get them out of a jam because of the armada? Wouldn't we be like owing them a favor for busting us out of Deacon's ship's brig? Since they did pretty much save our lives from the armada.

Crafty Kiley Hawkins Lv: 50

P.S: Dangit... I've been thinking way to much of that Book of Favors that the Frogfather and Toady talk about in Gullet...

May 21, 2009
Blind Mew on Feb 4, 2013 wrote:
There will always be a different number of promotions for different Companions (after all, Monkey King doesn't show up until more than halfway through the El Dorado Story!) - and I agree, it'll be tough to top some of the Tier 2 to 3 ones. But we'll hit them in good time...

As to the Seven, I don't want to ratchet up expectations too far. I will say, the sheer size of the coming update has kept me from lavishing the attention on them that I'd have liked - like the 3 Monks, for their first promotion they'll all use essentially the same quest. Next time they promote (Book 17 or 18, I should think), they'll get the royal treatment - the second promo is when we tend to dig deep.

Blind Mew, you are awesome! As a writer I love telling EVERYONE'S story, not just the main character. I really hope I'm not pestering you with questions...but I do have loads more....

1. What can we expect from Monkey King's promotion quests? Or rather, in your case, what teasers can you hand to us like ducklings begging for bits of bread? He seems to have a lot of sins under his belt.
2. You said the Magnificent Seven will be getting the royal treatment...whose other's backgrounds can we expect to dive into? I know you said you don't know all of their backgrounds right off the bat, but do you have any stories we should expect to hear?
3. Sheer size of the coming update...hmmm....does that mean we can expect a massive increase in side-arcs, locations, and dangerous new foes?
4. I love the side-arcs. I found the side-arc about the question of whether the Banana or the Tree came first really funny and that story of Moo Manchu quite deliciously nefarious. Are any more going to be tied closely to the main storyline? I was just confused since Moo Manchu features in the 'MooShu' storyline and yet he only appears majorly in the Kraken Skulls companion promotion quests and his own side arc.
5. Speaking of Monquistan politics...can we expect a return to Monquista anytime soon? It seems we left A LOT untouched. We just know civil war has been declared, the Monkey's Paw should help the Noble Houses rally troops, and the problem of the Monquisition kinda untouched. It seems like we just helped the Opposition get now-powerless trinket to show off to the Nobles, the same thing with the Sword of St. Simian.
6. Napoleguin - Can we expect his return to the plotline in any way whatsoever?
7. How did Captain Gunn get a piece of Marco Pollo's map?

May 02, 2009
coolster50 on Jan 31, 2013 wrote:
1:I thought Catbeard gave his peice of the map to Captain Gunn and that's how he got it.
2:How vast did the Titans' War make the Spiral?
3: How about we meet and befriend (aka beat up and recriut) a Wizard City wizard for some unknown reason?
4: Are we ever going to defeat Huan the Barbain-Khan of the Amber Horde, for a side quest?
5:Won't we need a windstone to got to El Dorado?
6:Why are the're two stormgates to Aquila and three Stormgates to Valencia when we can only use one of them?
For number 1, I typed it wrong. I more meant to say, 'I quessed Gunn stole, smuggled, tricked, etc. it away from Catbeard and Catbeard thought it was useless you had all the peices so he didn't make a HUGE fuss over it.

May 02, 2009
I feel like a little kid when I ask so many questions:

  • Are companions like the Watermole Slingman and Crazy Monquisatdor ever gonna get a promotion (or at least ask for more pay)
  • How many more worlds do you quess you will create before we reach El Dorado (p.s. can you make the entire voyage to El Dorado an instanced dungeon)
  • Is it hard to write quests and storylines?
  • Will we get class restricted pets?
  • Will there be musketeer pets in the future?
  • Who or what created the Windlanes and how come Wizards never seen any?
  • I feel like i'm asking too many questions so I'll stop here: Are any villians going to cross games like some villian from wizard101 is driven to the outskirts of that world because of legends of powerful weapons and armor or vise versa a villian is driven inward of that world because of legends of powerful sorcerers.

