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Story Thread 4: This Would Be Telling

Jan 26, 2012
@Goober 989

I was wondering about Catbeard and Ratbeard, will we ever find out about why they don't (or didn't) like each other. Maybe in a promotion?

I'm really fond of vague plot points that aren't critical to the present story - this one gets asked about a lot, as well as what happened to Wyatt, etc. I'm always inclined to leave them vague - not because I'm lazy, but because the mystery is cool. You have a pretty good idea, but not having specifics lets your imagination have more fun. Besides, there's always a risk that whatever i come up with wouldn't be as cool as what you've imagined. I didn't ever need to know where Boba Fett came from, to cite a good example. Now, all that said, I expect I'll keep referring to it, and might have them drop a detail here or there as time goes on, but I won't spell it out precisely unless the plot demands it.

I wonder if there are more of Kane's elite minions, like Deacon and Rooke and the others.

That'd be a pretty wicked twist, wouldn't it? As much as I like the idea, I'm big on establishing these guys and giving you a feel for them before you meet them. Having a new one appear full cloth out of nowhere would go a bit against the grain.

I wonder if Phule will ever have a big role to play in the armada?

My answer to that is that your Pirate really has no idea of what Phule's rule in the Armada actually is. At least not yet...

Jan 26, 2012

1. What world do Sloths come from?

I'm thinking Skull Island, in some Skyway we've yet to visit.

2. Are we going to see the mysterious female Armada elite in the next major update?

That would be telling. Also, you and I may have different ideas of what a "major' update is. She's coming, don't worry. The readiness is all.

3. Based on the barmy peeks you've been giving away, will the next major update be a side world?
That would be telling.

4. Will the Brass Monkey return!?
Very likely - his joke hasn't played out all the way yet. When it does, you'll know.

5. Ever thought about making a Pirate101 Risk board game?
No - but that's a pretty cool idea. If not a risk game, some kind of board game would serve it well.

6. Care to comment on the un-seen screenshots in the Valencia world section on this site?
Pretty, aren't they?

Jan 26, 2012
@Gbalance 101

1. In your opinion, what is the common level range for a certain world. I mean, SI was 1-12 or 13, but...

There isn't a set value, and the side quests make it variable enough to be problematic anyway. This is really Ratbeard's sort of thing, but how it typically works is we hammer out the story, get the quests fleshed out, and then based on their length Ratbeard figures out how the leveling works. It involves math. And spreadsheets. And that's the limit of my understanding. To give you a good example, we'd thought after launch that a Book would be about 5 levels, but once Marleybone and Aquila got hammered out, there was simply too much stuff in there to support such a low number, so those Books got 15 levels instead of 10. Some future Book might end up with 5, but we wouldn't have set out to hit that result - the story would have ended up there.

2. Calico Jake. Was he supposed to play a role in main quest, or stay in Bonnie's promotions.

Supposed? So far he's only appeared in Bonnie Anne's promotion. I'd like to use him again someday - he's a prime candidate for a recurring NPC.

3. Imagine if you defeated Deacon before Bonnie was a Sniper. Hello, paradox!
Yeah... That's my bad. When I wrote that quest I never imagined that anyone would not promote Bonnie as soon as they could. I hope to rectify that mistake someday, and it's one I hope to never make again (though Catbeard sure came close...).

4. There's a whole skyway for Tralafgar? Wow.
She meant Westminster. Trafalgar's a Vortex.

5. C for the next skyway... Hmm. Here goes...
Wow! A lot of theories here, and many of your inferences are right on the money. Your structure of several battle with Kane before the final one is exactly how I like to do things, so it's a very safe bet. There are a few things where you're off the mark (which? that would be telling), and I can tell you that there's at least one major plot twist coming up that hasn't even been hinted at yet that will shape the plot.

Jan 26, 2012
@Matthew Ashford

1. One thing that interests me is the question of how long it would take to travel from say, skull island, to say, Aquila, but my point is, how long does it take to travel from one port to another?

It's not something we've ever really worried about - game time (what you the player are doing) is so compressed vs. Spiral time, that the most i'm ever inclined to say is that someplace might be "very far" away or something like that. Now, were i writing fiction or something, I'd say a journey from Skull Island to Flotsam would take maybe a day, but the Spiral Thread passage to Monquista is closer to a week. Does that help?

