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Story Thread 1: A few story questions...

Jan 26, 2012
Trimond297 on Mar 5, 2013 wrote:
3 or 4 Books between promotion quests for companions? Wow. Talk about a... juggling estimate. Which chosen companions are just about due for a new, recent promotion quest in the next story update... or overdue? I'm willing to guess it's going to be Ratbeard and Bonnie Anne! Or... perhaps... Ol' Scratch! Maybe... but I'm leaning towards those two. Since you've estimated the amount of Books a companion can reach a promotion quest, I'm guessing it's not going to be long before we see more new promotion quests real soon.

Hope that estimate set happens to the MooShu 5, (if that's what you wanna call them) be it Book 15 or 16. I'm willing to see how they'll turn out to be! Think the same may apply to Lucky Jack Russell, Dead Mike, Milo Graytail, Gaspard de Vole, and Birgus Latro? One can guess, eh?

What of the estimated promotion quests in a Book set for Barnabus, Sarah Steele, Mormo, Louis Le Bisque, and Emmet? They got their second promotion quests in Book 11, so what estimated Book is set for their third promotion quests?
If you look back and make a careful tally, you'll see the only Book so far without a promotion quest is Book 5. To make it all work, somebody is going to promote each Book. Some Books will have two or three promotion quests.

Also, the 3 or 4 Books thing is not graven in stone. Sometimes we let a Companion wait a while, or we'll shift the quest forward or backward if the world for a Book is particularly appropriate for that character.

Mar 25, 2012
Blind Mew, What is going on in Monquista? We left there with no resulution. Can you give us a update on the world or are we going back. Or would this be telling?

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Blind Mew on Mar 6, 2013 wrote:
Oh boy, always with the promotion quest questions... You realize that the direct answer to just about all of what you ask is "That would be telling." Patience, dragonfly!

The events of Bonnie Anne's second promo quest will definitely cast a shadow over her third, but it may be less of a direct sequel than you expect.

Ratbeard's next one is... different. Definitely a labor of love, and it was hard to pull off. I'm very eager to see how it plays.

The Kraken Skulls 5 will get another promo. Not next story update, though they shouldn't have to wait for too many more updates after that.
Sorry. I know. I get that plenty. I can take your hint. Impatience gets the best of us, sometimes. I'm just too excited and eager to guess how they'll turn out. Don't worry. I can wait. Still excited about them, though.

When can we expect to see the Monquistan King and Queen again? They were beyond furious about what has happened in Monquista. Of course, I've never heard them being furious yet, seeing as they're always in their throne room, but sources from across Skull Island do know about that, example given One-Eyed Jack back in Book 8.

The words "direct sequel" doesn't suit it, but "direct follow-up", those words will do.

Really? Well, I'll see how that turns out once it's finished.

I hilariously enjoyed the Monquistan's debate held back in Puerto Mico and liked how it turned out. Who knew the so-called "Seeded Bananas" I gave to Former Prefect Chiquita (that's how they're going to call him now) turned out to be Plantains after all? Guess that places the meaning of appearances can be decieving. To be honest, I've never seen how these kind of bananas reveal their true form, but I can guess it's real form was, or is, much repulsive to the Monquistans, anyway. Nice side journey! Liked it! Any plans of a direct follow up adventure to this? I'm hoping to see that happen! After being stripped off his status (guessing how these events turned out after the debate), I'm thinking that Former Prefect Chiquita will be conspiring a plan for escape and revenge against the PC, as he said there will be schism soon before being locked up. I don't know what it is right now, but I'm willing to think it's going to be quite diabolical and costly.

If there's going to be a new Skyway in Monquista soon, how about adding in a large, yet abandoned, and ancient, Monquistan temple somewhere in it? I'm willing to see that in with it and how it turns out! Hope it is haunted with different, yet transformed, and pretty much evil, magical Monquistans, next to the transformed Flying Monquistans by the Monkey's Paw in the Cavern of the Crescent Moon adventure, and filled with plenty of secrets long forgotten to most Monquistans, yet not known to the Crown, but vital enough for the Opposition to hear. I'm willing to see more of Monquista adventures soon!

I'm wondering what's behind those closed gates in Puerto Mico's Cathedral, anyway? Think it's some sort of hidden secret cell where they take the rogue Monquistans away in place of Monquista's prisons in it's darkened halls somewhere? I'm guessing.

So, a Yellow Windstone is required to travel to Aquila via Monquista's Stormgate to it, right? Think Aquila is where we'll be going next? I know you're going to say the words, "That would be telling", but I'm willing to grab that Windstone and see Aqulila soon!

Feb 23, 2010
I've got a few minor questions about character interactions. If the answer spoils something important, feel free to pull out the "that would be telling" card. I'm willing to wait if they're that important.

1. What is Lucius Fox's relation with Bonnie? Is he a family member or are they just good friends? I only ask because he's the only other fox we've seen so far and he did expensive work on Bonnie's Scaramanga for free.

2. Is there a specific reason why Ratbeard and Catbeard hate each other, or is that just a byproduct of the cat-and-mouse conflict?