Dead-Eye Phillip Laveer Level 50 Pirvateer

Feb 01, 2013
How do you reset abilities for your pirate?
I have new talents that I want to replace my old.

Jun 16, 2009
Of course there is also the war between Valencia and Marleybone. The whole Spiral seems to be on the brink of chaos. At this point, can one pirate really make that big of a difference?

Petty Officer
Jun 28, 2011
Blind Mew on Jan 28, 2013 wrote:
Blind Mew? I already thought it strained credulity for him to appear anywhere in Skull Island where he was needed - for him to suddenly pop in on a world in the distant Spiral would be too much, unless he were a secret agent for Royal Intelligence or something. Hmmmmmmm...

Ah, promotion quests. They were an idea we hit upon rather late in development - they let us tell some really cool stories, and I think they added a ton to the game. They also take a LOT of work to do well. To give every companion a promotion quest for every promotion would require more quests than are currently in the game, main and sides put together. Not something I'm prepared to commit to - I've got a main story to finish! That said, more promotion quests are coming, and some of the more colorful companions who appear late in the game will get them going forward - it's just not obvious yet because they won't promote until Book 16 or whatever. The Magnificent 7 will promote, with a quest.

The other 40% - you expect a straight answer? That would be telling. But, I can say this: getting the rest of the Map is a big part of it, (and getting the pieces Kane has will be quite an obstacle). There's another major storyline and quest that is NOT map related that offers a little diversion from that. There will be twists and betrayals along the way, the consequences of actions taken in haste, lots of attention will be paid to the mystery surrounding the PCs parents, and El Dorado features prominently in the climax.

We've laid out the primary PC goals for the story - to get to El Dorado and stop Kane. The real questions for the back half of the Main Story is: what does Kane want? Where did the Armada come from? Why is Kane building that Machine - what's it for? Why does Kane want what he wants? Can he be stopped?
Uh oh betrayal? you had me at betrayal Blind Mew. What do you mean Twists and "Betrayal" along the way? are our Companions going to betray us during the story?

May 06, 2009
Ulyseus on Feb 4, 2013 wrote:
How do you reset abilities for your pirate?
I have new talents that I want to replace my old.
For companions you can reset any abilities, talents, or powers added on top of there base ability by clicking the 'Reset' button found right next to the 'Train' button. This will cost Gold for Members and Crowns for Non-members. For example, if Companion X knows Riposte when you get him and give him Vengeance Strike, Accuracy1,2,3 and Tough1,2, then you will be able to replace Vengeance Strike, Accuracy, and Tough, but not the Riposte. Even if you really don't like it, it is the companion's natural ability.

For your actual Pirate player, you are able to buy back any Practice Points, like in Wizard101, and train for something else. I don't think you can return and powers that of your Player's class, but definately any learned Talents like Lucky, Tough, Rough, Dodgy. Accuracy, Hurl Knife, Mighty Charge, Rouse, Ghostwail, (you get the point right?)

Happy Training!

Cunnining Finnigan Sharp
Level 17 Swashbuckler

Aug 23, 2011
iceblade1233 on Feb 6, 2013 wrote:
Uh oh betrayal? you had me at betrayal Blind Mew. What do you mean Twists and "Betrayal" along the way? are our Companions going to betray us during the story?
I will be sooooo upset if Bonnie Anne betrays me. And Sarah Steele, though it did hint in her first promotion that she had betrayed her first captain. Hmmm... Anyway, I saw some people talking about how to avenge your parents, and since I chose the storm one, I too am wondering how I am suppose to fight a storm. (Die, storm, die) Anyway, what if there could be a little twist like, the armada chased them into it, sabatoged their ship and whatnot. Also, I was thinking... We know how Dead Mike is still alive after our parents death, but what about the others... How did that guinea pig guard thing escape the Armada, along with the other stories. Gosh, I shouldn't have read this, know I'm going to be muling this over until the next chapter comes out...

