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Story Thread 4: This Would Be Telling

Jan 26, 2012
So, that last thread, fun though it was, got a teensy bit long. As a general note, busyness may give me less time to post in the near term, but I'll see what I can do - as always, your patience is very appreciated.

Okay, so let's start his baby up by answering the questions that closed out the last thread:

1. my sister wants to know will there be an Amelia Earheart type NPC or companion?
That's a fine idea - there's actually an NPC who I'm currently chewing on who'll recur in several quests, with you following clues to piece together her former travels. Putting a deliberate Amelia Earhart spine on her might work pretty well.

2. is there a "good" psycho character going to be introduced like Deadpool?

Deadpool's a little extreme, but I think some of the companions do certainly have a mouth on them (I'm looking at you, Monkey King). Having someone in the group who's full out crazy is something I'd rather shy away from - I'll leave the madness to Phule.

3. Is El Toro supposed to be a bull-themed Batman?
No, he's a bull-themed Zorro. O course, the argument could be made that Zorro and Batman both embody the same heroic archetype. If we ever do Batman, trust me, there will be little doubt.

4. Will you ever add anymore fights where we have to kill just one person because there are only extremely few in Aquila and Marleybone where they are not defeat all enemies?
Yes, we will keep fights with victory conditions. Having fewer is not something we planned, it just seemed to work out that way.

5. Can we please say poodle in text chat I can sometimes not remember Ambassador Downley's name and I keep trying to type that MooShu poodle?
Hmmmmm.... That's a request for One-Eyed Jack i think.

6. will we get a button that will automatically take us to El Dorado?
Doubtful - even after you finish the place, I'd like it to take a little legwork to get there.

7. Will we get more Aquilan companions e.g. an Eagle like Ulysses or an Ophidian warrior and archer?
That's a safe bet - there are lots of characters left over, and the opportunity to give them out is something we're holding up our sleeve.

8. Can we pay the orphans in Marleybone? They are sooooooo cute and they are poor I wanna take them on my crew with a salary.
Wow! I don't think we'd ever feel comfortable making combat animations for them. Now, having them as housing fixtures might be pretty cool...

9. Is it ok to make pirate101 videos on Youtube I am buying a bandicam soon and me and my bro wanna make pvp videos?
That's another one for One-Eyed Jack. There are lots of videos out there, but I'm honestly unsure if they had to go through some kind of permission process of not. Make sure you check with him.

10.Is Meowiarty supposed to be like a gentleman criminal like Dr. Hannibal Lector?

We definitely wrote him with a bit of that vibe - he's based on Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes' greatest nemesis. Again, I think Lector and Moriarty share some traits, but they share a villain archetype.

To be continued...

Jan 26, 2012
@CanaanBC (continued)

11. Will Ratbeard and Catbeard get a Pirate-Lord promotion?
Not sure what the titles will be yet. We're looking at how to handle promotions toward the endgame - it's getting hard to bling them out after tier 4. But Catbeard, he's got some promotions in from of him, for sure.

12. Is there another promotion for Bonnie Anne?

See above.

13. Can you level us up in the fight with Stormzilla?
Not sure what you mean. If you want to level for defeating him, or be a higher level walking in, that's Ratbeard's domain - xp curves are all his. I just do story.

14. Is there going to be an epic battle with Kane?

It'd be pretty anticlimactic if we didn't, wouldn't it? I'm hoping we can have not one but several...

15 Will Buccaneers get relentless?
That's another for Ratbeard.

16. Will Old Scratch ever get a new promotion?

17. Can we get an armada mask housing item?
Oooo - good idea! I'll pass that along.

18. What do our companions do while were questing shop go eta have rap battles with homer?
Rap battles... Heh. Funny you should ask...

19.What is your favorite book to reference from?
There's never a single one. My favorite references are the ones that are fairly obscure, and that tie into things I love from when I was growing up. The Big Trouble in Little China ones, for example. I also LOVE referencing real history - I was going to be a social studies teacher before games became my career.

20. How old is Kane?
Older than your pirate. That's enough definition for now - his origins are going to get more light shone on them in the future.

21. Can we ever meet in the game?
I'm pretty sure this goes against company policy. We do play on live, but we always do it in secret. If we were to meet, you wouldn't know it. Who knows? it may have happened already...

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Blind Mew;
I absolutely love the new thread title. You gave me quite the giggle.
I am thrilled with your format. It was getting hard scrolling up and down to see just what it was you were answering. I know that this makes more work for you but it is totally appreciated. Nice touch Sir Mew.

