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Story Thread 3: The Search for Plot

Jan 26, 2012
The Admiral on Oct 15, 2013 wrote:
Hey Blind Mew! Good to see you back! Thanks for answering my questions! I hope you don't mind answering a few more. Thanks in advance
  1. Is there anything you can tell us about the Class trainers that we don't know about?
  2. Speaking of Class trainers, are there any more plans to add more trainer quests?
  3. Also, who is your favorite Class trainer?
1. Not at this time. I hope to give the Trainers more interesting tidbits, but to have them play out slowly.

2. Yup, There aren't nearly enough in the content we have now, in my opinion, and we will still need them going forward too.

3. I like the Commodore's humor the best, I think Mordekai looks the best, and I'm a big fan of Morgan LaFitte. I'd say Vadima is the easiest to bring in to quest lines, judging from all the use we've made of her.

Jan 26, 2012
Buccaneer Boy on Oct 15, 2013 wrote:
Dear Blind Mew, I would like to ask you a few questions.

1. Will we get any companions in El Dorado?

2. Will El Dorado be a dungeon?

3. (This might be 'that would be telling') Are you planning on having our pirates travel to Krokotopia and/or Grizzleheim?

4. Could we ever possibly be going to Zafaria in the future? (Not necessarily in the El Dorado storyline).

5. Will players ever get class pets?

6. Is it fun to work at Kingsilse? (Sorry I just had to ask, I really want to work there one day).

Thank you for your time, Daniel Radcliffe, Level 65
Boy, lots of El Dorado questions! Considering it's 6 books away, be advised that the details of that part of the story are still comfortably fuzzy. That said...

1. Don't know.

2. Unlikely, though it will probably contain one. Or several...

3. Yup, that would be telling. I don't talk world lists - sorry.

4. Maybe - it'd be a cool pace to go, that's for sure.

5. Dunno. That's a pretty cool idea, though.

6. It's a blast. To work hard on a game you love, and to get paid for debating the finer points of what talking sharks should sound like, it's an odd mix of surreal and awesome. There are few jobs that would suit me better, i think.

Jan 26, 2012
The Vagabond on Oct 16, 2013 wrote:
Hey Blind Mew! It really is great that you're back on the boards, and I truly hope things don't get to CRAZY for you and your co-workers.

1. Ol' Fish Eye sailed with Catbeard AND Erica the Red. Would we at some point in time have to go talk to him about Erica's location or something like that?

2. Can u give ANY kind of response to the question of a new book appearing by the end of the year?

3. In a much earlier post, you referenced the possibility of 'Samoorai Yak', the character. Is that possibility becoming more and more likely?

4. Is there dissention in the Armada's ranks? What with Phule seeing so much potential in us back at Pollo's tomb, it would appear that some clockwork has something sneaky goin' on in the sidelines...

5. Have there, or will be, any references to DC or Marvel comics? For some reason, I can easily see the Sandman from Vertigo as a captain wandering the paths between realms......

It truly is great to have you back again Blind Mew, happy piratin'!!
1. Not a bad idea. But Ol' Fish Eye's been stayin' put for a while. He may not know much abotu what Erika's up to right now.

2. The only response I can give is to refuse to respond.

3. Hard to say. That kind of thing, once it's on our radar, gets tagged as "low hanging fruit" and then we let it simmer for a long time and finally grab it when we need it.

4. The Elites are a very interesting bunch - there's definitely some dysfunction goign on between them. Also, bear in mind that Phule's a bit... off. Hopefully we'll get to see a bit more about his

5. Direct references we have to be careful of. Now things that resonate, nods and allusions and homages, those we can do. There are lots of place we look to for those, and comics are not a typical one. A Sandman analogue would be very cool, but I'd expect a wizard to meet him before a pirate would.

Jan 26, 2012
Old One on Oct 20, 2013 wrote:

A pleasure to have you back you old cat.

I've been playing both Wizard 101 and Pirate 101 a lot recently, and I have to say I really like the individual touches that each game has and how the Pirate crew has made this game feel similar, but definitely different.

I gather that, no matter how powerful our pirates become, they still do not rival the power of the Wizards of Wizard City. With that said, within their own worlds, they have significant abilities.

