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Story Thread 1: A few story questions...

Jan 26, 2012
flash33 on Apr 28, 2013 wrote:
(Cross-posting from TugaPirate's post over on at his request).

  • 1. I don't know if it would be telling but you said the promotion quests would go to at least level 100 (companion level), does that means that at level 100, the game "ends"?
  • 2. We already depicted that the two puzzles are Aquila and Marleybone, what can you tell us more about Book 13?
  • 3. If KI ever runned out of ideas for new worlds (doubt it) would you ever ask members for ideas (cause we all are different minds)?
  • 4. Darkmoor seems like a very interesting place, I believe it's Halloween-themed, am I right?
  • 5. Sometimes we see some alien like creatures in Puppet Shows, are those just a joke or are a thing we will see in-game in the future?
  • 6. Last, have you started working on Book 14? As you said before Book 13 came out it was about war, can you do the same thing for Book 14, like, tells us what it is about in one word?
  • 1. Not sure I'm qualified to answer - that's more of a systems question. And even if I did know, it would indeed be telling.

    2. As regards Book 13, I think I've said enough. I'm looking forward to the day I can discuss it more candidly. I'm very proud of it.

    3. We're doing pretty well for worlds right now. It's interesting to gauge fan opinion, but ultimately the creative group here would come up with any future worlds - we always try to come up with something we think the fans will like, but we'd be guided primarily by where the stories in Wizard and Pirate are taking us, and ultimately what we can do that hasn't been done yet.

    4. I'm not ready to talk about Darkmoor yet.

    5. They're pretty much there for humor, though if you look at statues of the Celestians, there may be a slim opening for them in the future...

    6. I can in all honesty say that work on Book 14 has indeed commenced. I fear I can't say much more about it. If forced to sum it up in one word, I'd say Epic.

    May 06, 2011
    1. Was Madame Vadima actually from Pigswick?
    2. Whats the chances of a Ravenwood/ Pigswick / Dragonspyre school wizard companion?
    3. I read online that krokotopia will be the next game world , Is that true?

    Feb 27, 2009
    Breakfastprince on Apr 29, 2013 wrote:
    1. Was Madame Vadima actually from Pigswick?
    2. Whats the chances of a Ravenwood/ Pigswick / Dragonspyre school wizard companion?
    3. I read online that krokotopia will be the next game world , Is that true?
    1. Yes.
    2. KI question.
    3. Most likely no because don't you see, there are EAGLES and Aquila means Eagle and it was Zeus's pet. Seems like the world everyone wanted if you look at the world ideas over on Wizard101. Can someone put up that link? One-Eyed Jack cause you're my favorite NPC and you answer lots of questions and my childhood was filled with you before I became a secret agent of the Armada. Also if you search on Krokotopia, do you see a speck of green anywhere!?

    Feb 27, 2009
    1. Where do Pirate ships sink?
    2. Is Kane our Pirate's Mother and I know you'll say Wait and see so just give us a hint if we're gonna find out in the worlds coming soon.

    Gunner's Mate
    May 02, 2009
    (Cross-posting from pirate101 at toffecakes123's request).

    1. Are our pirates going to visit Polaris any time soon? It is mentioned a lot.

    2. Are you planning to make any side worlds in Pirate101 like you did in Wizard101?

    3. Will we be making anymore visits to Dragonspyre?

    4. Is the Armada Arc coming to an end? Will we actually sail to El Dorado?

    Petty Officer
    Jan 10, 2013
    Sniper Rose on Apr 30, 2013 wrote:
    1. Where do Pirate ships sink?
    2. Is Kane our Pirate's Mother and I know you'll say Wait and see so just give us a hint if we're gonna find out in the worlds coming soon.
    From a previous reply of BM's: Unlikely. Think of this scene:

    Kane: "Pirate, I'm your mother!"

    Question about forum policy: Can we discuss story-related questions that has not hit Live?

