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Story Thread 1: A few story questions...

Jan 26, 2012
Kelsey Fireheart on Mar 29, 2013 wrote:
Hello Blind Mew...

I got a couple of questions for you. It has been said that Pirates view magic as odd. But then we are able to swim underwater for a quite long time. So if Pirates don't use magic or have diving gear available, how can they be able to stay underwater for such a long time?

Also for some reason I keep thinking that when we defeat the entire Armada elite group, we'll stumble across a human being, or just someone not clockwork, that was operating them on purpose. Someone who was craving power. Almost like a student of Pollo Marco turning evil. It'd be a huge twist in the whole storyline. It'd be very shocking if it comes to that kind of conclusion. I hope it's that interesting! It could start a brand new storyline LOL. "Great, we gotta chase them all over again. Oy vey!" I won't ask you if that's possible ;)

But, I am curious about those huge gate doors in Hamamitsu Garden and Aragon Skyway. Are they actual places where we walk or are they sky passages to another area? What are they?

One more thing, will we be able to explore and visit Imperial Skyway where the Wizards are?

Thanks for your time!
They just hold their breaths a REEEEALLY long time, of course! There's no air in the Void between worlds - so the Prates have to hold their breaths to get from world to world. it's a skill all expert pirates start developing early. ;)

Jan 26, 2012
Kelsey Fireheart on Mar 29, 2013 wrote:
Hello Blind Mew...

I got a couple of questions for you. It has been said that Pirates view magic as odd. But then we are able to swim underwater for a quite long time. So if Pirates don't use magic or have diving gear available, how can they be able to stay underwater for such a long time?

Also for some reason I keep thinking that when we defeat the entire Armada elite group, we'll stumble across a human being, or just someone not clockwork, that was operating them on purpose. Someone who was craving power. Almost like a student of Pollo Marco turning evil. It'd be a huge twist in the whole storyline. It'd be very shocking if it comes to that kind of conclusion. I hope it's that interesting! It could start a brand new storyline LOL. "Great, we gotta chase them all over again. Oy vey!" I won't ask you if that's possible ;)

But, I am curious about those huge gate doors in Hamamitsu Garden and Aragon Skyway. Are they actual places where we walk or are they sky passages to another area? What are they?

One more thing, will we be able to explore and visit Imperial Skyway where the Wizards are?

Thanks for your time!
As to who might be lurking behind the Armada, you're going to love the Chapter 13 puppet show. Many revelations are coming.

The Gates in Hamamitsu lead to a tunnel that connects to the imperial Skyway. The Gates in Aragon lead to the interior of The Machine. I'd bet on passing through the latter before the former.

Doubtful - the notion of mixing the two games, while awesome, is a pretty herculean task from a technical standpoint.

Gunner's Mate
Nov 01, 2012
Ethan the baron on Mar 12, 2013 wrote:
1. Will any of the armada elites or any armada troop ever turn against Kane like I always expected Rooke since he looks to be the strongest and toughest to turn on Kane and lead the armada his way

2. Will Deacon ever return like being reprogrammed but in a good way because I think it would be a great idea if Deacon who was basically your one of your pirate's biggest enemies of the game and seeing Deacon return and join your crew to me would be amazing and cool to have a big enemy of yours aid you against the enemy who used to be your friend sorry if that was a little confusing

3. Are we ever going to see the crown King and Queen possibly join the armada's side to stop us or any other old rivals of our pirates going to join the armada's side

4. Will our pirate see any characters of Wizard101 like Malistaire, Morganthe, Merle Ambrose, etc.

5. Are their going to be any more evil big enemies like Kane or Deacon our pirate will come across to face

6. Finally Will their be any of our companions that will betray us or maybe quit and if so will it be one of our main companions (Ratbeard, Old Scratch, Bonnie Anne, El Toro, etc.)