Petty Officer
Jun 28, 2011
Clever Kestrel on Feb 9, 2013 wrote:
I will be sooooo upset if Bonnie Anne betrays me. And Sarah Steele, though it did hint in her first promotion that she had betrayed her first captain. Hmmm... Anyway, I saw some people talking about how to avenge your parents, and since I chose the storm one, I too am wondering how I am suppose to fight a storm. (Die, storm, die) Anyway, what if there could be a little twist like, the armada chased them into it, sabatoged their ship and whatnot. Also, I was thinking... We know how Dead Mike is still alive after our parents death, but what about the others... How did that guinea pig guard thing escape the Armada, along with the other stories. Gosh, I shouldn't have read this, know I'm going to be muling this over until the next chapter comes out...
not really about battling a storm. but battling a storm generator? i have theories of how the parents died involving the armada

Blasted by the Armada: they got blasted thats it

Mutiny: the Armada might of hired pirates to kill our parents

Storm: Remember the Armada's machine in Valencia? that it might of created a storm killing our parents

Sky Squid: the Armada might of fed our parents to the sky squid

Lost at Sea: going back to the machine in Valencia. the Armada might of created a tornado blowing/killing our parents away.

easy to explain

Jan 26, 2012
Crafty Kiley Hawki... on Feb 4, 2013 wrote:
First thing, I'm really glad that you guys gave the companions dialogue it's hilarious when Bonnie Anne and Ratbeard especially start bickering with each other.

And Secondly, speaking of Boochbeard... are we going to ever see/talk with him again? And I don't mean whenever he informs his where we last left off when we first log in. He and Mr. Gandry appear at the Traveling Medicine Show in Cool Ranch. But are we going to ever have to get them out of a jam because of the armada? Wouldn't we be like owing them a favor for busting us out of Deacon's ship's brig? Since they did pretty much save our lives from the armada.

Crafty Kiley Hawkins Lv: 50

P.S: Dangit... I've been thinking way to much of that Book of Favors that the Frogfather and Toady talk about in Gullet...
Companion banter is one of may favorite things to write (even though it takes up a lot of characters sometimes). In the next update there will be a lot more, and some of it will move from bickering to arguing.

The role of Boochbeard slowly changed over the course of development - he stopped being a Merle Ambrose analog, and turned into our player intermediary: he breaks the 4th wall, and can tell you about buttons, keys, and clicking where no character ever will. He's invaluable in that capacity, but sadly that relegates him to tool tips, tutorials, and what not.

I've toyed with the idea that he may not even exist - he's your imaginary friend, but that was a little too wierd.

That said, I have one or two ideas for how to integrate him physically into the game for some future bits. We'll see if we can pull them off. Long story short, i miss him too, and we're looking into it.

Jan 26, 2012
CaptainFlint193 on Feb 4, 2013 wrote:

Blind Mew, you are awesome! As a writer I love telling EVERYONE'S story, not just the main character. I really hope I'm not pestering you with questions...but I do have loads more....

1. What can we expect from Monkey King's promotion quests? Or rather, in your case, what teasers can you hand to us like ducklings begging for bits of bread? He seems to have a lot of sins under his belt.
2. You said the Magnificent Seven will be getting the royal treatment...whose other's backgrounds can we expect to dive into? I know you said you don't know all of their backgrounds right off the bat, but do you have any stories we should expect to hear?
3. Sheer size of the coming update...hmmm....does that mean we can expect a massive increase in side-arcs, locations, and dangerous new foes?
4. I love the side-arcs. I found the side-arc about the question of whether the Banana or the Tree came first really funny and that story of Moo Manchu quite deliciously nefarious. Are any more going to be tied closely to the main storyline? I was just confused since Moo Manchu features in the 'MooShu' storyline and yet he only appears majorly in the Kraken Skulls companion promotion quests and his own side arc.
5. Speaking of Monquistan politics...can we expect a return to Monquista anytime soon? It seems we left A LOT untouched. We just know civil war has been declared, the Monkey's Paw should help the Noble Houses rally troops, and the problem of the Monquisition kinda untouched. It seems like we just helped the Opposition get now-powerless trinket to show off to the Nobles, the same thing with the Sword of St. Simian.
6. Napoleguin - Can we expect his return to the plotline in any way whatsoever?
7. How did Captain Gunn get a piece of Marco Pollo's map?
1. Since he's not going to promote until at least level 65, I honestly don't know yet, and am in no hurry to figure it out - I'm letting the question cook in the back of my mind for the present. With him, though, we get the opportunity to go more cosmic that with the other promo quests - I assure you, that's an opportunity I don't intend to squander.