May 06, 2009
After thinking it over, I can tell, Blind Mew, that my last post of questions didn't go over well (mostly because now i can tell all those were an answer of a big, unforgettable "That would be telling.."). Oh, well.
But I am still curious to know:

1. What's the deal with Darkmoor? So far we have a hint that there is a monarchy in place and that it's very dark, boggy, foggy, (from the world sketch that was posted) and has some undead prowling around. However, of all the mentioned worlds it is heavily unknown about compared to El Dorado, Marleybone, and Polaris. I would just like to know, what have the people (witchdoctors maybe?) of Darkmoor done for the Spiral, good or bad? The Heros of Aquila created passages between the worlds, Polaris nearly took over the Spiral, the Builders of El Dorado maded a devastating power but what is there to tell about Darkmoor, if any? Are they like MooShu, a world to show, again, how vast and strange the Spiral is?

2. Is it one of the Pirate communities' goals to make this game not only feel like a game but also a book? When I ask you all these questions on what's to come, I feel like I'm at an author's book signing than typing out all these questions.

3. Are our PC's foster parent quests going to be featured within this story line or the next?

4. Are there parts and Worlds of the Spiral that even you don't know where we may be heading to as of now?

5. Are there any more small quest lines, such as the Mechnical Bird quest, that will play a major and shocking role closer to the end of the El Dorado story?

6. Is Bonnie Ann from Marleybone? You've hinted it very well through out this Post and in the Valencia quest to go read all the Pillars about the worlds, where she seemed to take some offense about what was said about Marelybone, but I just want to confirm it (only if possible). Also why is Marleybone so behind in technological advancement compared to Valenica? They both have Clockworks yet, Valencia's are better.

Jun 06, 2011
Is Lucius fox secretly related in some way to a new NPC called batman?

Jan 26, 2012
Trimond297 on Feb 27, 2013 wrote:
I agree with you on answer number 2. Deacon sounded much more better than he was back in beta. I'm willing to hear how Rooke sounds. I'll give you my opinon on how he is, and what can be improved, once I get to him.

Will we get to see Azteca in Pirate101 someday? I mean, I'm enjoying Azteca in Wizard101, but are there many more lands in Azteca than we thought? Surely, there's other crisis in various forms that even Wizards aren't aware of, but worthy of a Pirate's job, anyway.

How did you decide to work MooShu into Pirate101? When I first saw how MooShu was going to be a part of Pirate101, I imagined the world would look nearly the same, much like how it looks in W101, yet, I didn't expect you to bring out another, different side to MooShu. I was perplexed by how the worlds in the Spiral are shared between the two games. How is MooShu's perspective in the game different than W101's? How is that other forms of evil besides the ones in W101 planned to overthrow MooShu's own Emperor Yoshihito while he was ill by Malistaire's magic? I mean, does the timeline in MooShu differ between the two games? Were there zones that have similar designs in W101, but are vastly much more than they appear in Pirate101? Were they customly designed? Think similar enemies/monsters seen in P101 would appear in W101's future updates someday? I would like to see the enemies seen in P101 make it into that game. I... I'm sorry. I'm overflowing with so many questions about MooShu and asked so much about it, it's going to take more than answers for you to comply. Could you make a behind the scenes and comparison video about MooShu? I would like to see how MooShu's perspectives differ from the two games in your own comaprison video... along with more comparison videos featuring more familiar worlds of the Spiral.
I would love to get to Azteca someday, especially if we get to see Azteca in the aftermath of the events of the Wizard story there. As things stand now, the Main Story does not require it.

As to MooShu - the decision to include MooShu in the game was made before i ever got here - given the world's popularity in Wizard, going there was a no-brainer. So, once we worked out how many chapters and Books we were spending there, I was tasked with coming up with a cool story. Wizard and Pirate share worlds, and will share worlds going forward - furthermore, the timelines for the two games are roughly contemporary (emphasis added, because I see this question come up a lot). I say "roughly" to keep from ever having to worry about specific details and timings of things. For example, in MooShu the story presumes that the Wizards have yet to finish that world's story and restore the Emperor. Future worlds might assume the Wizards finished the story a short time ago, so we see the aftermath - regardless of which way we go, they're still at about the same time, give or take.

MooShu is China, and Japan, all rolled into one. It's HUGE. On the master map we made, we divided the world into 4 big skyways with Hamamitsu in the center, and shaded one in and named it the Imperial Skyway - that's wizard MooShu. We filled in the rest. Are there other Skyweays that we didn't map yet? Absolutely. MooShu is bigger than either game has shown - there are evils lurking there as yet unknown.

As to the sotry, I looked at the structure we had - 2 Books, 2 Skyways, and decided to make Book 11 a Japanese-style story, with Yakooza and renegade warlords and Samoorai politics (and Kabuki dancing!), while Book 12 would be primarily Chinese, with Monkey King, the Journey to the West, and Caoism. The divide isn't perfect, but it held up pretty well. Thinking in terms of the Chinese Mandate of Heaven, the health of the Emperor and the stability of the land are one: so if the Emperor is sick, all manner of bad things will happen. Thus we have Tso's treason, the Inoshishi acting up, the invasion of the Amber Horde, and Moo Manchu enacting his grand plan. Thus, Wizard gave us a perfect reason for all this instability and corruption the PC has to deal with.