    Jan 26, 2012
    Breakfastprince on Apr 29, 2013 wrote:
    1. Was Madame Vadima actually from Pigswick?
    2. Whats the chances of a Ravenwood/ Pigswick / Dragonspyre school wizard companion?
    3. I read online that krokotopia will be the next game world , Is that true?
    1. The website says she's from Darkmoor, and that's a pretty safe bet. Rumor has it she just went to school at Pigswick. Is the rumor true? Maybe... I hope we'll get a chance to delve a littler deeper into her and the trainers' backgrounds.

    2. I'd say low - to really do it right we'd have to find a way to appoximate the Wizard style of combat into Pirate, and that's a bigger headache than it'd be worth.

    3. Now that the story update is on test, I can finally and truthfully say no.

    Jan 26, 2012
    Sniper Rose on Apr 30, 2013 wrote:
    1. Where do Pirate ships sink?
    2. Is Kane our Pirate's Mother and I know you'll say Wait and see so just give us a hint if we're gonna find out in the worlds coming soon.
    1. They eventually fall out of the world and into the dark void between the spheres.

    2. I'm not clear what you're asking. I think I can read this question 3 ways:
    • Is Kane, the clockwork leader of the Armada, an artificial being technically without gender, the pirate's mother? I'd have to say no (a line from Monty Python's Life of Brian leaps to mind). Or is that not what you meant - are you asking...
    • Is your pirate is secretly a Clockwork, built by Kane, and just doesn't know it? Again, I'd say no - somebody would have noticed by now, and I'm presuming the player pirate eats, drinks, sleeps, etc. An interesting idea, but that's not the kind of plot twist I'd go for here - it's much more of a horror trope than high adventure. Was that what you meant, or...
    • Is Kane actually the pirate's mother in disguise? Again, I figure someone would have noticed by now. Besides, the whole "No <insert hero name here>... I am your <parent> has been done, and I don't think we could top the most famous example.
    So, no matter which way you're asking, it feels reeeeeeeally farfetched.

    Jan 26, 2012
    flash33 on May 1, 2013 wrote:
    (Cross-posting from pirate101 at toffecakes123's request).

    1. Are our pirates going to visit Polaris any time soon? It is mentioned a lot.

    2. Are you planning to make any side worlds in Pirate101 like you did in Wizard101?

    3. Will we be making anymore visits to Dragonspyre?

    4. Is the Armada Arc coming to an end? Will we actually sail to El Dorado?
    1. You'll take your time getting to Polaris.

    2. We've talked about it, but right now our focus is on the Main Story.

    3. That would be telling.

    4. The Armada Arc has an end point - the pirate will go to El Dorado. All in good time . . .

    May 06, 2011
    Blind Mew on May 2, 2013 wrote:
    1. The website says she's from Darkmoor, and that's a pretty safe bet. Rumor has it she just went to school at Pigswick. Is the rumor true? Maybe... I hope we'll get a chance to delve a littler deeper into her and the trainers' backgrounds.

    2. I'd say low - to really do it right we'd have to find a way to appoximate the Wizard style of combat into Pirate, and that's a bigger headache than it'd be worth.

    3. Now that the story update is on test, I can finally and truthfully say no.
    4. What sort of relationship do wizards and witchdoctors have? Are witch doctors just wizards who were expelled or not good enough to join an academy?

    5. Didn't the armada ban all magic? What about the wizards? I've never seen the armada in wizard 101.

    6. Whats with Mormo and Old Scratch the companions? Because when I got Scratch Mormo seemed fearful of him or protective of the player. Is this Witchdoctor rivalry or does he generally not trust Old Scratch.

    Apr 29, 2011
    Oh Blind Mew! I just have one question I am DYING to know. So in the players guide on the pirate101 website under commerce then premium areas, there is this pic:

    And also, this salamander in Krok in Wiz:
    Has a flying ship and he is a captain and he takes us to krokosphinx in wiz and apparently there are 8 sands (islands I presume)in krok, and we have only been to 3 of the islands(Temple of Storms, Pyramid of the sun, and Krokosphinx) in Wiz, AND(I know, I am almost done xD) we can choose to be raised in Krok in tutorial, if we want to be spooky. Krok was one of my favorite worlds and I would love if all the 8 islands could be like a skyway and witchdoctors could learn some ancient magic there and if you can say if we are going, are we, and if you can't is it a possibility? :DDDD

    Thanks so much!!!!!