Jun 23, 2012
Another few question! (I finally thought some more up!)

1. When writing, does it help if you're learning a second language? Maybe an odd line or two in another language could be a spell or incantation of sorts. (Though, for all some readers know, it may just be line summoning a giant monster made out of cheese. That would be quite a sight.)
2. When writing something, is it better to start planning out exactly what you want at the beginning or is it better if you skip around a bit and nail down some loose details throughout the entire story and then go back and add more details?
3. How fun is it to create unique characters? Each companion has their own personality and quirks and it's fun to see how they interact.
4. When developing a character, is it easy for you and the writing team to figure out what little habits and behaviors they have? Whenever I create my own characters, it's difficult to nail down exactly what I'd like them to be and when I do figure it out, it's hard to bring out these characteristics in writing. Is it the same for you people at Kingsisle?

Jan 26, 2012

I noticed that while on The Passage's instance quest "The Twin Dilemma", there's no bit of Hawkules' dialogue about Scylla and Charybdis and how he plans to battle both of them at once after Gracie Conrad said "What is THAT?!" after getting close to Scylla. Could that missing dialogue bit be corrected, please?

If by missing dialogue you mean that there was dialogue that used to play there but doesn't any longer, I think you're mistaken. If you mean you'd like to see a new line there, I have to say I like it better as is - the Indiana Jones reference is the gag, and the bit is already near the limits of how much time we can chatter before you get in the thick of it.

Somehow, after dealing with the crooked Radicals many times in Marleybone, I've a conscious feeling that we haven't seen the last of them, as Bonnie Anne said there's a lot of Radicals in her family. She wasn't joking about that. Plenty of Radicals we did see in Book 13, and they were really tough to battle. I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot more of them later on. If we return to Marleybone someday soon, I imagine the Radicals will be more than ready for our return trip to Marleybone, would we?

Maybe... I loved Bonnie Anne's promotion quest, and it wouldn't take much convincing to make me follow up on it.

That "Completely Barmy" preview picture I saw today in the recent newsletter, I'm sure the setting is in Skull Island, but that staircase, it's led me to question this matter, is it a renovated staircase to Skull Island Town or is it part of a new path to a new location in Skull Island? Could it be that part of the island itself is getting a new expansion in this? Who knows? It's, to quote, completely barmy! Can't wait to see what Book 15 has in store for us Pirates!
You will find out. I think it's pretty safe to say that Skull Island has definitely gotten some attention. I for one am pleased as punch, for reasons I must keep secret for a bit longer.

To be continued...

Jan 26, 2012
@Trimond297 (continued)

If the Waponi Water Moles happen to return, would they try to exact revenge against us after we disrupted their sacrificial ritual and defeated their chief at their volcano in Book 1? I'm sure that we'll be seeing more recurring foes later on, but think the Waponi Water Moles would be one of them? Who knows?

Inserting them back in can be tricky - after all, any rematch they'd want to stage after Book 14 would mean they're crazily level inappropriate for Skull Island. I'm not saying it couldn't happen, but it'd take quite a bit of tinkering to manage it.

Also, about Carcarius Grimtooth, is he going to be a new main story Companion in this? If so, I would really like to recruit him!

His role will be revealed soon.

Gunner's Mate
Apr 13, 2010
1. What is the basis of the Armada? I've heard about Armadas in history.
2. Did you meet Ryan the Relentless?
3. Your catchphrase: That would be telling. Am I right?
4. Fact about yourself?
5. Why does Avery give us a raft for our first ship? As you put it, that death trap with the planks that groan like a sick yak.

Jun 26, 2013
1. How did Wyatt Chirp really die? Unless I missed something, it's really not that well explained. I would really like to hear the facts and another Magnificent Seven promotion might be just the thing to put in those details. Maybe a good old fashion revenge or justice story like Ratbeard's second promotion.

2. In Marco Pollo and his crews picture in El Dorado, if there all in the picture, who took the picture?

3. Do you think it might be possible to get the brass monkey as companion one day. Maybe make him like Fin or Gornado, needing to defeat him several times and buy him in the crown shop.

4. In Marco Pollo's letter to Merle Ambrous, Pollo says that he and his crew were nearly killed in El Dorado. If this is the case, why would Catbeard or Argos want to go back. Why don't they just tell us whats really there and run off. Is it because there memories foggy, they're lacking funds or just believe it is the only to stop the Armada.

