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Pet Grants Bug

Community Leader
I've noticed that, in pvp, the epic talents my opponents have granted from pets do not show up when I mouse over their character. For example, when I'm dueling a fellow swashbuckler that trained relentless 1 and elusive 2 and has a pet that grants relentless and elusive (giving them relentless 2 and elusive 3), these additional ranks are invisible to me. It appears that they only have elusive 2 and relentless 1. However, when my opponent mouses over their own character, they see that they have these additional ranks. (I've had friends confirm that this bug affects them as well). Ratbeard, is this a display glitch, or is it an intentional way to keep pet grants secret?

Writer, Editor, Administrator, and Pirate PvP guy at FinalBastion

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