Please reply to these questions Blind Mew they really are interesting to me and want to know more about the pirate world

Slick Cody Jones-Privateer
Hello again Blind Mew thank you for answering my 7 and 8 questions but you never answered the questions above i really want an answer from you or anyone who can answer them also i have 2 more questions

1. How exactly did Phule end up in Fort Elena in a cell does that mean he is trapped for good or is he free i might have not been paying attention of how phule got in there.

2. Who specificly came up with the idea to create the armada i know it was a valencian but who and did they suspect that the clockworks would turn on them and will we find out that the armada became evil purposely of the persons doing?

I would appreciate an answer soon please

Find me in the game
Slick Cody Jones privateer lvl 50
Merciless Ethan Jenkins swashbuckler lvl 40

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Blind Mew on Apr 1, 2013 wrote:
This is precisely correct - the units that promote will keep promoting, every 3 to 5 Books, until at least level 100.

As for the names, they're primarily there for flavor. To address the OP, Dead Mike becomes an Avenger because he's obsessed with getting that revenge, not just because he achieves that goal.
An amazing number! Blind Mew, you realize that while getting to level 100 is any marvelous milestone accomplishment to some MMOs, I feel that level 100 does not, I repeat, does NOT, set our companions and their promotions in stone. We all know there's still going to be more promotions beyond level 100, but remember, that doesn't end companions' promotions. Remember that.

Jan 26, 2012
Ethan the baron on Apr 1, 2013 wrote:
Hello again Blind Mew thank you for answering my 7 and 8 questions but you never answered the questions above i really want an answer from you or anyone who can answer them also i have 2 more questions

1. How exactly did Phule end up in Fort Elena in a cell does that mean he is trapped for good or is he free i might have not been paying attention of how phule got in there.

2. Who specificly came up with the idea to create the armada i know it was a valencian but who and did they suspect that the clockworks would turn on them and will we find out that the armada became evil purposely of the persons doing?

I would appreciate an answer soon please

Find me in the game
Slick Cody Jones privateer lvl 50
Merciless Ethan Jenkins swashbuckler lvl 40
1. Unlikely - I'd expect them to betray each other before they betray Kane. If you listen closely to the dialogue, Kane's created quite a competitive atmosphere among the elites.

2. I addressed this in another thread - I'm not really into the re-programmed Armada idea, because I want to keep them as other, as adversarial, as possible.

3. That would be telling.

4. Yes.

5. Yes - by the time the main Story is done, you'll have fought the entire court.

6. Also addressed in many other places - Companions quitting is beyond our means (and inadvisable anyway).

1. Catbeard mentions that the Marleyboneans captured him and took him prisoner in retaliation for the abduction of Governor Stanley's daughter. And given the state of Fort Elena when as you were leaving, I really doubt they held Phule much longer.

2. All of these questions will be answered in good time.

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Ethan the baron on Apr 1, 2013 wrote:
Hello again Blind Mew thank you for answering my 7 and 8 questions but you never answered the questions above i really want an answer from you or anyone who can answer them also i have 2 more questions

1. How exactly did Phule end up in Fort Elena in a cell does that mean he is trapped for good or is he free i might have not been paying attention of how phule got in there.

2. Who specificly came up with the idea to create the armada i know it was a valencian but who and did they suspect that the clockworks would turn on them and will we find out that the armada became evil purposely of the persons doing?

I would appreciate an answer soon please

Find me in the game
Slick Cody Jones privateer lvl 50
Merciless Ethan Jenkins swashbuckler lvl 40
I think I'll answer your first question for this. Phule was imprisoned in Fort Elena because he was caught in the midst of the war between the Clockworks and Marleybone troops the PC made. It's clear he will bust out of Fort Elena real soon, becuase he will be pardoned in the mix, leaving him to meet the PC again.

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Blind Mew, while Book 13's close to completion, does work on Book 14 happen instantly? If so, then will the same thing happen? I was hoping you've got future books working on after.

