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I'm just the noob, sitting in the corner

Petty Officer
Nov 05, 2011
I wanted a better pet than I had. I'm a noob who lost their membership, and is just trying to get a better pet. I thought that my coconut crawlie with refresh was good, but everybody else was max level and didn't. So I bought a lot of pets that can get hybrids. I'm just the noob, sitting in the corner, when someone asks if anyone wanted a blues crab. I said yea, and we morphed together. I didn't check his blues crab's stats, I just hit the okay button. After the morphing, I checked my pet's stats and saw the pedigree. Most of my pets' pedigrees are about 200 this pet's pedigree was 432! The pet had 4 ultra rares in talents and 5 epics in powers! I didn't even get to saw thank you. Why? I'm just the noob sitting in the corner...

Jul 07, 2013
Congrats on getting a better pet and your more than just a noob sitting in a corner. There is nothing wrong with being a character that is just starting out. Don't forget the max players had to start once too. I consider myself a noob. I'm also a nerd, a geek, a jock, a wise guy, and a few other things that probably aren't printable and you know what I'm proud of it!

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