  1. From a story standpoint, why are Witchdoctor's not recruited to be Wizards?
  2. I have a suspicion that there is a deeper linkage between the worlds than just being in the same place. Is it possible that the underlying "animation" of the Clockworks is based on Celestian magic or something from Morganthe?
  3. Will we ever see the plot lines of the two games cross?
Thank you for an outstanding game!
1. I expect it's a lack of contact and a question of scale: most wizardry schools (and bear in mind we've only seen two and the ruins of a third, I I remember correctly). Their ability to notice and find potential students is very limited, and they have finite headcounts anyway. I would also think some folk would distrust wizards, and actively avoid recruitment.

2. No comment.

3. That'd be very difficult - the fact that the two games operate on different dev cycles would make any kind of simultaneous release very difficult. It's a dream I have, but I'm not holding my breath. References are much easier - there are a few more coming soon...

You're very welcome. Glad you like the game!

Jan 26, 2012
katreeny on Oct 21, 2013 wrote:
Blind Mew,

Thanks for the wonderful feedback - and evil hints!

My questions:
1. You've hinted that getting back to Valencia is going to be "adventurous" - does this mean we might get to *ahem* commandeer an Armada ship?

2. Considering how many near misses we've had so far, where we've escaped the Armada by the skin of our teeth, is there ever going to be a situation where we don't escape and have to be rescued (or have to break ourselves out of an Armada prison - that would be fun)?

3. It seems to me that the elite clockworks we've met all share a certain arrogance. Would that be something they got from their maker, Kane?

4. New skyway, 'C'... Cadiz? Or am I being a bit too ambitious there?

5. Steed says at the end of the first Valencia mission, "The people must know" - does this mean that most Valencians think the Armada is benign or even good?

6. Will we ever see a reward posted for our capture? It seems like something the Armada might do in its territories.
1. That would be telling. It'd also be pretty cool...

2. Another great idea. Hard to engineer, but it'd make a heck of a dungeon.

3. Absolutely. Kane sees himself as the most perfect being in the Spiral. His greatest creations also think highly of themselves.

4. All I can say is that it does not stand for cookie.

5. You're on to something here - this is an idea we're going to explore at length. The relationship is complex.

6. Another good idea. You're worth quite a bit, i expect.

Jan 26, 2012
Sky Sailor on Oct 28, 2013 wrote:
Is Phule's "good" side influencing his "bad" side? Or do different clockworks have different personalities? When we met Phule in Valencia, he said "Surrender the piece of the map you have, and I will let you live." While when we met Deacon, he ensured that our death would be "swift and painless," instead of giving us a chance to live (besides beating him).

Also, how did Wyatt Chirp of the Mag. 7 die? My guess is that Wild Bill Peacock might've done it by mistake, because the real person, Wild Bill Hickok (who I'm guessing he's based off of) killed the sheriff in town by mistake.
The elites each have their own personality. Phule has at least one. I doubt Deacon would have let you go for your map piece, had he caught you. Also, bear in mind that in the gap between Books 4 and 10 the Armada may have decided to change its tacticsw with regard to you.

That's a cute bit of history, but no, that's not how it happened. I've been asked this before (I'm sure somebodyu can dig up the quote), and as i said then, I don't think it's that important to know - with a mystery like that, anything I eventually reveal won't be as cool as what you might have imagined.

Jan 26, 2012
Doctor Z on Oct 24, 2013 wrote:
1: Will we see more of bishop? He is my favorite clockwork yet

2: is there a chance we will meet captain blood again?

3: wouldn't catbeard know of the powers that rest in el dorado? Why hasn't he told us?

4: what happens know with the war between the armada and marley bone?
1. Yup.

2. I dunno - his defeat was such a huge deal, I'd hate to undo it.

3. In theory he'd know quite a bit. That's a good question.

4. It's at a stalemate now, and is likely to stay that way for a long long time.

Jan 26, 2012
thatonevalenciansw... on Oct 24, 2013 wrote:
question 1.what does a clockwork look like under their masks? i imagine the skelecogs from toontown(i miss that game but eh,toontown rewritten is being developed)
question 2.what are the chances of us going to krokotopia.
1. Not really like the skelecogs. There are a lot more gears.