May 01, 2012
I realized I was going though my puppet shows looking over them again for and hidden details and such and ran into a mooshu one I was like hmm maybe this has to do with a wizard hint and I was right if you pay close attention you see malistair putting that spell on the leader sending the area of mooshu into a war zone basicly leading to the rise of lo-pan and and leader so I think we might have a evil wizard guest soon within our game here :D and ty for all the detail blind really on the edge of my seat for that new update!

May 01, 2012
We know that kane is the leader but they where created as mindless cogs Then tell me this how did he take over his programing and take over the armada army! was it magic... was it a evil wizard we all know..... was it a old foe we might have already taken down or is there someone behind him pulling the strings......!

- Level 50 Witchdoctor Bloody Adam Webb

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
So, the race for Marco Pollo's Map has become more intense. I've reached the end of Book 12, and now, I'm waiting for Book 13. So far, the Armada has two Map pieces, and the Pirates have two Map pieces, which makes it a tie, the score being 2 to 2, with only 3 Map pieces left to go. Sure hope I get the next Map piece before they do in the next story update, Blind Mew! I'm willing to get ahead of the Armada in the race for the Map.

Feb 07, 2009
Blind Mew on Apr 1, 2013 wrote:
They just hold their breaths a REEEEALLY long time, of course! There's no air in the Void between worlds - so the Prates have to hold their breaths to get from world to world. it's a skill all expert pirates start developing early. ;)
Well, then, it must be REEEEALLY important not to get caught in a battle with any of the creatures who inhabit those voids.

I'm really enjoying this thread. I think it is a really rare thing for a developer to reveal so much (but not too much!) about processes and plans. Thank you so much!

Gunner's Mate
Nov 01, 2012
Ethan the baron on Apr 1, 2013 wrote:
Hello again Blind Mew thank you for answering my 7 and 8 questions but you never answered the questions above i really want an answer from you or anyone who can answer them also i have 2 more questions

1. How exactly did Phule end up in Fort Elena in a cell does that mean he is trapped for good or is he free i might have not been paying attention of how phule got in there.

2. Who specificly came up with the idea to create the armada i know it was a valencian but who and did they suspect that the clockworks would turn on them and will we find out that the armada became evil purposely of the persons doing?

I would appreciate an answer soon please

Find me in the game
Slick Cody Jones privateer lvl 50
Merciless Ethan Jenkins swashbuckler lvl 40
Thank you so much for the answers Blind Mew and Trimond297 i have a few other questions if you dont mind answering them sorry about asking a lot it is just really interseting

1. Will any people that we saw before in the story for example Calico Jake, Catbeard, gortez, or any other familar character become a companion for us in the next update

2. This question i know your probably gonna say the would be telling... but might as well ask how long does it usually take for the updates to come out i know wizard101 takes about usually 5-6 months but will it be the same for pirate101

3. Why do the elite armada troops look very and i mean very different from the rest of the armada like Rooke looks like the toughest, strongest, buffest, and most muscular of the armada but yet in the armada puppet show it says kane is the strongest, fastest, and smartest of the armada (so pretty much the best) but he doesnt look super strong and Kane is the only one who looks like the rest of the troops. Also Bishop who i think not many realized looked sort of like a raven or crane why is that? Phule as well he is two-faced and looks as a jester by the way why is phule like that two-faced.

3.And finally the Queen i guess is what they called her who really interests me because and correct me if im wrong but ive created this theory what if kane was once human and had a wife who he loved but the polarians killed her so he created the armada starting with himslef as the ruler and recreated his wife as the Queen but kane was full clockwork and only seized power and lost his humanity i guess and wants to turn every living thing into a clockwork and i guess thats what the big machine at the center of Valencia is. I know this is probably wrong but it made me think if that is how and why the armada were created.