Jul 27, 2012
Dear Blind Mew --

First, I want to thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to answer our questions and tease us mischievously (I do love being teased this way)! I know everyone appreciates all this extra work by you on our behalf.

And Jack, thank you for setting up an archive of Blind Mew's story threads (and I like the alliterative title of 'Blind Mew's Musings' too!)

I have one small question which is probably completely insignificant, but presents just a bit of a puzzle. In Mooshu, when we first go to Raven Island, Bonnie Anne muses that the place seems familiar to her. But this faint tang of recognition is not brought up again in Mooshu (or else I missed it somehow). Is this something in Bonnie Anne's backstory that will come up again in the future? Or just a note of mystery in a mysterious place (Raven Island being the home of a witch and all)?

Thank you!

Nov 03, 2012
I know you have been told this a lot but one more time won't kill ya. The thing I want to say is thank you for answering my questions as well as others. Here are a couple questions for you:
1.Was dueling diego a hint to pirate101. I mean in the minigames they are all wizard themed and then a pirate themed game out of nowhere. It even has skull island in the backround.
2.Are there going to be any different type of quests other than fighting, running, talking. I much enjoyed paying you that gold coin because it was a little different then what we had been doing. Maybe if fishing is implemented into the game then there can be fishing quests. Or maybe a smart villain wants to test his\her luck in a boardgame and challenges us to face him\her. So we have to beat him\her in a quick minigame. Just throwing ideas out there.
3.Lastly, I just want to complement the person at KI who does all the musical scores. Job well done! A lot of people don't notice it but if it was taken out then they would see how much worse the game would be. I especially like the cool ranch one. I often find myself tapping the rythym.

Petty Officer
Apr 15, 2010
1. how old is our pirates i'd like to think they were sixteen I mean they are driving.

2. where does ensign Emmett come from he's like my cutest and strongest companions he sound like he was in
marelybone but i haven't seen otters there.

3. how did jack russel escape the ship wreck or is everyone alive but in a dungeon like it said in the beginning?

4. how did you get the idea for all the questions.
5. Seeing as you only hear your mother speak is it possible boochbeard is your father?

6. are there plans to add like pet eggs in the future because waiting for eggs to hatch is the bane of my wizard existence.

7. we see aliens in puppet shows (i find it funny) will we ever see a space themed world?

8. does everyone get rooster cogburn because you said there was possibly a plan to give him a quest promotion and would everyone get to experience it?

9. so there are the foxes of Albion but are there like other foxes in the spiral like arctic foxes?

10. will jack ever loose his mask did he get like a scare where it is?

11. who will fight Kane with us? will egg shen go like "captain this is personal" and auto join the battle?

Thats all i got if you answer them thanks!

Oct 15, 2010
GBalance101 on Feb 5, 2014 wrote:
1. What is the basis of the Armada? I've heard about Armadas in history.
2. Did you meet Ryan the Relentless?
3. Your catchphrase: That would be telling. Am I right?
4. Fact about yourself?
5. Why does Avery give us a raft for our first ship? As you put it, that death trap with the planks that groan like a sick yak.
Question 2:

In the final video for Ryan's Wish, you can see he met some of the "voices of Pirate101." I know Blind Mew plays himself, and in the video "Blind Mew" talks to Ryan, so yes, he met Ryan.

Petty Officer
Jun 02, 2013
hey blind mew last time i checked the next skyways name wold start with c, if this is still true, could you give us pirates a treat and tell us the first letter to the next world we will be in, and if im wrong with the skyway thing will you tell me the first letter of the skyway if you regect the world letter o ps you connot leave polaris out weve freed there former emporore, and when the war in monkista ends what will happen to him!

May 16, 2011
Captain Kingsly on Feb 5, 2014 wrote:
1. How did Wyatt Chirp really die? Unless I missed something, it's really not that well explained. I would really like to hear the facts and another Magnificent Seven promotion might be just the thing to put in those details. Maybe a good old fashion revenge or justice story like Ratbeard's second promotion.

2. In Marco Pollo and his crews picture in El Dorado, if there all in the picture, who took the picture?

3. Do you think it might be possible to get the brass monkey as companion one day. Maybe make him like Fin or Gornado, needing to defeat him several times and buy him in the crown shop.