    May 21, 2009
    Ok, so because of playing test, a few questions pop into mind....

    1. Will we ever see Albion and the home of the Foxes? It sounds quite an interesting yet dangerous place....and any lore you can give us on it?
    2. So Bishop has escaped and Rooke has been defeated. Are we going to be seeing him, Phule, Kane, or the mysterious queen anytime soon?
    3. I feel like Aquila was an intentional veer from the overall piratey theme - was that intentional?
    4. Rajah - what can you tell us about this place? It sounds interesting.
    5. Finally - who is the Toymaker? And who do I speak to in order to continue the Mechanical Birds storyline - or was Bishop's puppet show an end to the mystery so far?

    Jan 18, 2011
    Breakfastprince on May 3, 2013 wrote:
    4. What sort of relationship do wizards and witchdoctors have? Are witch doctors just wizards who were expelled or not good enough to join an academy?

    5. Didn't the armada ban all magic? What about the wizards? I've never seen the armada in wizard 101.

    6. Whats with Mormo and Old Scratch the companions? Because when I got Scratch Mormo seemed fearful of him or protective of the player. Is this Witchdoctor rivalry or does he generally not trust Old Scratch.
    4. Witch doctors are like the combination of a death and myth wizard from wizard101 with a hint of storm. The idea was that most witch doctors break the normal laws of magic in order to overpower their enemies or help get rid of evil curses/bad mojo. 5. Bishop is the one to ban magic, thought they haven't made it to all magical colonized worlds mostly because of defensive or harsh reasons i find it highly funny that he's the one to make the law; As I said once before, why do that when he believed to be a witch doctor or that phule is one. Basically he's banning himself!!!!! Hahahhahaha! 6. Leaving that to KI, but I think it's just all magical sorcerers and sorceress have the ability to sense evil or good in non magic folks. But only more expert wizards/witch doctors can sense evil in even MAGIC folks and brothers. So maybe after the encounter Mormo either don't trust scratch easily or he sense scratch's dark past and dept.

    Jan 26, 2012
    Breakfastprince on May 3, 2013 wrote:
    4. What sort of relationship do wizards and witchdoctors have? Are witch doctors just wizards who were expelled or not good enough to join an academy?

    5. Didn't the armada ban all magic? What about the wizards? I've never seen the armada in wizard 101.

    6. Whats with Mormo and Old Scratch the companions? Because when I got Scratch Mormo seemed fearful of him or protective of the player. Is this Witchdoctor rivalry or does he generally not trust Old Scratch.
    4. BamZam's answer is pretty strong - the only thing I'd add is the notion that there are people who are magically inclined in the Spiral who never get to go to a true School of Wizardry, so they never learn the art and science of high magic - they muddle through on their own, discover how to make some speels work, and then teach it to their apprentices. Some witchdoctors were rejected or expelled, but many never applied in the first place.

    5. Well, they banned it in the areas they control, or have significant influence in.

    6. It's a bit of professional jealousy. Mormo was used to being the only Witchdoctor on the crew, and didn't take it well when Old Scratch starts talking to the dead and all your other crew say "Oooo that's kinda cool." A Mormo points out, he could've done that... I don't think anybody really trusts Old Scratch in the beginning, but they get over it - after all, soon their distrust of Ratbeard eclipses any bad feelings they have about Scratch..