Please respond as soon as you can and especially answer the last one please

Thank you again Blind mew for answering all these questions i really appreciate it and i know they must be getting annoying

Find me in the game
Slick Cody Jones privateer lvl 50
Merciless Ethan Jenkinsswashbuckler lvl 44

Gunner's Mate
Nov 01, 2012
Sorry i also forgot to add two things to the second question could all or other of the the armada elites be human but were forced or chose to turn into armada troops if they chose would it be because of a hidden backstory our PC will discover i know my theory is probably wrong but if some of it was correct tell me please. Again sorry about asking all this

May 06, 2009
Blind Mew, I was curious over the fact of Valencia's naming. Why is the World and it's major skyway named Valencia and Aragon? Anytime I look these up, I'm always confronted with a Valencia, Spain or Kingdom of Valencia and a Kingdom of Aragon. If it is an Italian Renaissance themed world, then why does it have more Spainish names than Italian? Is it because KI has a knack for combining multiple cutlures in one world (Ex. Wysteria: Spanish architecture and guard armor, English and Irish accents,)? Or to just be honest, it sounded nice when the world was in Alpha stage.

Also what is the main theme of Polaris? I am so confused from what has already been released on it. Is it France themed or Russian or a mix of both? The climate, polar gaurd looks, and world architecture all say Russian yet Napoleguin's name is a pun of Napoleon's and the Peguins seem to have slight French influenced clothing.
Also when you answered coolster50's question on whether the Polarian Wars was based off of the World Wars, and you answered it was more the Napoleon Wars just lacking an Imperial Russia, does that mean, maybe not for this story line, plans or consideration of an Imperial Russian inspired world? And if not, were the Walrus Tsars of old Polaris possible stating Polaris was once based of off Imperial Russia?

I hope I wasn't being to confusing

Jul 27, 2012
Dear Cody Jones --
As I am not Blind Mew I cannot answer your story questions, however I believe I can shed some light on the appearance of the Bishop and Phule. Bishop is wearing a medieval/Renaissance doctor's mask, in specific a Venetian plague doctor's mask. Since in those days it was believed the plague was transmitted by 'bad air', the beak of the mask was stuffed with straw and sweet smelling spices and herbs to filter out the badness (a logical idea, but sadly did not help those poor brave doctors who tried). So consider the relationship of life and death, the efforts of doctors & church leaders to protect and defend life... I think it is completely turned on end with the person of Bishop in Kane's court. Bishop, I think, is indeed is Kane's spiritual advisor, but not in the way of kings and their archbishops of history; rather the use (or more likely, misuse) of spirits and magic.
Phule is wearing motley; particolored clothes were often worn by jesters and important servants of a noble court, representing the heraldric colors of that court (which sometimes reflected the joining of families, thus color divisions). For a while it was fashionable for nobles to wear particolored clothing as well in the late Middle Ages. (Not that Anne knows anything about this, with her provincial upbringing in MooShu...)
Virtuous Anne Radcliffe

Jan 26, 2012
Ethan the baron on Apr 1, 2013 wrote:
Hello again Blind Mew thank you for answering my 7 and 8 questions but you never answered the questions above i really want an answer from you or anyone who can answer them also i have 2 more questions

1. How exactly did Phule end up in Fort Elena in a cell does that mean he is trapped for good or is he free i might have not been paying attention of how phule got in there.

2. Who specificly came up with the idea to create the armada i know it was a valencian but who and did they suspect that the clockworks would turn on them and will we find out that the armada became evil purposely of the persons doing?

I would appreciate an answer soon please

Find me in the game
Slick Cody Jones privateer lvl 50
Merciless Ethan Jenkins swashbuckler lvl 40
1. Phule was captured by the Marleyboneans, in response to the abduction of Governor Stanley's daughter in Port Regal. Given the state of Fort Elena as the PC was leaving, I doubt he stayed locked up much longer.

2. The identity of the Clockworks' creator, their intentions when they created them, the origins of the Armada, and how they became what they are now will be revealed. All in good time...

Jan 26, 2012
Trimond297 on Apr 2, 2013 wrote:
Blind Mew, while Book 13's close to completion, does work on Book 14 happen instantly? If so, then will the same thing happen? I was hoping you've got future books working on after.
As soon as I finish writing quests for a book, I start outlining the next Book, and turning the plotline into lists of characters and environments that need to be created. My job is a big cycle - pre-production into production into the next pre-production.