When Wizard worlds appear in Pirate in the future (and they will - when and which are the only things I can't specify... yet) we'll take the same approach. If we can. we'll nod to Wizard in fun ways, but never directly depend upon it. And we'll try to show a different side. In the fullness of time, I expect Wizard may do the same with our worlds. Monquistans have already appeared in Wizard, i hope more of our characters do too.

I fear a video documentary about MooShu is beyond our bandwidth right now. But it's a decent idea for a future world...

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Cunning Finnigan S... on Mar 7, 2013 wrote:
After thinking it over, I can tell, Blind Mew, that my last post of questions didn't go over well (mostly because now i can tell all those were an answer of a big, unforgettable "That would be telling.."). Oh, well.
But I am still curious to know:

1. What's the deal with Darkmoor? So far we have a hint that there is a monarchy in place and that it's very dark, boggy, foggy, (from the world sketch that was posted) and has some undead prowling around. However, of all the mentioned worlds it is heavily unknown about compared to El Dorado, Marleybone, and Polaris. I would just like to know, what have the people (witchdoctors maybe?) of Darkmoor done for the Spiral, good or bad? The Heros of Aquila created passages between the worlds, Polaris nearly took over the Spiral, the Builders of El Dorado maded a devastating power but what is there to tell about Darkmoor, if any? Are they like MooShu, a world to show, again, how vast and strange the Spiral is?

2. Is it one of the Pirate communities' goals to make this game not only feel like a game but also a book? When I ask you all these questions on what's to come, I feel like I'm at an author's book signing than typing out all these questions.

3. Are our PC's foster parent quests going to be featured within this story line or the next?

4. Are there parts and Worlds of the Spiral that even you don't know where we may be heading to as of now?

5. Are there any more small quest lines, such as the Mechnical Bird quest, that will play a major and shocking role closer to the end of the El Dorado story?

6. Is Bonnie Ann from Marleybone? You've hinted it very well through out this Post and in the Valencia quest to go read all the Pillars about the worlds, where she seemed to take some offense about what was said about Marelybone, but I just want to confirm it (only if possible). Also why is Marleybone so behind in technological advancement compared to Valenica? They both have Clockworks yet, Valencia's are better.
I'm not skeptical, but I can at least answer the sixth question's half, but I'm sure Blind Mew has answers for the others. Bonnie Anne's origins of what world she's born are yet to be explained, so, I have no idea what world she was born in for now. That's all I can tell you about the first half of the question.

Now, for the answer of the question's second half.

The Clockworks from Wizard101's Marleybone are vastly different, but not alike the ones seen in Pirate101's Valencia Clockworks. Marleybone's Clockworks are built in many places, for example, one being made in Katzenstien's Lab. They serve their own masters, but due to the ongoing crimes happening because of Malistaire, some of the Clockworks went amok and became criminals themselves, bringing destruction and terror to Marleybone, while Meowiarity ran free to do more crimes, with the thieving cats aiding the ongoing crimes in Marleybone. Few cats would even feel remorse about their actions and reform to be good. Unbeknownst to the dogs, other cats simply want to live their lives without criminal involvement, considering them neutral, while some cats choose to be heroes of their own in secret, despite the dogs' dislikng and dismay of bad cats causing mayhem to their homes.

Valencia's own Clockworks, on the other hand, poses as much a threat just as much as Wizard101's own threats. Back then where they were allies, the Clockwork Soldiers were crafted to end the Polarian War by Napoleguin himself. They succeeded in ending the war and imprisoned Napoleguin in Fort Elena. Valencians cheered the Clockworks in the aftermath, as peace reigned for a while. However, as time went by, more and more soldiers were made, and rumors begane to circulate around them, the latter being the Armada would turn against the Valencians and conquering the Spiral of their own ambitions. The rumor turned out to be true as the Clockworks then turned on Valencia and imprisoned their own creators, strictly cutting off knowledge on how to disarm them for good and discontinuing the enforcement of their own children's education. Since that time, they have become slaves to the Armada, currently commanded by the very first Clockwork creation, Supreme Commander Kane, endlessly recruiting allies from all over of their own to aid them in their cause. However, certain Valencians have sided with the Resistance, as they share a common goal, to eradicate evety last Armada trooper once and for all, and are still working on their goals today. Now, the Armada still searches for Marco Pollo's Map pieces. The race for the Map is at an even score, with the PIrates having two pieces and the Armada having two, but the score has yet to be changed. In the future, the race may end, but it will end with the Pirates winning, and the Armada finally out of commission.

I hope to battle Kane someday, but not until we have stamped out the Elites, one by one. And when that time comes, it will be a glorious moment for the Resistance.

Jan 26, 2012
Cunning Finnigan S... on Mar 2, 2013 wrote:
In relations to your answer of #1 um...I guess. You threw me off there lol. And also that would pretty much be a no then to number 2, no other world outside of Celestia has made contact with El Dorado.