    Jan 26, 2012
    John Hease on May 3, 2013 wrote:
    Oh Blind Mew! I just have one question I am DYING to know. So in the players guide on the pirate101 website under commerce then premium areas, there is this pic:

    And also, this salamander in Krok in Wiz:
    Has a flying ship and he is a captain and he takes us to krokosphinx in wiz and apparently there are 8 sands (islands I presume)in krok, and we have only been to 3 of the islands(Temple of Storms, Pyramid of the sun, and Krokosphinx) in Wiz, AND(I know, I am almost done xD) we can choose to be raised in Krok in tutorial, if we want to be spooky. Krok was one of my favorite worlds and I would love if all the 8 islands could be like a skyway and witchdoctors could learn some ancient magic there and if you can say if we are going, are we, and if you can't is it a possibility? :DDDD

    Thanks so much!!!!!
    A possibility? Sure - but anything's technically a possibility - heck, Candyland's a possibility (though I wouldn't hold my breath for it).

    Will we go there? That would be telling.

    Jan 26, 2012
    CaptainFlint193 on May 4, 2013 wrote:
    Ok, so because of playing test, a few questions pop into mind....

    1. Will we ever see Albion and the home of the Foxes? It sounds quite an interesting yet dangerous place....and any lore you can give us on it?
    2. So Bishop has escaped and Rooke has been defeated. Are we going to be seeing him, Phule, Kane, or the mysterious queen anytime soon?
    3. I feel like Aquila was an intentional veer from the overall piratey theme - was that intentional?
    4. Rajah - what can you tell us about this place? It sounds interesting.
    5. Finally - who is the Toymaker? And who do I speak to in order to continue the Mechanical Birds storyline - or was Bishop's puppet show an end to the mystery so far?
    1. Lorewise, think Scotland in Rob Roy - a stark, beautiful land of Fox highlanders, working as tenant farmers to their Dog landlords. I'd love to go there, but the bandwidth and art budget didn't let us get there this go round.

    2. More close encounters with Armada elites are coming after Aquila. Who? Well, I suspect you can predict my answer to that question...

    3. It is a bit of a left turn, but not more than MooShu or Cool Ranch. Aquila is definitely our most traditional fantasy world. It was intentional - given how dark Marleybone is in terms of tone and how focused it was on the storyline in terms of the war, we wanted something lighter and more heroic that could still advance the El Dorado plot. Some difficulty measure aside, I think we succeeded - some of our funniest gags are in Aquila.

    4. It's an analogue to India, specifically Colonial India under British rule.How could we do a story about our England analogue without it? Plus, the idea of 7 foot tall Tigers with gurkha knives was just too sweet to pass up. Another place I'd love to get to someday.

    5. You really expect to say who the Toymaker is? His identity is actually one of the most important plot points in the game. At the end of the Aquila book, a pretty big piece of the Mechanical Bird mystery falls into place. Bishop's puppet show kept the mystery alive and raised new questions (why is the Armada so interested in them?). Kane seems to know who the Toymaker is, but trust me, he's not telling either.

    Dread Pirate
    Jun 13, 2011
    Blind Mew, I am so excited to see Books 13 and 14 up on Test, because I was waiting for Book 13 for a bit too long, but answer me this. Why didn't Book 13 get released sooner? Why the long wait? I mean, including 2 Books in one story update is very impressive, but I would have waited for Book 14 after 13 was released, you know. I thought it was to be released earlier, but why did you decide to have Book 13 on further waiting time until Book 14 was finished and then have Books 13 and 14 come out to Test together? Just elaborate your reason on why the wait for Book 13 took longer than what I thought, even though it was complete then.

    Now that Books 13 and 14 are one step closer to the game, what's Book 15 gonna be like? Is there at least a hint of how it's going to turn out? And will the waiting time be the same amount as before or less than that? I wouldn't have to wait a bit longer for Book 15's release, would I?

    I've had some hintings that certain story companions have had their Clockwork Elite nemeses, such as the MooShu 5's and the PC's nemeses being Deacon, who imprisoned them before the adventure began, Bonnie Anne's nemesis being Rooke, as she was her prime target to destroy, seeing as Mycroft Bones said her assignment was thought to be to destroy Rooke earlier on, and I think Old Scratch's nemesis is perhaps Bishop, as he does sounds like the main threat of his Hoodoo magic among countless others. I wonder if there are any more Elite nemeses that may fill those positions? Ratbeard's? Krakken Skull 5's? Presidio 5's? Is there a list to this?