Jan 26, 2012
CaptainFlint193 on Mar 22, 2013 wrote:
Dear Blind Mew,
I have a few weird, slightly-off questions I'd like to ask...

1. In Cool Ranch, there is occasional mention of a 'War Between the Flocks'. Care to elaborate?
2. Why do the Dogs of Port Regal and the Monkeys of Puerto Mico let the neighboring pirate colonies survive? Puerto Mico isn't very far from Scrimshaw, and the Marleyboneians could travel to the Scurvy Dog Hideout quickly. Plus there are easy connections to Skull Island Skyway and Flotsam Skyway.
3. I feel the Monquisition wasn't very much touched upon in the main story - will they be more involved anytime?
4. Does Valencia have colonies, or do they just conquer and trade? Can we expect a Valencian governor of a colony at some point?
5. Does Krokotopia have a major role to play at some point?
1. It's a riff on the American Civil War, also known as The War Between the States. The Civil War is a big element in the background of many Westerns (Outlaw Josey Wales being perhaps the best example), but it lets us set up not only Captain Foote but our dear Captain Reynolds (drawn from a source, of course, with its own riff on the Civil War).

2. Put simply, wars are are expensive, and neither Marelybone or Monquista is willing to go through the trouble of a full scale war. The Marleyboneans do a little smuggling and privateering in Tradewinds (the classical definition of the word, not our class name), and it annoys Monquista, but not enough to go to war over. As for other skyways in Skull Island, there are some. They don't touch the Main Story, but I'm hoping we can reveal them in the future.

3. They will indeed appear again, in a future chapter.

4. You've hit it pretty well - they have Merchant Families instead of Colonies. Our next look at Valencia will show much more of what ordinary life looks like there.

5. I don't know if I'd call it major, but Krokotopia does influence some future parts of the story. It remains to be seen if we'll go there, or just meet people from there and hear many references to it.

Jan 26, 2012
Elemutation on Mar 26, 2013 wrote:
Blind Mew, there are some things i really, really need answers too. I, (the newbe super KI, wanna be hollywood writer that i am) have started to write a book about the magnificent 7's past. i found this thread not to long ago, and read about some cool ranch companion future promos. I dont want any part of my book's story to conflict with the stories that you are working on, so i need some insight on certain story parts.

1. rooster cogburn-i have a whole part of the book (the book is gonna be 6 parts total) based around cogburn meeting the seven as a child. his drive, why he has the attitude that he uses, even down to that oh so mysterious eye patch. i just need to know if there are certain parts i should tip-toe around.
2. the death of wyatt-I have read and reread every single cool ranch quest that even mentions the seven, and established a plausable, yet unexpected, event. i just want to know any details that i should be aware of. the seven join together- I have finished writing part one (8 chapters and over 100 pages in my handwriting which is atrocious. should translate to probably 60 pages) and writen how every memeber of the seven joined the team. i just want to know how much of the story i need to rewrite.
I was gonna send you guys at kingsile part one of my book (which is in the typing phase) and just needed these things to have the least bit of insight. thanks, and i hope you like what i have written so far. i hope i can get the preview in to you and the whole KI team before the next update. My dream currently is to be part of the KI writing team and was hoping this would be a good way to get my start.

F.R. Holystone lv 50
Good heavens! We're honored to have inspired such a response.

I can tell you that the next Mag 7 promo quests won't delve into the past - they'll be much more about the 7 interacting with the world the PC is in when the quest happen - some fish out of water fun.

I've kept a lot of the past details vague, and am inclined to do so for the foreseeable future - I mean, the origins of the Armada, the PCs parents, and the Presidio 5 are much more critical to the Main Story than the 7: they're really side characters, but really rich ones. So, as to your questions, I don't really have much to say.