So another set of questions I have come to wonder (man I feel like the Philosoraptor. "If actions speak louder than words, why is the pen mightier than the sword?" lol):

1. So you said El Dorado keeping a legacy in the prehistory of the Spiral. Ok so here's what's going on in my head: I play Wizard101 as well and still remember very piece to the stories. Azteca, which is a fragment of the First World, is an old world but only an echo of El Dorado. So El Dorado is way older than any world but only second to the Grandfather Tree, Bartleby, and Grandmother Raven, Lady Nightstar, (of course they are alive that is). The First World had 3 races: the Giants, Tritons, and Dragons, all of which were arguably Immortal beings. After fighting with each other over who was stealing what from who, the First World tore apart. If El Dorado holds an ancient and dire power of the Spiral, and maybe even existed during the time of the First World before it's destruction, could this dormant power be the power of the Giants, Tritons, and Dragons, as it was their fighting, their powers, that ultimately made the Spiral?

2. Ok, I know you can't give much detail on El Dorado or you'd ruin the big surprise at the end when we go there but can you tell me if El Dorado is a big world? Like more than one ancient Skyway?

3. Will we be seeing any worlds with similar ends like Azteca's? Unsavable and pretty much leading to it's own demise?

4. Ok, I know there is no confirmed plan of bringing Zafaria into Pirate101 but if there were, off the top of your head, how could you see a story going? For me, it would be the English and Arabic colonization on much of Africa. In this case, the Marleybonians maybe trying to enslave Zafarians (course I've never seen Marleybonians as any kind of racists or self centered people) or colonize Zafaria and reap the raw material there while on the another hand the Lynx of Mirage, an Arabic-inspired world, is flooding in through Krokotopia to stage a cultural take over. All in all the major worlds in this plot are Zafaria, Marleybone, Valencia, Mirage, and a little of Krokotopia. But that's just me. How would you write it?

5. Did the movies 9 and the Terminator give any major inspiration to the whole Valencia-being-turned-by-it's-own-creation thing? Like when I really think on it, I can see the Creator of the Clockworks making a very major error by not making them more "alive" and now they're out of control. The genius himself is either dead or in hidding.

6. You've said that Book 13 is a war story but did not examplify what war. Yeah I know the Monquista-Marleybone-Valencia triangle but is possible the war-torn land of Aquila will make an appearance?

7. Is there a difference between Marleybone Clockworks and Valencia Clockworks?
1. I don't want to get bogged down in the intricacies and eccentricities of Spiral pre-history. We've been deliberately vague, and ideally over time the information that appears in game will be contradictory. After all, that's how real history is! Suffice to say that I talked to Wizard's writers at length, and we worked out how El Dorado fits into the tapestry. More will be revealed.

2. I cannot attest to El Dorado's size or extent, but I do know that a lot will be happening there.

3. Unsure. I love what they did with the Azteca storyline - it would be a grand experiment for us.

4. That's a big and complicated question. You have to be careful here, because colonialism can have some very ugly aspects - ideally, I'd want to see content where the PC is vectored there via colonial powers, but ends up interacting with the Zafarians on their terms. Looking at things politically is always a good way to start. I'm going to evade a long answer for now, if you don't mind.

5. I must admit I haven't seen 9, but as to the Temrinator, oh yeah. The meme of a creation turning on its master and deciding its superior to its master goes back a long way - the Armada were definitely shaped by that primal fear.

6. Many things are possible. That would be telling.

7. There are some big differences, primarily in materials and power source - the Dogs favor steel and steam, while the Armada are much lighter - brass and balsa wood and piano wire. They seem to wind themselves as they move - some kind of perpetual motion that has the best Marleybonean engineers baffled. I've always suspected the the Dogs of Marleybone developed their golems as a response to the Armada Clockworks - an attempt to imitate and one-up the technology to deny Valencia a strategic advantage. The Armada are much more reliable... for now, at least.

Jan 26, 2012
The Fire Buccaneer on Mar 4, 2013 wrote:
You'll probably say "that would be telling," but did wizards have anything to do with building El Dorado?
I'm under the impression that El Dorado is far older than the oldest wizard...

Jan 26, 2012
CaptainFlint193 on Mar 5, 2013 wrote:
Well these are fascinating tidbits an' all, but there are a bunch of questions to go...mostly-Armada based.

1. You say that there are few places the Armada hasn't been - are we ever going to visit worlds where the Armada has no influence whatsoever? It appears they haven't been to Monquista, and I haven't seen Armada ships in Cool Ranch.
2. How has the Armada wormed its way into Skull Island? Did they somehow sneak past Port Regal into the Isle of Doom or...?
3. In the 'Pirate World' section it is mentioned that Valencia is also home to the crabs and guinea pigs - I think we've only seen the Unicorns (mostly) in Aragon. Is the rest of Valencia like this or are there crab and guinea pig-dominated skyways? And what of the other Valencian skyways - are we going to visit it?
4. Is Kane truly faster, smarter, and stronger than any other living being or does he have a chink in the armor?
5. Any hints on the second storyline involving the Mechanical Birds? And if we do finish the story of the Birds, will we have to return to Valencia to continue it?
6. Finally - how is Blind Mew popping up all over Skull Island? Skull Island Town, Scrimshaw, Port does the old cat get around? And is he going to get involved in more quests - I just love this character, he's my personal favorite.
1. Yes, though there aren't many of those. Their ships weren't in Cool Ranch, but there were Clockworks in Castillo Sapo...