2. That would be telling.

Jan 26, 2012
Elemutation on Oct 24, 2013 wrote:
I am not hoping for confirmation on this, but I at least want to know if this theory has any major or minor relation to the GRAND DESIGN!!! it may be a bit lengthy, but IMO is worth reading.

As we all know, Kane and the Clockworks were created for the purpose of ending the Polarian war. Kane was most likely a high ranking member of the armada, or was at least in the war. He seems to sound like he he has "Ideas, thoughts and emotions" like the other elites. I believe he had an epiphany after the war ended, and this is what it was. He realized that the clockworks were the ultimate peacemakers, being able to end the polarian war almost on their own. He also saw that the worlds of the spiral were constantly fighting, and this was mainly due to diversity and different cultures. He looks at the clockworks and saw perfection. complete uniformity, and although the goons were not as advanced as Kane, the species would be able to evolve. Although they possessed "emotions" they did not cloud their judgement (i.e.: Rooke being upset about Deacon's downfall, but ignored the PC in mooshu to continue business). He decided that the clockworks were the future, all the good traits the species of the spiral had, with all the negatives corrected. He wanted to reform the spiral, in a way he saw as perfection. He first saw several roadblocks in his plan, such as the past civilizations may influence the future clockwork community. So he decided to destroy all other traces of spiral culture, with the prime example being the drill crusher in Granchia. He also saw one major issue. with the different climates and terrains of the worlds of the spiral, the clockwork communities may reform several cultures that may induce war. He had to mike THE SPIRAL ITSELF uniformed. He heard of the legend of El Dorado, and believed it's power could do what he wished. He had to keep relations with the other worlds of the spiral, as to not stall troops from their search for the map pieces. otherwise, progress would stall if something were to happen like the war with Marlebone. He also had to handle those who could not be reasoned with, such as the pirates. All this work would soon become too much, so he had to create others like himself so they could handle problems with like a being, and not a machine, and thus, the elites were born. I will continue with my theory about the events from the game's being onward.

F.R. Holystone
lv 65
We have a lot to reveal about Kane's origin, his motivations, and his ultimate goal. I'm hoping to keep those revelations as surprising as possible.

That said, your theory is very thorough, and very well thought out. You're heading in a good direction, but still missing a few critical pieces. I won't hold that against you - after all, I'm still hiding those pieces!

Jan 26, 2012
fearless robert sp... on Oct 24, 2013 wrote:
sup blind mew! im questing in the hanted skyway right now. how many more worlds will i have to complete to get to el dorado?
More than three. I fear i cannot comment (much) on future world lists.

Jan 26, 2012
Disloyal1 on Oct 25, 2013 wrote:
Was being curious today and wanted to ask some questions.

1. Will we ever see the brass monkey again? I'm sure he will pop up in some random dungeon.

2.Will we ever get a back story on Louis le Bisque. He is a great companion and I want to learn more about him.

3.If we ever got to fight Kane could you guess how hard the fight would be?

4. Do you think Doctor Noh would be a good Main quest companion? Why or Why not?

5. I know this is kind of a random question but how come Deacon does not drop any special gear like the rest of the armada?

6. Will we ever fight one of our class trainers for like a test?
1. He's too fun never to see again.

2. Yup, we will.

3. Given how much we've built him up as the ultimate bad guy, it'd better be pretty hard!

4. Well, the fact that he isn't now means we already decided he would not be, and that he can't be in the future - too hard to backtrack on those kinds of things, especially once people have paid crowns for him. As to why, he seemed a very specialized guy, and there were other companions we wanted to give away more than him.

5. That's one for Ratbeard.

6. That'd be a heck of a fight! Don't know yet.

Jan 26, 2012
Serpent996 on Oct 26, 2013 wrote:
Blind Mew, why do your answers always get me so excited and angry in equal measure?! XD Anyways, what I've been wanting to know: You said in a previous story thread that we would be getting more class-specific main companions, like the Mooshu 5 and the Kraken Skulls 5. Could you tell us if the next ones will be the same class us us (i.e. Swashbucklers get a Swash companion, Buccaneers get a Bucc, etc.), or will you guys be switching it up more?
Blind Mew, why do your answers always get me so excited and angry in equal measure?!