My advice would be to look at our sources for the characters (True Grit for Rooster, the various real life stories of the rest of them) and come up with fun spins on them. Of course, the real Wyatt Earp was involved in dozens of gunfights and never so much as scratched, so some inventiveness on your part may be called for. You can't go wrong looking at the big iconic Westerns and drawing from them as well.

As to becoming a writer, I'll give you the advice I give everyone who asks - if you want to write, read. Even trash will teach you what doesn't work. Try to be as good at proofreading as you can, and don't be afraid to cut things. Also, never forget that the passive voice is evil - destroy it with fire.

Also - I also salute you for writing longhand - I love writing ink on paper, but the press of time keeps me from doing it very much anymore. Keyboards rule the day now.

Jan 26, 2012
Ethan the baron on Apr 3, 2013 wrote:
Thank you so much for the answers Blind Mew and Trimond297 i have a few other questions if you dont mind answering them sorry about asking a lot it is just really interseting

1. Will any people that we saw before in the story for example Calico Jake, Catbeard, gortez, or any other familar character become a companion for us in the next update

2. This question i know your probably gonna say the would be telling... but might as well ask how long does it usually take for the updates to come out i know wizard101 takes about usually 5-6 months but will it be the same for pirate101

3. Why do the elite armada troops look very and i mean very different from the rest of the armada like Rooke looks like the toughest, strongest, buffest, and most muscular of the armada but yet in the armada puppet show it says kane is the strongest, fastest, and smartest of the armada (so pretty much the best) but he doesnt look super strong and Kane is the only one who looks like the rest of the troops. Also Bishop who i think not many realized looked sort of like a raven or crane why is that? Phule as well he is two-faced and looks as a jester by the way why is phule like that two-faced.

3.And finally the Queen i guess is what they called her who really interests me because and correct me if im wrong but ive created this theory what if kane was once human and had a wife who he loved but the polarians killed her so he created the armada starting with himslef as the ruler and recreated his wife as the Queen but kane was full clockwork and only seized power and lost his humanity i guess and wants to turn every living thing into a clockwork and i guess thats what the big machine at the center of Valencia is. I know this is probably wrong but it made me think if that is how and why the armada were created.

Please respond as soon as you can and especially answer the last one please

Thank you again Blind mew for answering all these questions i really appreciate it and i know they must be getting annoying

Find me in the game
Slick Cody Jones privateer lvl 50
Merciless Ethan Jenkinsswashbuckler lvl 44
1. Yes - some definitely will.

2. The next story update will be our first since we went live, so we're learning the answer to that ourselves. I can't give dates, but it shouldn't be much longer.

3. As to the lady clockwork in Kane's Court, we'll meet her in good time. Her origin and all the Elites' origins will be explained. I'm afraid I won't confirm or deny your theory about her origin, not at this stage.

Jan 26, 2012
Ethan the baron on Apr 3, 2013 wrote:
Thank you so much for the answers Blind Mew and Trimond297 i have a few other questions if you dont mind answering them sorry about asking a lot it is just really interseting

1. Will any people that we saw before in the story for example Calico Jake, Catbeard, gortez, or any other familar character become a companion for us in the next update

2. This question i know your probably gonna say the would be telling... but might as well ask how long does it usually take for the updates to come out i know wizard101 takes about usually 5-6 months but will it be the same for pirate101

3. Why do the elite armada troops look very and i mean very different from the rest of the armada like Rooke looks like the toughest, strongest, buffest, and most muscular of the armada but yet in the armada puppet show it says kane is the strongest, fastest, and smartest of the armada (so pretty much the best) but he doesnt look super strong and Kane is the only one who looks like the rest of the troops. Also Bishop who i think not many realized looked sort of like a raven or crane why is that? Phule as well he is two-faced and looks as a jester by the way why is phule like that two-faced.

3.And finally the Queen i guess is what they called her who really interests me because and correct me if im wrong but ive created this theory what if kane was once human and had a wife who he loved but the polarians killed her so he created the armada starting with himslef as the ruler and recreated his wife as the Queen but kane was full clockwork and only seized power and lost his humanity i guess and wants to turn every living thing into a clockwork and i guess thats what the big machine at the center of Valencia is. I know this is probably wrong but it made me think if that is how and why the armada were created.