2. When I look at Valencia's skyway name, it is an area in northern Spain, Monquista, however, land seems to resemble southern Spain, Monquista's architecture also seems to be rather Moorish, any insight?
Don't get too hung up on the naming - Valencia and Monquista both are a blender-mix of Spain and Italy, with one having much more Spain and the other much more Italy. It's the same with MooShu being both China and Japan. The Monquistan architecture is indeed a little Moorish influenced, but we're drawing that from Spain. As to place names, we went with evocative words that sounded thematic - the terrain, likewise, was imagined for story feel (especially how it contrasts to other places) and not with a mind toward what region of Europe its name might have come from.

Oct 12, 2010
Questions For The Blind Mew.
1.Will we ever get a decommissioned Armada Trooper as a companion?

2.Will we ever get one of those Marleybone doberman as a companion?

3.Will we ever get a Banditoad as a companion?

4.Will we ever be able to get an Armada ship?

5.Will we ever get One-eyed Jack as a companion?

6.Will we ever go to Darkmoor?

(Please answer these questions, but take you're time.)

~Dead-eye Octavio Devereaux, level 65 Witchdoctor~

~Fearful Zane Parker, level 20 Buccaneer~

~Fearless Jill Davis, level 11 Swashbuckler~

Oct 12, 2010
Also, continuing on with my last questions.
7.can we get a decommissioned Armada Trooper as a housing item?

Oct 12, 2010
A few more questions (sorry) (continuing)

8.Could we put our weapons on the wall as furniture?

9.Could there maybe be more Aquilan furniture?

10.Could you make a place based off of Australia?

11.Could you make a place based off of Scotland and one of the creatures there would be deer?

12.Could you make a place based off of American history?

13.Could you make a Shakespeare Companion/NPC?

14.Could you make a place based off of Germany (in Hitler's time -1919)?

Oct 12, 2010
I am sorry (The Blind Mew) if I wrote my post a little to harshly.
I am so sorry for writing my post a little harshly (entitled "What Happened To The Armada".) I actually wasn't mad. Also, when you said that you imagined I hadn't gotten very far in the game, that did kind of peeve me (because I'm actually a level 65). But it was actually my fault for not stating what level I was, and not stating that I beat the whole game.

Again, I'm sorry for maybe sounding a little harsh.

Dead-eye Octavio Devereaux, level 65 Witchdoctor

Oct 12, 2010
Blind Mew on Feb 21, 2014 wrote:
@Goober 989

I was wondering about Catbeard and Ratbeard, will we ever find out about why they don't (or didn't) like each other. Maybe in a promotion?

I'm really fond of vague plot points that aren't critical to the present story - this one gets asked about a lot, as well as what happened to Wyatt, etc. I'm always inclined to leave them vague - not because I'm lazy, but because the mystery is cool. You have a pretty good idea, but not having specifics lets your imagination have more fun. Besides, there's always a risk that whatever i come up with wouldn't be as cool as what you've imagined. I didn't ever need to know where Boba Fett came from, to cite a good example. Now, all that said, I expect I'll keep referring to it, and might have them drop a detail here or there as time goes on, but I won't spell it out precisely unless the plot demands it.

I wonder if there are more of Kane's elite minions, like Deacon and Rooke and the others.

That'd be a pretty wicked twist, wouldn't it? As much as I like the idea, I'm big on establishing these guys and giving you a feel for them before you meet them. Having a new one appear full cloth out of nowhere would go a bit against the grain.

I wonder if Phule will ever have a big role to play in the armada?

My answer to that is that your Pirate really has no idea of what Phule's rule in the Armada actually is. At least not yet...
For #1, it could be Catbeard and Ratbeard hate each other because of cat and mouse!?

Gunner's Mate
Oct 12, 2010
Blind Mew, I have two questions for you.
First, are you going to make a Belle Starr character in the Magnificent Seven named Bell Starr who is a cow/bull?
Second, in the future, is the Eagle Mercenary going to promote? Or are any of the other high-leveled Aquilan Eagles (including Serpent Augur) going to have another promotion? Because if they are, I know what they're

going to promote into because I've already seen their promotions.