2. They will, but not for a while - their first promo is basically shared, and fairly generic: budget didn't allow for much more. The next wave, a bit further down the line, will have separate quests for each (although between Jane and Wild Bill, its likely only one will get a full quest - don't want to give privateers 2 quests while everybody else gets 1), so you can expect most of them to get some good screen time. As to whether it will divulge more about their background, that will emerge on a quest by quest basis, as I write them.

3. It's pretty big. We're trying to set a standard for what a Book contains, in terms of main and side quests. The 30 sides per book is what we did in MooShu, and that feels about right.

4. I'm fond of the big side arcs too - the Monkey Theology quests were some of my favorites to write, and I loved weaving Moo Manchu into the narrative in so many different places, essentially having him show up once (or even twice) before your final show down. That said, the whole point of the side arcs is to make them side arcs - we tie them to the main story only tangentially. Moo Manchu, for instance, is only enacting his master plan because of the Emperor's troubles, which is also at the root of General Tso's rebellion and the Amber Horde invasion. And in the upcoming update, at least 80% of the side quests in [REDACTED] are being triggered by the [REDACTED] with [REDACTED] and [REDACTED].

5. At least a short visit is planned - as to whether we can get a whole new Skyway, that remains to be seen. Returning to the schism is a fond aspiration of mine.

6. You betcha. Won't be for a LONG time, though.

7. You'll find out...

Jan 26, 2012
coolster50 on Feb 4, 2013 wrote:
I feel like a little kid when I ask so many questions:

  • Are companions like the Watermole Slingman and Crazy Monquisatdor ever gonna get a promotion (or at least ask for more pay)
  • How many more worlds do you quess you will create before we reach El Dorado (p.s. can you make the entire voyage to El Dorado an instanced dungeon)
  • Is it hard to write quests and storylines?
  • Will we get class restricted pets?
  • Will there be musketeer pets in the future?
  • Who or what created the Windlanes and how come Wizards never seen any?
  • I feel like i'm asking too many questions so I'll stop here: Are any villians going to cross games like some villian from wizard101 is driven to the outskirts of that world because of legends of powerful weapons and armor or vise versa a villian is driven inward of that world because of legends of powerful sorcerers.

Dead-Eye Phillip Laveer Level 50 Pirvateer
  • There are some companions that will only have one tier. I don't know if those two ever promote or not (that's more Ratbeard's arena than mine).If you're asking if we'll ever give promo quests to companions that used to just promote for gold, I don't know - there are no plans for it right now (we're busy!), and there are some potential downsides to a change like that.
  • That would be telling... Do you mean total worlds, or more worlds than we've already done?
  • Sometimes. Sometimes it feels like they write themselves. usually, I have to put the serious quests (like a Bonnie Anne or Ratbeard promo, or the Deacon fight) on the back burner a LONG time, and do them last, so I'm in the groove.
  • Unsure - that's more a Ratbeard thing than mine.
  • If by Musketeer pets you mean pets with ranged attacks, I'm pretty sure yes, though again, that's a Ratbeard question.
  • Oooo - good question! There's a fair bit of lore behind the Windstones, the Windlanes, the Stormgates, and the Spiral Threads, but up until now we just haven't been able to touch on it much. Perhaps in some future training or or promo quest...
  • There will be more familiar faces from Wizard101 coming soon. My goal is to come up with newer, cooler ways to interact with these guest stars - in other words, just because they're a villain in Wizard doesn't mean you have to fight them.