Please respond as soon as you can and especially answer the last one please

Thank you again Blind mew for answering all these questions i really appreciate it and i know they must be getting annoying

Find me in the game
Slick Cody Jones privateer lvl 50
Merciless Ethan Jenkinsswashbuckler lvl 44
As to the Elites (missed this on my first answer - you had two number 3's!) - they look different because they are different. The Marines and Musketeers are mass produced, while the Elites are unique. Far more work was put into them. They have much more personality than the lesser Clockworks, and are capable of far more.

As for Kane... he's stronger than he looks. I'd say he and Rooke are on par with each other. (and conversely, one might expect one of the court to be about as smart as Kane, and another to be about as fast). As to how Kane can achieve this with so much less bulk, he's made of better materials, and at a far higher level of craftsmanship.

As for Bishop and his nose, he's based on the Plague Doctor mask from the Venetian Comedia del Arte masks. Another poster gave a great explanation for why the masks in our world look that way. We based all the Elite's faces on these masks.

Jan 26, 2012
Cunning Finnigan S... on Apr 3, 2013 wrote:
Blind Mew, I was curious over the fact of Valencia's naming. Why is the World and it's major skyway named Valencia and Aragon? Anytime I look these up, I'm always confronted with a Valencia, Spain or Kingdom of Valencia and a Kingdom of Aragon. If it is an Italian Renaissance themed world, then why does it have more Spainish names than Italian? Is it because KI has a knack for combining multiple cutlures in one world (Ex. Wysteria: Spanish architecture and guard armor, English and Irish accents,)? Or to just be honest, it sounded nice when the world was in Alpha stage.

Also what is the main theme of Polaris? I am so confused from what has already been released on it. Is it France themed or Russian or a mix of both? The climate, polar gaurd looks, and world architecture all say Russian yet Napoleguin's name is a pun of Napoleon's and the Peguins seem to have slight French influenced clothing.
Also when you answered coolster50's question on whether the Polarian Wars was based off of the World Wars, and you answered it was more the Napoleon Wars just lacking an Imperial Russia, does that mean, maybe not for this story line, plans or consideration of an Imperial Russian inspired world? And if not, were the Walrus Tsars of old Polaris possible stating Polaris was once based of off Imperial Russia?

I hope I wasn't being to confusing
When we make the worlds, we throw a few elements into the mix - in Valencia's case (and the world, by the way, was first name-dropped by Diego in Wizard - he had an Italian accent, and that guided the Italian flavor from its inception). So yeah, Renaissance Italy with some Spanish place names. As we'll someday learn, they have Italianate place names too. All in good time...

Polaris is our Imperial France analogue, but its primary theme (as you see from Catbeard's description of the place) is that it's really cold there - it's our frozen world. Thus the Penguins and Polar Bears. It's Imperial Russia and Napoleon's Imperial France thrown in a blender - the Penguin Revolution that toppled the Walrus Tsars and propped up Napoleguin owes a lot to the French Revolution (less so that the Russian - there's no Socialism involved), and before the Penguins rose up the place was a lot like Imperial Russia. When examining our analogies, don't carry the analysis too far. We keep things fuzzy at the edges, to give us room to maneuver story wise.

May 21, 2009
Blind Mew on Apr 4, 2013 wrote:
1. It's a riff on the American Civil War, also known as The War Between the States. The Civil War is a big element in the background of many Westerns (Outlaw Josey Wales being perhaps the best example), but it lets us set up not only Captain Foote but our dear Captain Reynolds (drawn from a source, of course, with its own riff on the Civil War).

2. Put simply, wars are are expensive, and neither Marelybone or Monquista is willing to go through the trouble of a full scale war. The Marleyboneans do a little smuggling and privateering in Tradewinds (the classical definition of the word, not our class name), and it annoys Monquista, but not enough to go to war over. As for other skyways in Skull Island, there are some. They don't touch the Main Story, but I'm hoping we can reveal them in the future.

