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What's with the 100 Max on Strength/Agility/Will?

First Mate
Sep 13, 2010
I am a Level 65 Witchdoctor and the gear I have can get me up to 125 Will (I will list what gear I have below) and it says I have 125/100 Will. What's the purpose of putting the /100 there?

If you wanna know what gear I have to get 125 Will, it's:

Hat: Corrupted Wushi's Hat (+14 Will)
Outfit: Corrupted Wushi's Robe (+13 Will)
Boots: Corrupted Wushi's Sandals (+13 Will)
Accessory: Technomage's Glasses (+6 Will)
Totem: Earthen Charm (+3 Will)
Charm: Tengu's Masterful Charm (+3 Will)
Ring: Ring of Recalcitrance (+3 Will)

The hat, outfit, and boots are from the Tower of Moo Manchu, the accessory is from Bishop in Beechhead, and the totem, charm, and ring can all be dropped by Shan Hong in Subata Temple.

Gunner's Mate
Feb 05, 2015
to be completely honest i have absolutely positively have no idea why it is out of 100. My strength is over 100 so why does it say that?

May 30, 2010
Ryanbold2 on Feb 25, 2015 wrote:
to be completely honest i have absolutely positively have no idea why it is out of 100. My strength is over 100 so why does it say that?
Perhaps the 100 is the max you can get without equipment or other boosts.