2. I'm presuming that there are Skyways we haven't revealed yet - if one proceeds clockwise from the Valencian stormgate around the big island (Puerto Mico sits at the 6 o'clock, Catbeard's Cvae at 8 or 9), one can come to the Isle of Doom on the opposite shore from Tradewinds Skyway. I hope to build some of these locales someday.

3. We will be returning to Valencia, and the relationships between the peoples will be made clearer. Don't forget the Guinea Pig custodian in Sivella, and the Crab the scholar had as a servant on Granchia.

4. You'll find out.

5. No hints, sorry. Lots is coming in the next story update.

6. Heh. He may be blind, but he has a fast skiff! And he steers by sense of smell... I'm hoping to bring him back into the mix as well. I'm understandably fond of him.

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Blind Mew on Mar 6, 2013 wrote:
If you look back and make a careful tally, you'll see the only Book so far without a promotion quest is Book 5. To make it all work, somebody is going to promote each Book. Some Books will have two or three promotion quests.

Also, the 3 or 4 Books thing is not graven in stone. Sometimes we let a Companion wait a while, or we'll shift the quest forward or backward if the world for a Book is particularly appropriate for that character.
You're right. There IS no promotion quest in Book 5. I see that now.

As the team of Wizard101 grew along with their game, and are still growing and counting, I'm sure, will the Pirate101 team grow as well with the game, too? I'm not accurate on how much people are working on it, though I'm sure familiar people that made Wizard101's adventures did work on Pirate101, too. A head count on how many more people have joined the Pirate101 team since it's launch would be nice to estimate. I'm sure your current estimate may subject to change, but who's counting? After all, the more people you have on the teams, the more adventures and content we'll have and will be made at a faster pace, right?

Jan 26, 2012
benawesomeman on Mar 7, 2013 wrote:
Blind Mew, What is going on in Monquista? We left there with no resulution. Can you give us a update on the world or are we going back. Or would this be telling?
More information on the state of things Monquista will be coming in Book 13.

Jan 26, 2012
armadillosailor on Mar 7, 2013 wrote:
I've got a few minor questions about character interactions. If the answer spoils something important, feel free to pull out the "that would be telling" card. I'm willing to wait if they're that important.

1. What is Lucius Fox's relation with Bonnie? Is he a family member or are they just good friends? I only ask because he's the only other fox we've seen so far and he did expensive work on Bonnie's Scaramanga for free.

2. Is there a specific reason why Ratbeard and Catbeard hate each other, or is that just a byproduct of the cat-and-mouse conflict?
1. Don't want to say too much now - some of this will be covered soon.

2. It starts with the whole Cat vs. Rodent thing, but there's more to it than that. Bonnie Anne has a strong sense of right and wrong, and Ratbeard is pretty vile from a morals standpoint. We're going to shine more light on this as will...

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Blind Mew on Mar 8, 2013 wrote:
I would love to get to Azteca someday, especially if we get to see Azteca in the aftermath of the events of the Wizard story there. As things stand now, the Main Story does not require it.

As to MooShu - the decision to include MooShu in the game was made before i ever got here - given the world's popularity in Wizard, going there was a no-brainer. So, once we worked out how many chapters and Books we were spending there, I was tasked with coming up with a cool story. Wizard and Pirate share worlds, and will share worlds going forward - furthermore, the timelines for the two games are roughly contemporary (emphasis added, because I see this question come up a lot). I say "roughly" to keep from ever having to worry about specific details and timings of things. For example, in MooShu the story presumes that the Wizards have yet to finish that world's story and restore the Emperor. Future worlds might assume the Wizards finished the story a short time ago, so we see the aftermath - regardless of which way we go, they're still at about the same time, give or take.

MooShu is China, and Japan, all rolled into one. It's HUGE. On the master map we made, we divided the world into 4 big skyways with Hamamitsu in the center, and shaded one in and named it the Imperial Skyway - that's wizard MooShu. We filled in the rest. Are there other Skyweays that we didn't map yet? Absolutely. MooShu is bigger than either game has shown - there are evils lurking there as yet unknown.

As to the sotry, I looked at the structure we had - 2 Books, 2 Skyways, and decided to make Book 11 a Japanese-style story, with Yakooza and renegade warlords and Samoorai politics (and Kabuki dancing!), while Book 12 would be primarily Chinese, with Monkey King, the Journey to the West, and Caoism. The divide isn't perfect, but it held up pretty well. Thinking in terms of the Chinese Mandate of Heaven, the health of the Emperor and the stability of the land are one: so if the Emperor is sick, all manner of bad things will happen. Thus we have Tso's treason, the Inoshishi acting up, the invasion of the Amber Horde, and Moo Manchu enacting his grand plan. Thus, Wizard gave us a perfect reason for all this instability and corruption the PC has to deal with.

When Wizard worlds appear in Pirate in the future (and they will - when and which are the only things I can't specify... yet) we'll take the same approach. If we can. we'll nod to Wizard in fun ways, but never directly depend upon it. And we'll try to show a different side. In the fullness of time, I expect Wizard may do the same with our worlds. Monquistans have already appeared in Wizard, i hope more of our characters do too.