3. They will indeed appear again, in a future chapter.

4. You've hit it pretty well - they have Merchant Families instead of Colonies. Our next look at Valencia will show much more of what ordinary life looks like there.

5. I don't know if I'd call it major, but Krokotopia does influence some future parts of the story. It remains to be seen if we'll go there, or just meet people from there and hear many references to it.
Oooh, excellent...I just love lore. I find it fascinating, Blind Mew! Thanks! But I do have a few more questions...

1. What exactly is a Merchant Family?
2. I think you misunderstood my second question - I did not ask whether there are other skyways (though thanks for the tidbit), I asked why the major powers don't just attack the pirate colonies. I don't really think they need to go to war over it. After all, a lot of them are quite close by.
3. Does each member of the Elite Court have a backstory? Like Deacon and Phule and Rooke and Bishop and the like? I know they were all created to fight in the Polarian Wars, but why are they so individual?
4. Are there other any bits of Pirate101 lore you'd like to share with us? I know this is fishing for spoilers, but I'm a bit of a story nut!


Gunner's Mate
Nov 01, 2012
Blind Mew on Apr 4, 2013 wrote:
1. Yes - some definitely will.

2. The next story update will be our first since we went live, so we're learning the answer to that ourselves. I can't give dates, but it shouldn't be much longer.

3. As to the lady clockwork in Kane's Court, we'll meet her in good time. Her origin and all the Elites' origins will be explained. I'm afraid I won't confirm or deny your theory about her origin, not at this stage.
Thank you Blind Mew I think you are one of my favorite developers because you talk with us the most and I'm serious about that and sorry about the two three questions my bad and thank you the person who answered my question about bishops nose and sorry about not remembering your name but I am thankful and I have a few more questions for blind mew or anyone who can answer them

1. I know when we received the picture of the people in el dorado Avery said he would talk to cat beard about the map piece but are we going to confront him about it?

2. What are the classes of the armada elites I've figured that rooke is a bucaneer with the heavy armor, shield, and big mace or hammer I think is what he was holding. Bishop is probably witch doctor which also reminds me to ask you I thought the armada outlaw magic so why would they be allowed to use it. I think Kane would be privateer. Queen I believe is a swashbuckler. And Phule I'm not sure is he a witch doctor or use a gun for musketeer.

3. Will the PC ever get another human companion other then him/herself I personally just think it would be cool

4. Besides the pirates parents is their any other family relative like a brother, sister, uncle, etc. that our pirate has and or will meet

5. Will the deacon ever return or be mentioned again in the game we only saw him 4 times at the beginning, Boot Hill, monte royale, and his death spot in mother lode mine I just feel we didn't learn much about him considering he was in my opinion our biggest enemy besides Kane and if you've seen the post about armada companions with blind mew you'll see what I said about deacon returning.

6. Last question how did the armada find us I know why they took us which is how you chose how to get captured but how did they find us and also how and why did brooch beard and gandry know "we were the one that will change everything" what does that mean

This is just a question for you blind mew do you enjoy hearing our questions I know I continue to post questions but are they getting annoying just wondering
And as I always say I would appreciate an answer soon please
Find me in the game
Slick Cody Jones privateer lvl 50
Merciless Ethan Jenkins swashbuckler lvl 44

May 06, 2012
wow know i have some questions!
1: Are wild bill and Jane canary a couple? When you recruit them Jane says to bill you are not getting rid of me that easily
2:Unicorns and Guinea Pigs live in Valencia. But Unicorns are the stars of the show. what about the guinea pigs?
3: Why are do many promotion quests involve Moo Manchu?
4: Does Marleybone know we sprung naploguin and sally?
5: If Ensign Emmet is a pirate why does he have a marleybone military rank?
6: How did gunn get one of Marco Pollo's map pieces?
7: Will the armada make new clockwork enemies?
Quiet Zachary Armstrong