4. In Marco Pollo's letter to Merle Ambrous, Pollo says that he and his crew were nearly killed in El Dorado. If this is the case, why would Catbeard or Argos want to go back. Why don't they just tell us whats really there and run off. Is it because there memories foggy, they're lacking funds or just believe it is the only to stop the Armada.
1. Wyatt Chirp is mentioned in the guest "Peacemaker." I can't remember the exact dialogue, but I think I heard something like this: "No, I won't make another Peacemaker after what happened to Wyatt Chirp." My guess is that someone used the deadly Peacemakers on Wyatt, and that's how he died.

2. I don't know, maybe they asked someone random to take it.

3. That would be an interesting idea, but I for one wouldn't like it if he was a part of my crew. First he tries to kill us, then he curses our pirate's name!

4. Hmm....Interesting reasoning. I don't really know the answer to that either.

Most of these questions are good, but to me, all the answers lead up to: "This would be telling"

Oct 15, 2012
538 5 movies and why
2.have you ever considered the orphans in marleybone to become pets like the crawlies and coral widows? possible scenarios you would write in p101 and one's you hope you never have to write.

Dec 22, 2010
alright, i'm back. i'm sure another 15-20 pages of story thread will definitely provide some hints for the upcoming update.

1. the title of this story thread drove me completely barmy! this would be telling? are you going to reveal something big or small, or did you not have any other titles to place?

2. you were talking to CanaanBC at the beginning of this thread and her first question was the amelia earheart npc. will this npc that you are speaking of come into play in the next major update or in the future?

3. in the background of the website, i see captain avery, louis lebisque, and i think i see duck holiday and lucky jack russell. speaking of duck holiday, has avery known holiday for quite some time or is that even not holiday?

4. some monquistans are hanging from a rope, going down to reach the surface. has avery ever recruited any monquistans?

5. will we be returning to cool ranch in the future? mooshu (besides the valencia stormgate)? aquila? marleybone? avernus? monquista?

6. will there ever be ship pvp?

7. where exactly did snakes and spiders come from? they seem to be all over the place! i think that the spiders came from either dragonspyre or khrysalis. snakes: probably aquila or skull island.

8. will there be a reference to the flying dutchman?

9. my goal in life is to become a famous author and/or film writer, maybe write an epic fantasy series consisting of heroes, villains, and a little something called SOURCERY. if i were to become successful, will y'all make a reference to my novels?

10. maybe another goal in life is to become a kingsisle employee. how do you become one?

Fishy Devesh Higgins - Level 53 Buccaneer
"Let's set the skies on fire!" - Monkey King

Sep 17, 2012
No real questions for you today, I just wanted to compliment you on the title of this new thread. Hilarious

Jan 26, 2012
@Scarlet Freeman

1. When writing, does it help if you're learning a second language? Maybe an odd line or two in another language could be a spell or incantation of sorts. (Though, for all some readers know, it may just be line summoning a giant monster made out of cheese. That would be quite a sight.)
Knowing another language can be helpful, but is far from essential. I tend to just look up words or phrases as I need them. actually, one of the nicest uses of another language is using their rules of syntax to build sentences - it's a great way to create an effective accent.

2. When writing something, is it better to start planning out exactly what you want at the beginning or is it better if you skip around a bit and nail down some loose details throughout the entire story and then go back and add more details?
I always build what i call a "tight" outline, which cover things in a pretty decent level of detail. When finally writing for real, I tend to just start at the beginning and slog through - the new details will arise during the writing. You just need to be open to them. The ones I didn't think of beforehand are often my favorites.

3. How fun is it to create unique characters? Each companion has their own personality and quirks and it's fun to see how they interact.
It's great fun, but having so many can be a bit difficult - I find I'll get stuck in a voice, like Bonnie Anne or El Toro, and find that in a run of quests suddenly they've got all the dialogue! We're getting more systematic about balancing the chatter, but it's not really something we can do beforehand - that's a polish thing.

To be continued...

Jan 26, 2012
@Scarlet Freeman (continued)

4. When developing a character, is it easy for you and the writing team to figure out what little habits and behaviors they have? Whenever I create my own characters, it's difficult to nail down exactly what I'd like them to be and when I do figure it out, it's hard to bring out these characteristics in writing. Is it the same for you people at Kingsisle?
I find that it's always best to start with the bare minimum, and let the details arise organically - Bonnie Anne, for instance, pretty much started as "Scottish, optimistic, and observant" - all the stuff about Guy and her background, or her intense dislike of Ratbeard, all that arose later. Sometimes it's rough to get past that first sketch, and there have been a few who we've had to hammer out more deliberately then go back and revise their previous stuff to fit.