Jan 26, 2012
Clever Kestrel on Feb 9, 2013 wrote:
I will be sooooo upset if Bonnie Anne betrays me. And Sarah Steele, though it did hint in her first promotion that she had betrayed her first captain. Hmmm... Anyway, I saw some people talking about how to avenge your parents, and since I chose the storm one, I too am wondering how I am suppose to fight a storm. (Die, storm, die) Anyway, what if there could be a little twist like, the armada chased them into it, sabatoged their ship and whatnot. Also, I was thinking... We know how Dead Mike is still alive after our parents death, but what about the others... How did that guinea pig guard thing escape the Armada, along with the other stories. Gosh, I shouldn't have read this, know I'm going to be muling this over until the next chapter comes out...
As for the parents, sure some of the origins don't fit revenge very well (the storm and getting lost, naturally), but the parental plotline will definitely focus on finding your parent's resting place - there could be something veeeeery important hidden there.

Sep 17, 2012
Again thank you so much Blind Mew for always answering our questions. I love hearing your insights on different aspects of the story. It's like a little sneak peek of what's to come :P

Anyways I have a couple questions for you myself.

1. I am always astounded by the sheer number of references and easter eggs that have been added into the story and game. How do you go about adding to many easter eggs in? Which comes first? The plot or the easter egg? Also do you happen to have a personal favorite?

2. Our teachers: Will we ever go more in depth to the backstory of our teachers? (Vadima, Ol Fish Eye, Mordekai, etc.). I am quite curious to learn more about some of them and where they came from. They seem like they could have an extremely interesting backstory.

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Clever Kestrel on Feb 9, 2013 wrote:
I will be sooooo upset if Bonnie Anne betrays me. And Sarah Steele, though it did hint in her first promotion that she had betrayed her first captain. Hmmm... Anyway, I saw some people talking about how to avenge your parents, and since I chose the storm one, I too am wondering how I am suppose to fight a storm. (Die, storm, die) Anyway, what if there could be a little twist like, the armada chased them into it, sabatoged their ship and whatnot. Also, I was thinking... We know how Dead Mike is still alive after our parents death, but what about the others... How did that guinea pig guard thing escape the Armada, along with the other stories. Gosh, I shouldn't have read this, know I'm going to be muling this over until the next chapter comes out...
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on a second! Don't go jumping the guns here! Have ye forgotten one IMPORTANT thing about our Companions already?? Once Companions are recruited to the crew, they will have no absolute intention on betraying their Captains, because they've gave their word and are always loyal to them, always have, always will. Tell iceblade that our Companions will never turn on us, no matter what happens. Sure, before their recruitement, they may have had a hint of betrayal or so in their past times, but not on their own Captains in the present time. Small companion bantering and arguing between them may happen from time to time, but they'll quickly sort out their problems for the greater good in the end. Remember this, Pirates, once we recruit our Companions to our crew, plans for betrayal on their Captain will never surface. Besides, they all have a hint of destiny along with their Captains in a plethora of adventures to come.

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Blind Mew on Feb 4, 2013 wrote:
Making you ask more questions?

Well yeah! That's the name of the game, isn't it?

Interesting thing about Companions - in the original design, they were never going to talk. Originally, Boochbeard was going to serve the role of Narrator, much like Grandmother Raven for Wizard. But as the Skull Island chapters were being written, we hit upon the idea. And suddenly, all these characters started coming to life. (And suddenly I had to go back to ALL the Cool Ranch quests and insert Companion dialogue - fun!)

The same for promo quests - back before Companions started talking, promo quests were going to be pretty darn simple: maybe a gather goal or two attached to the standard "Gimme gold to upgrade me!" exercise that most Companions have now. Once they could talk, however, they demanded full-on quests. And, as we crafted them, we realized they could go even deeper, story-wise, than standard quests.

So, it may surprise you to know that I don't really have extensive backgrounds on a lot of them - when first conceived, all that was required was that they look great and be distinctive. The way the Promo Quests are typically done, I'll write them after the Main Story of a given book is finished. I look at themes and locations, then figure out what to do from there, and if the story demands we delve into background, we make it up then to suit. So I'm afraid I don't have an answer to your questions yet. But I will...
Thanks for sharing the game's history, Blind mew. Who would have thought you would go for Boochbeard to be the game's narrator before you allowed Companions to talk a lot? It was probably the best idea to have Companions talk a lot in the story, and it already worked. Wish I could say the same for Mustang Sally, though. I wish she could talk a lot in the story after being recruited, too. Think that could happen? What am I saying? Of course that could happen! In fact, plenty of Pirates are asking, requesting, begging, pleading for Mustang Sally to speak a lot, meaning having her Companion dialogue inserted in the game's story after her recruitment to the Captain's crew! I kindly ask of you to do that, please. Other than that, very nice turnabout on the Companions' spoken dialogue! Keep up the good work!