Strong Andy Armstrong, Lv. 65
Slick Luke Noble, Lv. 21

Gunner's Mate
Oct 12, 2010
Captain Kingsly on Feb 5, 2014 wrote:
1. How did Wyatt Chirp really die? Unless I missed something, it's really not that well explained. I would really like to hear the facts and another Magnificent Seven promotion might be just the thing to put in those details. Maybe a good old fashion revenge or justice story like Ratbeard's second promotion.

2. In Marco Pollo and his crews picture in El Dorado, if there all in the picture, who took the picture?

3. Do you think it might be possible to get the brass monkey as companion one day. Maybe make him like Fin or Gornado, needing to defeat him several times and buy him in the crown shop.

4. In Marco Pollo's letter to Merle Ambrous, Pollo says that he and his crew were nearly killed in El Dorado. If this is the case, why would Catbeard or Argos want to go back. Why don't they just tell us whats really there and run off. Is it because there memories foggy, they're lacking funds or just believe it is the only to stop the Armada.
I think it's the same way Wyatt Earp (the Old-West legend that Wyatt Chirp is based off of) dies.

Community Leader
Is it possible there is more to Phule than we know? Like he could be someone in disguise working as a double agent?

One of my crazy theories is that Phule himself is the toymaker in disguise.

Johnny - Pirate101 Community Leader
Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Pirates o the Spir... on Feb 22, 2014 wrote:
Is it possible there is more to Phule than we know? Like he could be someone in disguise working as a double agent?

One of my crazy theories is that Phule himself is the toymaker in disguise.
Ooooh What a delightful twist possibility. I am sure you have Mew twirling in his chair over that one.

Feb 25, 2012
love the name of the new s.t.!

1) what are the odds that napoleguin draws us into a war getting us into polaris?

2) why are so many of the side quests basically pushing us from one area, to an area as far away as possible, then back, then toa nother really far place, then back, etc. this seems to be a common thing, although the long time spent in travel has no impact on the gameplay except to make it more tedious.

3) apart from marleybone and mooshu, will p101 share any worlds with w101?

Oct 12, 2010
Why isn't Nadya a Witchdoctor?

Feb 02, 2013
Blind Mew on Feb 19, 2014 wrote:
@Zuto 4011

1) if i recall correctly only the bison and banditoads are native to coolranch, so where did the birds come from

We mentioned somewhere (maybe on the website write-ups for the worlds?) that the Birds all come from "Back East." After the War Between the Flocks, a great many of them decided to set out and make a new life on the frontier.

2) what was the age range KI was expecting for p101
10 and up. Why do you ask?

3) When will KI host a tournament
Couldn't tell you. I expect that's a One-Eyed jack question.

4) Will a clan or guild system be implmented
Don't know - that's way on in the realm of systems.

5) Was el dorado built as a city or as a tomb/prison to contain something that may or may not have caused the great calamity
Interesting question. I'm afraid that would be telling. (wow - has it been so long since I got to use my tagline?)
As to your question in response to my 2nd question, my friend said this was a childs game and I am attempting to prove him wrong(I have succeeded his failure to win a pvp finally proved him wrong)

Jan 12, 2012
Hi Blind Mew. I've been noticing that when we meet Phule, and he speaks to us, none of our companions make any comment like they normally would, and no in game character even acknowledges that Phule exists. Almost as though he's just a figment of our imagination... Any significance in that, or is it just to add to the creepiness?
Also, I've noticed that I've been connecting Kane's Court of Elites in my mind to Avery's Court- the class trainers. It would seem that there are five in each court, one of each class. Is this at all significant?

Gunner's Mate
Oct 12, 2010
Blind Mew, is there going to be a world based off of medieval times (Renaissance, middle ages, etc.)?

Jan 12, 2012
Hi Blind Mew. I just got the quest to heal Free Ranger, and I'm wondering why I have to buy a Chapter in Book 9 when I'm in Book 7.

Oct 06, 2012
I'm seeing such great insight on this topic, thanks for answering all these questions! Here are a couple of my own.

1. If our pirates knew that we already had Catbeard’s map, do you think we would we have gone to Marleybone to free him? Or left him there because of the war we started?