I fear a video documentary about MooShu is beyond our bandwidth right now. But it's a decent idea for a future world...
Wow! From what I've saw so far in MooShu, I've had thoughts of similarly designed monsters from familiar worlds and similarly designed zones made in W101 would be reworked into new ones from the ground up and completely new monsters and zones made for P101. That's quite a tale!

What do you mean Monquistans appeared in Wizard101? Is there something I missed or didn't know about it?

If MooShu is bigger than either game and may have Skyways yet to be mapped and seen, will the same matter happen in Skull Island, too? I'm quite fond of that happening to the available and future worlds, but still. If so, I can't wait to see new treasures and lands on them!

How did the inclusion of Monte Royale in Port Regal come about? From what I've known, it's supposedly Monquistan property before it's total ruin sometime in the past, yes? Was there some kind of grandiose scandal going on or a horrible event related to it happening there? I've heard the Monquista battle music, so it's gotta be how some Monquistans used to reside there. I enjoyed it when I walked right into Deacon's trap during Bonnie Anne's second promotion quest and escaped, because it's mostly an empty land and castle ruins and the ideal place to set up a clever ruse. What backstory does Monte Royale hold?

May 02, 2009
I have so many questions to ask:

1) I thought the Valenicans built the clockworks off of Marleybonian ideas. Though the Valenican clockworks came out much better
2)Are we ever going to see/steal/borrow Blind Mew's skiff? Just kidding here's the real second question: I aways assumded that Lucius Fox was Bonnie Anne's father, but now I'm confused about it...
3)Would I be wrong if I assumded that Marco Pollo created Kane and the his court to be the perfect children but his creations went rouge and fatally wounded him?
4)So let me get this straight, some worlds that look complete, aren't and that there's more to them? Wow, you've just blown my mind Blind Mew
5)I was wondering, why does Bonnie argue with Ratbeard a lot?
6)Was the whole Polarian War thing based off the battles for conquering America (ie. Skull Island=America, Monquista=Spain, Polaris=France, Marleybone=Britian)
7) What is the one world you like in Wizard, that you wish to appear in Pirate?
8)Are you saying that the skyway connecting Khotan and Subata in the North is called the Imperial Skyway, or is it something different and the Imperial Skyway connects to that skyway
9) Is there any plan on making an underwater skyway, or a skyway where we sail on water?
10)What was the name of Haunted Skyway before it was haunted? (kinda weird to call a skyway haunted when its not)
11) Are we ever going to vist the worlds seen in the World-to-World passages or Dragonspyre from the Avernus Skyway?
12) You said you've filled in all caves in cool ranch, so who or what is inside the Banditoad Gulch Cave, because I don't remember ever going in there
I realize I typed a lot, , so you don't have to answer all my questions, but most of them would be appreciated?

Wicked Jack Deveraux Level 50
Hoodoo Guru

May 06, 2009
Trimond297 on Mar 8, 2013 wrote:
I'm not skeptical, but I can at least answer the sixth question's half, but I'm sure Blind Mew has answers for the others. Bonnie Anne's origins of what world she's born are yet to be explained, so, I have no idea what world she was born in for now. That's all I can tell you about the first half of the question.

Now, for the answer of the question's second half.

The Clockworks from Wizard101's Marleybone are vastly different, but not alike the ones seen in Pirate101's Valencia Clockworks. Marleybone's Clockworks are built in many places, for example, one being made in Katzenstien's Lab. They serve their own masters, but due to the ongoing crimes happening because of Malistaire, some of the Clockworks went amok and became criminals themselves, bringing destruction and terror to Marleybone, while Meowiarity ran free to do more crimes, with the thieving cats aiding the ongoing crimes in Marleybone. Few cats would even feel remorse about their actions and reform to be good. Unbeknownst to the dogs, other cats simply want to live their lives without criminal involvement, considering them neutral, while some cats choose to be heroes of their own in secret, despite the dogs' dislikng and dismay of bad cats causing mayhem to their homes.

Valencia's own Clockworks, on the other hand, poses as much a threat just as much as Wizard101's own threats. Back then where they were allies, the Clockwork Soldiers were crafted to end the Polarian War by Napoleguin himself. They succeeded in ending the war and imprisoned Napoleguin in Fort Elena. Valencians cheered the Clockworks in the aftermath, as peace reigned for a while. However, as time went by, more and more soldiers were made, and rumors begane to circulate around them, the latter being the Armada would turn against the Valencians and conquering the Spiral of their own ambitions. The rumor turned out to be true as the Clockworks then turned on Valencia and imprisoned their own creators, strictly cutting off knowledge on how to disarm them for good and discontinuing the enforcement of their own children's education. Since that time, they have become slaves to the Armada, currently commanded by the very first Clockwork creation, Supreme Commander Kane, endlessly recruiting allies from all over of their own to aid them in their cause. However, certain Valencians have sided with the Resistance, as they share a common goal, to eradicate evety last Armada trooper once and for all, and are still working on their goals today. Now, the Armada still searches for Marco Pollo's Map pieces. The race for the Map is at an even score, with the PIrates having two pieces and the Armada having two, but the score has yet to be changed. In the future, the race may end, but it will end with the Pirates winning, and the Armada finally out of commission.