By the way, did you really say that Grandmother Raven is Wizard101's narrator? I did not know! Wow! Didn't expect that.

May 21, 2009
'[REDACTED] from [REDACTED]'....You really enjoy teasing us sometimes, don't you, Blind Mew?
Well, I really hope these questions aren't bothersome, but....

1. Catbeard quotes Vizzini in the 'Desperately Seeking Sally' quest line. Can we expect other famous literary criminals and/or real-life pirates in Pirate101? Maybe an appearance from the Dread Pirate Roberts in some way, shape, or form? We've recruited Bonnie Anne (Anne Bonny), met Calico Jake (Calico Jack), defeated the nefarious Captain Blood (presumably from the novel Captain Blood)...
2. It's starting to seem like your catchphrase is 'That would be telling...'. Is there anything you CAN tell us? Like perhaps how far the developers are into Book 13...?
3. How does the Armada get so close to our heels? We've seen involved in the Gortez story, the Duck of Death was working for him, they were ALREADY at the Mother Lode Mine when we got Captain Blood's this rate, I feel we should have seen them in Monquista trying to get the Monkey's Paw.
4. If you could write about the 'Schism' in the Monquistan church, what would you write for the PC to do?

Petty Officer
Jun 28, 2011
Blind Mew on Feb 11, 2013 wrote:
  • There are some companions that will only have one tier. I don't know if those two ever promote or not (that's more Ratbeard's arena than mine).If you're asking if we'll ever give promo quests to companions that used to just promote for gold, I don't know - there are no plans for it right now (we're busy!), and there are some potential downsides to a change like that.
  • That would be telling... Do you mean total worlds, or more worlds than we've already done?
  • Sometimes. Sometimes it feels like they write themselves. usually, I have to put the serious quests (like a Bonnie Anne or Ratbeard promo, or the Deacon fight) on the back burner a LONG time, and do them last, so I'm in the groove.
  • Unsure - that's more a Ratbeard thing than mine.
  • If by Musketeer pets you mean pets with ranged attacks, I'm pretty sure yes, though again, that's a Ratbeard question.
  • Oooo - good question! There's a fair bit of lore behind the Windstones, the Windlanes, the Stormgates, and the Spiral Threads, but up until now we just haven't been able to touch on it much. Perhaps in some future training or or promo quest...
  • There will be more familiar faces from Wizard101 coming soon. My goal is to come up with newer, cooler ways to interact with these guest stars - in other words, just because they're a villain in Wizard doesn't mean you have to fight them.
Blind Mew you siad there will be familiar faces from wizard101? is it possible we see ambrose or malistaire? if so it would be interesting

Jan 26, 2012
Trimond297 on Feb 11, 2013 wrote:
Thanks for sharing the game's history, Blind mew. Who would have thought you would go for Boochbeard to be the game's narrator before you allowed Companions to talk a lot? It was probably the best idea to have Companions talk a lot in the story, and it already worked. Wish I could say the same for Mustang Sally, though. I wish she could talk a lot in the story after being recruited, too. Think that could happen? What am I saying? Of course that could happen! In fact, plenty of Pirates are asking, requesting, begging, pleading for Mustang Sally to speak a lot, meaning having her Companion dialogue inserted in the game's story after her recruitment to the Captain's crew! I kindly ask of you to do that, please. Other than that, very nice turnabout on the Companions' spoken dialogue! Keep up the good work!

By the way, did you really say that Grandmother Raven is Wizard101's narrator? I did not know! Wow! Didn't expect that.
I will say straight up that adding what we call "Companion chatter" to the game was one of the most fateful decisions we made during development. It created more work for me and the writers, but it added SO much depth and flavor to the play experience - it's really hard to estimate just how much impact it had. The fact that it reinforces the basic core mechanics (crew collection and group-based combat) and fits our theme (Wizards might work alone, but every captain needs a crew!) makes it even more perfect.