2. Is there any information you can share on Kent? It seems like a very interesting zone in Marleybone and I would really like to hear more about it.

3. How did Don Rodrigo accumulate his wealth?

4. If you could expand on one existing world for side content, which one would it be? I know the schism with the Church is a plot point that could be used in Monquista, and Aquila has countless possibilities...

5. This one I’ve been wondering about for some time now. During Beta, there was a side quest where Gortez, in Monquista, sent us back to the Isle of Doom, through a secret passage behind a waterfall, and back into the Valley of the Gold Monkey. Gortez wanted us to check on his followers, I believe, and we ended up in a battle with three of them (who would function as companions rather than allies) against invading Armada troops. May I ask why this quest was removed? I thought it was one of the best ones out there due to the further recognition that the Armada is closely involved with the Isle of Doom relics.

May 21, 2009
Oooh, time for my own round of questions, if ye don't mind.

1. Any update on whether Lunden's Bridge is going to be used?
2. I recall someone on the threads mentioning a theoretical Mine of the Windstones in Aquila? What are the chances of us going to such a location to retrieve a windstone? Might be a bit easier than, oh, I don't know, raiding Fort Basset...
3. If you could sum up Old Scratch's next promotion in a few (vague) words, what would they be?
4. Is Monkey King due for a promotion?
5. What do you define as a "major update", if you don't mind me asking? A world? New furniture/gear? A mix of several aspects?
6. I remember you saying a WHIILE back that Book 18 was gonna be a doozy. Care to give us a hint as to why?
7. How far ahead are you in the storyline compared to us as we play it? So, while we are defeating Ophidians in Book 14, are you one book ahead in development? Two?
8. Is the next update going to be as large as it seems to be?
9. Will we have more mystery NPCs in the other trainers quarters...?

Thanks! I never thought that me asking a couple of simple questions so long ago would lead to four story threads! Woo!

Petty Officer
Jul 06, 2010
It's obvious that we're heading into Valencia very soon, and every book has a universal grant, but you've said multiple times that you despise the idea of an Armada companion, so the next universal grant must be interesting to have survived in the middle of Armada's control (literally, if I understand what you've said about this before). Can we have any hints about him/her/it?

Gunner's Mate
Jan 27, 2013
I have a couple of questions Blind Mew.
1. Do we ever go back to cool ranch?
2. Do we ever get a new Ophidian companion?
3. I was thinking about the amigos de uno in the tavern in Santa pollo cool ranch and thought this : "Doesn't amigos de uno mean the friends and one?" So my question is: do we join the amigos after we do all of the quests or is someone else the "one"
4.Why does Billy the kid of the seven heroes of tumbleweed get put in jail?

5. I was wondering why do swashbucklers get the most companions in every world but Aquila and Marleybone?

6.Which class would you say is the strongest?

Jan 26, 2012
1of1 Buccaneer on Feb 21, 2014 wrote:
I am sorry (The Blind Mew) if I wrote my post a little to harshly.
I am so sorry for writing my post a little harshly (entitled "What Happened To The Armada".) I actually wasn't mad. Also, when you said that you imagined I hadn't gotten very far in the game, that did kind of peeve me (because I'm actually a level 65). But it was actually my fault for not stating what level I was, and not stating that I beat the whole game.

Again, I'm sorry for maybe sounding a little harsh.

Dead-eye Octavio Devereaux, level 65 Witchdoctor
Gonna jump out of order here, because some of these demand immediate attention.

Dude, i wasn't mad either. No worries. And sorry to peeve you, too - no offense intended. I never thought anyone who played through Marleybone could ask :man, where's the Armada in this game?" If Beachhead, the isle of Fetch, and Trafalgar didn't satisfy your Armada cravings for at least a little while, I don't know what to tell you... except that there will be more than a little Armada action in Book 15, though it'll be pretty... different.

Jan 26, 2012
1Of1Musketeer on Feb 22, 2014 wrote:
I think it's the same way Wyatt Earp (the Old-West legend that Wyatt Chirp is based off of) dies.
Actually, Wyatt Earp died of old age, happily married. That's one of the most amazing things about him - despite his long range war with the Clantons and McClowrys and all the other gunfights he ever got into, he was never so much as grazed by a bullet. Our Wyatt had a very different end.