    Apr 29, 2011
    Blind Mew on May 6, 2013 wrote:
    A possibility? Sure - but anything's technically a possibility - heck, Candyland's a possibility (though I wouldn't hold my breath for it).

    Will we go there? That would be telling.
    Would u say whether or not it's a good possibility? Has it been suggested? o:

    May 06, 2011
    Blind Mew on May 6, 2013 wrote:
    4. BamZam's answer is pretty strong - the only thing I'd add is the notion that there are people who are magically inclined in the Spiral who never get to go to a true School of Wizardry, so they never learn the art and science of high magic - they muddle through on their own, discover how to make some speels work, and then teach it to their apprentices. Some witchdoctors were rejected or expelled, but many never applied in the first place.

    5. Well, they banned it in the areas they control, or have significant influence in.

    6. It's a bit of professional jealousy. Mormo was used to being the only Witchdoctor on the crew, and didn't take it well when Old Scratch starts talking to the dead and all your other crew say "Oooo that's kinda cool." A Mormo points out, he could've done that... I don't think anybody really trusts Old Scratch in the beginning, but they get over it - after all, soon their distrust of Ratbeard eclipses any bad feelings they have about Scratch..
    Ok a couple last questions.
    1. Every witchdoctor seems to have a patron or a power giver. E.g Old scratch got sister snake and mormo got the spirit of dread.
    Who's ours? Is it the mysterious Jobu?
    2. I have this concept for these wizard companions.
    Do I give it to you now of post it on the suggestion forum
    3. Azteca is mentioned a lot will we ever go there?
    4. Was it the aztecosaurs who made El dorado.
    5. Who is the oldest of the current civilizations ?
    Aztecosaurs , Krokotillians ,Mooshu or Aquilans?

    May 06, 2009
    Blind Mew, excellent work with the story, references, and puns in Book 13 and 14. Once again, I'm humbled by you and your crews creative genius. But now that it is out, we also again an update on questions, and I happen to have a few...

    1. Ahem...WHY TORTURE US WITH THAT CLIFF HANGER AT THE END BLIND MEW??? I was really hoping we'd be going to the 2nd skyway in Valencia but I was saddened to find out that it won't be until Book 15. Also, you've always been saying "That would be telling..." but why is it right at the end, you specifically state where we are going next and the possibility of going to a well known Wizard world (not going to tell many spoilers for those who haven't seen the end yet)? I have a strange feeling we'll see Kane in Book 15...

    2. Gortez won the war in Monquista...where does that leave us with Monquista and the story? Are we just about done with all things dry and bananas? And what of the church in turmoil as Gortez said? Also will we ever see Gibbonia and the Mines of Orryx? I can see a story going there where we need to help Gortez find a lord who knows a priest who could possibly put things in balance.

    3. That thing about tossing 5 years of childhood for 1 answer...does that affect us finding our parents at all? Is it possible the Presidio 5's 3rd Promo and Rajah, you know, with what the tiger guy said, will shed more light on this and what we may have forgetten?

    4. Books 13 and 14 came together. So is this going to be a one time only thing or are Books 15&16, 17&18, and 19&20 going to do the same? I really don't mind if it's just 1 Book at a time.

    5. You said because of bandwith and budget we couldn't come around for Albion. Would that suggest a 2nd trip to Marleybone to stop the revolt or will things end like Monquista and sort themselves out? Your discription of Albion is something I was picturing. Also does MB not like Avalon with it's Fox thing? And does this allude to a seperation in English history?