Mustang Sally: sorry, but there's no easy way to do this. The only Companions we can allow to talk are ones that we can guarantee everyone will have (Bonnie Anne, Ratbeard, etc) or blocks of 5 (by class) that every PC gets at the same time (the 'Kraken Skulls 5', the Presidio guys, and the starting MooShu guys). For Companions that are only granted to one class or are granted in side quests, we can't guarantee a PC will ever actually hear the lines. It's unfortunate, but true. As a side note - by the time we're done with the next update, there will be something like 28 speaking companions - it's getting hard to juggle them! Now, we can give class-specific Companions promotion quests (the Silk One will get them, bandwidth permitting), but they're turning into a heavy load too...

As to the Raven - I thought that was common knowledge. The voice is the same, if you listen closely enough... Uh, oops?

Jan 26, 2012
CaptainFlint193 on Feb 12, 2013 wrote:
'[REDACTED] from [REDACTED]'....You really enjoy teasing us sometimes, don't you, Blind Mew?
Well, I really hope these questions aren't bothersome, but....

1. Catbeard quotes Vizzini in the 'Desperately Seeking Sally' quest line. Can we expect other famous literary criminals and/or real-life pirates in Pirate101? Maybe an appearance from the Dread Pirate Roberts in some way, shape, or form? We've recruited Bonnie Anne (Anne Bonny), met Calico Jake (Calico Jack), defeated the nefarious Captain Blood (presumably from the novel Captain Blood)...
2. It's starting to seem like your catchphrase is 'That would be telling...'. Is there anything you CAN tell us? Like perhaps how far the developers are into Book 13...?
3. How does the Armada get so close to our heels? We've seen involved in the Gortez story, the Duck of Death was working for him, they were ALREADY at the Mother Lode Mine when we got Captain Blood's this rate, I feel we should have seen them in Monquista trying to get the Monkey's Paw.
4. If you could write about the 'Schism' in the Monquistan church, what would you write for the PC to do?
Yeah, I live for the tease. The [REDACTED] bit I simply couldn't resist. I will say I absolutely love what we're doing in the next update - it's some of my favorite content in the game. As much fun as the teasing is, trust me, I want to talk about it as much as you want to hear it. But I must leave it to marking to decide

1. Literary villains? At least one I can guarantee is coming soon. Naming that villain, I fear, would reveal too much.

2. If I had a motto, "that would be telling" would be it. What can I say, I'm a sucker for The Prisoner. I'm afraid I can't say anything that would even remotely hint at when the update will be done - sorry!But I think I can safely say we're closer to the end of work than the beginning.

3. Kane's a super genius, and Deacon's VERY sharp too. They have quite a head for statistics and probability, so they're pretty good at predicting the PCs actions. We've also operated on the assumption that they have sources of information that the PC doesn't...

4. That would be telling, but I expect you'd be called upon to go find some relic, or bring a theologian out of hiding, or perhaps play a dirty trick on one side to discredit them...

Jan 26, 2012
iceblade1233 on Feb 12, 2013 wrote:
Blind Mew you siad there will be familiar faces from wizard101? is it possible we see ambrose or malistaire? if so it would be interesting
I can confirm nothing. But I will say a guest appearance by one of those two is far more likely than the other.

May 21, 2009
Blind Mew, I feel I've said this before...but you are AWESOME. But I still have too many questions to count....

1. Are there are any side companions WE can expect to get promotion quests for? The Silk One is a side companion, so are any others going to get promo quests?
2. From your previous comments, does that mean we CAN expect to return to the Schism...? I recall a mention in a side quest of a place called 'the Holy City' that a hint?
3. This isn't really a story-centered question but...any advice for writers? Quite frankly, getting all these character's stories is an amazing feat, and I am genuinely impressed. *Bows in honor*. Who knows? Maybe I'll write a series about pirates...
4. Are we ever going to go to Zafaria, perhaps as a side-world.? Personally I think it's utterly brilliant world and there were a lot of colonial interests in Africa during the 16th-18th centuries. I am sure pirates had a neat little interest too....