I hope to battle Kane someday, but not until we have stamped out the Elites, one by one. And when that time comes, it will be a glorious moment for the Resistance.
Thank you, Trimond! I did consider many of the things you said in your response, just not to those extents but it's definitely solid as far as I'm concerned. You should think about working for Kingsisle someday. Then you'd get the answers to all your many, many questions. But then you couldn't share them...hmm. I also share a bit of your hope for the battle with Kane but I think I'm much more interested in is workers particularly Bishop, Phule, and Queen (i'm guessing there is one for each class).

And for Blind Mew, I must remember to be more patient with your responses. You have a million and two quests to write for an epic Book. Who am I to rush? Oh, and I don't mind at all for an evasion of a long reply. And I have another set of questions to ask if you don't mind...

1. Are we ever truly done with a World? With this story line it seems there's always something pulling us back to a previous world unlike Wizard101 where once you've completed a World you don't return unless for a school quest or means of moving forward to a new one.

2. This may better suit a Wizard101 staff memember, but will the First World ever be named like Grizzlehiem, MooShu, Cool Ranch, etc?

3. Are we going to see anymore young characters closer to our PC's age? After Skull Island, any NPC's relating to kids or teens seems to completely drop off. The closest character, in my eyes, currently, is Sarah Steele.

4. So just to understand your answer to number 1 of my El Dorado-prehistory question, the Pirate101 story and anything to do with it won't directly correlate to Wizard101's story (such as how the Spiral began) so to not create too much confusion correct? Or was that more so to avoid giving out the big surprise on El Dorado, whatever it is?

5. Will Book 13 be the only large book or will we see even larger books afterwards? And does Kingsisle work with a set deadline for when they want an update completed or is it like, you finish when you finish (lol but then what work would be done?) And can we assume to see at least 2-3 update releases per year like Wizard101 in terms of story line?

Nov 01, 2012
Looking at this thread caused me to think of a few questions of my own for Blind Mew:

1. When the first piece of the map to El Dorado is found Old Scratch points out that there is writing in ancient mojo that he cannot read. Can we get a vague idea of where this may have come from?

2. Will the update elaborate on just how Avery assembled his crew(our trainers)?

3. What exactly is behind an Armada Clockwork's mask? I know there is a puppet show that shows a pole behind it,but is that all there is?

4. Can you give us any vague information on the Clockwork's creator and what role he/she might have in the story?

May 21, 2009
Well this is all brilliant! And finally, we get some news on Monquista - I've been wondering what's been going on....and there are more questions...

1. Any hint as to what IS happening in Monquista? And since you probably won't give us real details, can you at least tell us if it's good or bad?
2. Perhaps this is a question for Donkey Hotay, but can/are we going to get maps of the entire worlds in Pirate101, skyways and all?
3. Is Kane truly in charge, or is he just a marionette for someone else....?
4. What was Valencia like before the Armada arrived - I remember a mention of a King Casimir before handing Valencia over to Kane and the Armada.
5. If there are relics like the Monkey's Paw in Monquista, why isn't the Armada interested in that world - I was sure I would find Deacon at the end of the Cavern of the Crescent Moon saying 'Halt, pirate. The Paw belongs to the Armada now'.
6. I keep hearing mention of something called 'the War Between the Flocks' in Cool Ranch side-quests - any comment on that? It appears to be based on the Civil War, but if you could satisfy my curiosity, you would have my eternal thanks.
7. Why is Skull Island such a favorite place for pirates across the Spiral, and why does Marleybone and Monquista let Skull Island, Scrimshaw, and Flotsam survive? They are close by, after all.

Aug 21, 2010
What's all this "mechanical birds" stuff? I know it has some thing to do with Valencia and everyone's talking about it. I'm in Cool Ranch and haven't heard anything about them. Did I just miss a large part of the storyline or what? I'm really confused as to what everyone's talking about...

Two-Faced Isaac Ashford
Level 24, Musketeer

Apr 24, 2010
Blind Mew on Feb 28, 2013 wrote:
Man, you are shameless in your fishing for spoilers! Never forget: I'm here to drop oblique hints and tease, not give straight answers!

1. It is possible... But I must decline.

2. There's a Skyway in the next Book that begins with W.

3. Nice attempt, but no dice. All I shall say is that Star Wars: A New Hope offered some inspiration.

4. Daunting question, isn't it?

5. Avery and the Trainers I could see as being very cool - but Blind Mew?
Oh my gosh, I figured it out... The next world is totally going to be Polaris! I have no clue on the skyway name, but it has to be Polaris! Why? Because before Mew said that we are going to see napolquin again, I think he might of said its gonna be a place far away and different, and star wars offered some inspiration? I'm pretty sure it is Polaris. Blind Mew, can you tell me if i'm right?

From, Awkward Corwin Nightingale, Level 35 musketeer.

Or we could be heading to Aquila.......

Jan 26, 2012
Blind Mew on Mar 8, 2013 wrote:
1. Don't want to say too much now - some of this will be covered soon.