Jan 26, 2012

1. What is the basis of the Armada? I've heard about Armadas in history.

An Armada simply means a big fleet of ships. The name for ours is drawn from the Spanish Armada, one fo the more notorious ones from history. Not giving it a qualifier (like Spanish or whatnot) gives it a faceless, impersonal, and powerful vibe. As for the Clockworks themselves, we wanted a faceless "stormtrooper' the pirate could fight with a clean conscience, and we wanted them to be creepy - thus the masks and the strange movements. Their most direct inspiration (visually, anyway) were the scary robots from the Doctor Who episode "The Girl in the Fireplace", with a strong dose of "The Robots of Death" (a classic Dr. Who episode) for spice.

2. Did you meet Ryan the Relentless?
I did - working with him that day was an awesome experience.

3. Your catchphrase: That would be telling. Am I right?
Yes indeed, though lately "I don't talk schedule" is certainly on the rise. If anyone can guess where I got my favorite catchphrase, I'll be impressed.

4. Fact about yourself?
I am a proud Texan.

5. Why does Avery give us a raft for our first ship? As you put it, that death trap with the planks that groan like a sick yak.
There's a few things going on here - at a meta level, we had to follow RPG convention and have you start out with a small, weak ship so that you'll be encouraged to upgrade and be happy when you get a bigger ship. At a story level, we liked the joke and thought it served as a nifty reminder, right of the bat, that this isn't Wizard - Avery tricked you, because pirates are tricky. Can you imagine Merle Ambrose deceiving the PC like that right off the bat?

Jan 26, 2012
@Captain Kingsley

1. How did Wyatt Chirp really die? Unless I missed something, it's really not that well explained. I would really like to hear the facts and another Magnificent Seven promotion might be just the thing to put in those details. Maybe a good old fashion revenge or justice story like Ratbeard's second promotion.

No, we didn't explain it that much, and I'm really not inclined to. It's not a critical element, so I don't see what we'd gain for spelling it out. To give a recent example, learning Boba Fett's origins really did nothing for me, and diminished the character as far as I'm concerned. We may tough on it more, and a Mag7 promotion would be an ideal time to do that, but even then I'm not sure we'll do more than talk around it obliquely.

2. In Marco Pollo and his crews picture in El Dorado, if there all in the picture, who took the picture?
Good question! I have an answer, but it's not ready for prime time yet.

3. Do you think it might be possible to get the brass monkey as companion one day. Maybe make him like Fin or Gornado, needing to defeat him several times and buy him in the crown shop.

I think that's a fine idea - but i must say that we're not finished with him yet. Once we are, this is exactly the kind of thing I'd like to set up for him.

4. In Marco Pollo's letter to Merle Ambrous, Pollo says that he and his crew were nearly killed in El Dorado. If this is the case, why would Catbeard or Argos want to go back. Why don't they just tell us whats really there and run off. Is it because there memories foggy, they're lacking funds or just believe it is the only to stop the Armada.
There's a reason they haven't told you much about El Dorado (beyond the fact that I want to keep it a surprise) - I'm hoping to shine a light on that soon. As for why they'd go back, the Armada explanation is the best one - Kane must be stopped. Whatever he might want there, you have to deny it to the enemy.

Jan 26, 2012
@Anne Radcliffe

In Mooshu, when we first go to Raven Island, Bonnie Anne muses that the place seems familiar to her. But this faint tang of recognition is not brought up again in Mooshu (or else I missed it somehow). Is this something in Bonnie Anne's backstory that will come up again in the future? Or just a note of mystery in a mysterious place (Raven Island being the home of a witch and all)?
It was a mysterious note I threw in on a whim for atmosphere. I think I was trying to riff on Luke's reaction to Dagobah...

Community Leader
"Yes indeed, though lately "I don't talk schedule" is certainly on the rise. If anyone can guess where I got my favorite catchphrase, I'll be impressed."

That would be telling... Reminds me of the Prisoners - My dad loved the show and made me watch it with him, is that where it is from?

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Oct 12, 2012
Blind mew I think you cheated my witchdoctor put of a Coin in port regal then for a quest after that you sent me to flotsam??? I think where you are will you be rich because a lot of people are past port regal and could I get all your loot?

Oct 12, 2012
Sorry forgot to add if we could have like characters roaming around actual houses for gold.that would be nice and can we have more options for house like companions and sorry for more but could there be below decks like a captains cabin and tavern like thing. Thanks :)