    Jan 26, 2012
    Trimond297 on May 7, 2013 wrote:
    Blind Mew, I am so excited to see Books 13 and 14 up on Test, because I was waiting for Book 13 for a bit too long, but answer me this. Why didn't Book 13 get released sooner? Why the long wait? I mean, including 2 Books in one story update is very impressive, but I would have waited for Book 14 after 13 was released, you know. I thought it was to be released earlier, but why did you decide to have Book 13 on further waiting time until Book 14 was finished and then have Books 13 and 14 come out to Test together? Just elaborate your reason on why the wait for Book 13 took longer than what I thought, even though it was complete then.

    Now that Books 13 and 14 are one step closer to the game, what's Book 15 gonna be like? Is there at least a hint of how it's going to turn out? And will the waiting time be the same amount as before or less than that? I wouldn't have to wait a bit longer for Book 15's release, would I?

    I've had some hintings that certain story companions have had their Clockwork Elite nemeses, such as the MooShu 5's and the PC's nemeses being Deacon, who imprisoned them before the adventure began, Bonnie Anne's nemesis being Rooke, as she was her prime target to destroy, seeing as Mycroft Bones said her assignment was thought to be to destroy Rooke earlier on, and I think Old Scratch's nemesis is perhaps Bishop, as he does sounds like the main threat of his Hoodoo magic among countless others. I wonder if there are any more Elite nemeses that may fill those positions? Ratbeard's? Krakken Skull 5's? Presidio 5's? Is there a list to this?
    You're proceeding from the false assumption that we built Book 13 from start to finish then built Book 14 - that's not the case. I don't recall when the decision to have two Books in the update was made. If it wasn't made before Piraate101 went live it was made within a week or two of that event. The only group that worked on the chapters serially was us writers - Art and Design worked on building environments and characters and implementing the quests for both Books concurrently. You waited a long time for it because there's a lot in that stew. Also, don't forget we shipped a game, and there were many emergent things that required our attention in the weeks and moths after launch.

    You'll get a lot of hints about Book 15 at the very end of Book 14. They ought to hold you for now. I cannot speak to schedule, and will not even hazard a guess. We update a lot more than just story - so please, be patient.

    I wouldn't read to much into it - the MooShu guys don't like Deacon because they were on his prison ship with you in the tutorial, and M was targeting Rooke because he's the Commander of the Armada war effort against Marleybone. I don't see individual Companions as having grudges or vendettas with specific Elite Clockworks; they're all the PC's nemeses, and that's enough.

    Jan 26, 2012
    John Hease on May 8, 2013 wrote:
    Would u say whether or not it's a good possibility? Has it been suggested? o:
    We've talked about all sorts of things. Sorry, I'll say nothing more.

    Jan 26, 2012
    Breakfastprince on May 8, 2013 wrote:
    Ok a couple last questions.
    1. Every witchdoctor seems to have a patron or a power giver. E.g Old scratch got sister snake and mormo got the spirit of dread.
    Who's ours? Is it the mysterious Jobu?
    2. I have this concept for these wizard companions.
    Do I give it to you now of post it on the suggestion forum
    3. Azteca is mentioned a lot will we ever go there?
    4. Was it the aztecosaurs who made El dorado.
    5. Who is the oldest of the current civilizations ?
    Aztecosaurs , Krokotillians ,Mooshu or Aquilans?
    1. That's a really good question. So far, bandwidth hasn't really allowed for us to go into this. If we get to introduce more Trainer Quests, this is definitely an avenue to pursue. The trick will be balancing the production of such quests with the ongoing story...

    2. I don't know how that works - I'd start with One-Eyed Jack.

    3. Perhaps. I answered this someplace else, but I'd want to go there only if we can do it after the Comet falls, and see post apocalyptic Azteca. We'll see where the El Dorado plot leads us.

    4. There is a link between El Dorado and the Aztecosaurs, as we've hinted elsewhere. The precise nature of that link I'll leave vague for now. Much will be revealed about El Dorado... but it may be a while before we get there.

    5. That's a tough one, and we try to deliberately keep the details of Spiral ancient history vague. So far as I know, Azteca is the oldest of the ones you've listed. Aquila and Krokotopia had their zenith at roughly the same time. MooShu is very old, but has had an isolationist stance toward the rest of the Spiral for so long that I don't really know where they fit into the framework.