2. It starts with the whole Cat vs. Rodent thing, but there's more to it than that. Bonnie Anne has a strong sense of right and wrong, and Ratbeard is pretty vile from a morals standpoint. We're going to shine more light on this as will...
Now that I look, I see you asked about Catbeard, not Bonnie Anne! That's what i get for skimming...

Ratbeard and Catbeard have both been captains for a good while - they've had plenty of chances to compete for the same prizes, steal each other's thunder, or step on each other's toes. Reading the exchanges, it looks like Ratbeard's the aggrieved one - Catbeard seems to love seeing how angry he can get ol' Ratbeard. Catbeard also has quite a taste for the finer things in life - I think Ratbeard really resents that, and thinks Catbeard's putting on airs to prove he's better than everybody else.

If forced to speculate, I'd bet at some point they were working together on some caper, and when Ratbeard made his move to double cross Catbeard (you know he would), Catbeard had already double crossed him, and ended up making him look foolish.

Now Bonnie Anne vs. Ratbeard, on the other hand...

Jan 26, 2012
coolster50 on Mar 9, 2013 wrote:
I have so many questions to ask:

1) I thought the Valenicans built the clockworks off of Marleybonian ideas. Though the Valenican clockworks came out much better
2)Are we ever going to see/steal/borrow Blind Mew's skiff? Just kidding here's the real second question: I aways assumded that Lucius Fox was Bonnie Anne's father, but now I'm confused about it...
3)Would I be wrong if I assumded that Marco Pollo created Kane and the his court to be the perfect children but his creations went rouge and fatally wounded him?
4)So let me get this straight, some worlds that look complete, aren't and that there's more to them? Wow, you've just blown my mind Blind Mew
5)I was wondering, why does Bonnie argue with Ratbeard a lot?
6)Was the whole Polarian War thing based off the battles for conquering America (ie. Skull Island=America, Monquista=Spain, Polaris=France, Marleybone=Britian)
7) What is the one world you like in Wizard, that you wish to appear in Pirate?
8)Are you saying that the skyway connecting Khotan and Subata in the North is called the Imperial Skyway, or is it something different and the Imperial Skyway connects to that skyway
9) Is there any plan on making an underwater skyway, or a skyway where we sail on water?
10)What was the name of Haunted Skyway before it was haunted? (kinda weird to call a skyway haunted when its not)
11) Are we ever going to vist the worlds seen in the World-to-World passages or Dragonspyre from the Avernus Skyway?
12) You said you've filled in all caves in cool ranch, so who or what is inside the Banditoad Gulch Cave, because I don't remember ever going in there
I realize I typed a lot, , so you don't have to answer all my questions, but most of them would be appreciated?

Wicked Jack Deveraux Level 50
Hoodoo Guru
1. I'm operating from the reverse assumption.

2. Heh. The relationship between Lucius and Bonnie will be clarified a little, but I can tell you this - he is not her father.

3. Can't answer that question, other than to say the intent of the question is good - who created the Clockworks? Why? And how did they end up as the Armada? These are critical questions, and they will be answered in good time. I'd seen the Marco Pollo theory - a pretty good theory.

4. We will always reserve the right to go open new skyways on existing worlds if we need them.

5. Well, Bonnie Anne has a pretty strong sense of right and wrong, especially for a pirate - this is going to become pretty clear in the next update. Ratbeard, on the other hand... is Ratbeard. Anne's offended by how low and dishonorable Ratbeard tends to be.

6. Actually, the Polarian Wars are loosely based on the Napoleonic Wars, the World War of its age. The only thing we lack is an Imperial Russia...

7. Hmmmmmmm... Interesting question. Knowing what I'd love to do with the place if I got the chance, I'd have to say Wizard City.

8. The skyways connect to other things that connect to the Imperial. That leaves us expansion room.

9. Not at present, though a side trip to Celestia would be pretty grand...

10. Oooo, good question! I figure it was called the gold Rush Skyway, what with the mine and all.

11. Dragonspyre likely not. The worlds - yes for many of them. Some are there for scenery.

12. Whoa! You found one! The entire gulch used to be sigiled - that's why we forgot it was there. A new cave for some future promo or trainer quest - it feels like Christmas!

Community Leader
I think it would be pretty interesting to find out if Bonnie Anne was the daughter of Queen Gwendolyn from Avalon. Long lost daughter :P

Johnny - Pirate101 Community Leader
Jan 26, 2012
Apue1 on Mar 10, 2013 wrote:
What's all this "mechanical birds" stuff? I know it has some thing to do with Valencia and everyone's talking about it. I'm in Cool Ranch and haven't heard anything about them. Did I just miss a large part of the storyline or what? I'm really confused as to what everyone's talking about...

Two-Faced Isaac Ashford
Level 24, Musketeer
Waaaaay back in Valencia there were these mechanical birds all over Sivella, the university you visit there. There was a side quest that had you help a Unicorn professor disassemble one to see if they could find any hint of who made them or what they were for.

The birds had strange markings on their inner gears, a secret code that defied translation. It was a mystery we left hanging.

In Book 13 we'll pick it up again, and it will be in the Main Story - completion of the Book 4 side quest is not required.