    Jan 26, 2012
    Cunning Finnigan S... on May 8, 2013 wrote:
    Blind Mew, excellent work with the story, references, and puns in Book 13 and 14. Once again, I'm humbled by you and your crews creative genius. But now that it is out, we also again an update on questions, and I happen to have a few...

    1. Ahem...WHY TORTURE US WITH THAT CLIFF HANGER AT THE END BLIND MEW??? I was really hoping we'd be going to the 2nd skyway in Valencia but I was saddened to find out that it won't be until Book 15. Also, you've always been saying "That would be telling..." but why is it right at the end, you specifically state where we are going next and the possibility of going to a well known Wizard world (not going to tell many spoilers for those who haven't seen the end yet)? I have a strange feeling we'll see Kane in Book 15...

    2. Gortez won the war in Monquista...where does that leave us with Monquista and the story? Are we just about done with all things dry and bananas? And what of the church in turmoil as Gortez said? Also will we ever see Gibbonia and the Mines of Orryx? I can see a story going there where we need to help Gortez find a lord who knows a priest who could possibly put things in balance.

    3. That thing about tossing 5 years of childhood for 1 answer...does that affect us finding our parents at all? Is it possible the Presidio 5's 3rd Promo and Rajah, you know, with what the tiger guy said, will shed more light on this and what we may have forgetten?

    4. Books 13 and 14 came together. So is this going to be a one time only thing or are Books 15&16, 17&18, and 19&20 going to do the same? I really don't mind if it's just 1 Book at a time.

    5. You said because of bandwith and budget we couldn't come around for Albion. Would that suggest a 2nd trip to Marleybone to stop the revolt or will things end like Monquista and sort themselves out? Your discription of Albion is something I was picturing. Also does MB not like Avalon with it's Fox thing? And does this allude to a seperation in English history?
    1. Tee hee. To quote Moo Manchu. "Because it amuses me to do so!" Seriously, I've got to leave you wanting more, right? As for tipping Book 15's hand, it just kinda turned out that way - the reveals were coming fast and furious at that point, so it felt right to set it up instead of leaving that part vague. Trust me, One-Eyed Jack has chided me for spelling out where Book 15 will go. But beware: as always, we have a few surprises up our sleeve...

    2. The schism within the Church was specifically created to leave us an opening for more stories in Monquista. I hope to return there, but nothing is in stone yet. Gortez is too cool of a character to stop recurring.

    3. As to the memory loss - there's a thread on the Test Server forums where I spell out what I was thinking there. Short answer: will it affect your quest for your parents? You bet it will.

    4. We decided a long time ago to have 2 Books in the first update, for a number of reasons. Even knowing it was going to be big, it was a lot to chew on. I doubt we'll ever do one this big again - unless something major changes, expect 1 Book per update from now on.

    5. Given the real world events that the Troubles are based on, I don't expect them to end anytime soon. As for returning to Marleybone, you can bet that promotion and side quests will visit it even if the Main doesn't, though I think Bonnie Anne's promo played the Albion thing out enough for now.

    As for Avalon, that's a good question - I expect Avalon and Marleybone have had little, if any contact. Why? I figure they are on opposite sides of the Spiral, and that the Stormgates don't make travel between them easy (it's also quite possible that there are worlds with no Stormgates at all - the Wizards and their Gates may have the only access). I'm not sure what they'd make of Avalon, honestly...

    Petty Officer
    Jun 28, 2011
    i have couple places in mind

    1: what chances will we go to Darkmoor? i think it might be Old Scratch's homeworld

    2: later in book 15 will we learn more about the armada Queen?

    3: Will we see MORE special guests from wizard101 like we did in the test realm?

    4: will we see more familiar worlds from wizard101?

    5: most of all are we actually gonna battle Kane in book 15?

    Blind Mew if you get this please answer if possible