Years of training.

Could you tell us if the next ones will be the same class us us (i.e. Swashbucklers get a Swash companion, Buccaneers get a Bucc, etc.), or will you guys be switching it up more?

Can't confirm yet (this kind of thing stuff is as much in Ratbeard's court as it is mine), but the idea is that they will match your class more often than not.

Jan 26, 2012
Blaze Carter on Oct 29, 2013 wrote:
I really liked the promotion of Ratbeard to rat admiral, how did you guys come up the idea to use the story of A Christmas Carol, Its amazing!

and the voice of Mr. Barks, in the trade legation, mooshu, is that the same voice as Avery?

Very early in the process of developing Marleybone, the Art Lead and I decided we wanted an older version of London visually - Dickens' London instead of Victoria's. From there, the creative group started wracking our brains for good Dickensian references to use. Clearly, if you're doing any Dickens at all, you MUST do A Christmas Carol.

Originally I'd figured to make the Christmas Carol a side quest. Then the idea occurred to me to make it Ratbeard's promo - Ratbeard himself is so surly and Scroogelike the idea was too good to resist. While trying to break the plot down, I kept getting hung up on how to have three ghosts visit Ratbeard, and then I had a real epiphany: turn the quest inside out - you're the ghosts. The thought of Old Scratch as the Ghost of Christmas Future made me laugh uncontrollably - it was too good to resist.

Then, of course, we had to figure out what the meat of the plot would be. It was hard to do, and it quickly became clear that this would be a looooong quest. But I think it was worth it.

As for Mr. Barks, I don't think so.

May 06, 2009
Great work as always with the questions, Blind Mew!

And sorry if this is too long:

1. Mordekai is said to be the last of the Hammerhead Sharks known in the Spiral (and obviously, W101 has hammerhead enemies, debunking that idea), but I'm more interested on the possibility of finding a lost clan of Hammerheads or even have one as a companion.

2. Kane already has people wondering why The Armada is the way it is, and you have called the Armada almost this force of nature. But, will the question on if it's possible for a clockwork (mainly Kane) could develop its own emotions, morals, etc. In better words, could it be possible Kane to "have a soul" (like The Replicants in Blade Runner or The Geth in the Mass Effect Saga) and will the idea of what it means to have a soul be touched upon for Kane and his clockworks in later expansions?

3. Awhile back, there was a P101 Central thread where someone said Bonnie and Ratbeard were like an old married couple, which got me thinking:What do you think of inter-companion relationships, like Ratbeard and Bonnie being together, or Hawkules has a crush on Gracie (now that would be fun to see) or even just a simple friendship like our Starters and Kraken Skulls Companions becoming best buds?

4. Wing Chun, Egg Shen, and Kan Po were all given similar promo quests while Kobe and Subodai has unique promo quests. Will we see more of a backstory for them (instead of jusy sharing the same quest) for their next promos (whenever they are)?

5. What's your opinion on a Colonial American World?

6. I always wondered this if our pirate has any grandparents, uncles, siblings, etc. that we don't know about?

7. Is the idea of the PC finding a voodoo object, going back in time to Skull Island (as a new area of itself) during the Polarian Wars, meeting our parents, going on a quest to get them together as a couple when our Mom is dating a younger version of Avery (aka Biff), and get our Mother's map piece, like Back to the Future, out of the question?

May 23, 2010
Blind Mew on Oct 31, 2013 wrote:
1. That would be telling. It'd also be pretty cool...

2. Another great idea. Hard to engineer, but it'd make a heck of a dungeon.

3. Absolutely. Kane sees himself as the most perfect being in the Spiral. His greatest creations also think highly of themselves.

4. All I can say is that it does not stand for cookie.

5. You're on to something here - this is an idea we're going to explore at length. The relationship is complex.

6. Another good idea. You're worth quite a bit, i expect.
Heh! Two "that would be telling", two "great idea", one "you're on the right track", and one "yes" - that's a pretty good score!

I'm really looking forward to seeing how you bring it all together - based on what you've done so far it will be awesome.

In the meantime, I have my own theory about our parents - I think Gaspard is closest: that the Armada is responsible.

I suspect even then they were looking for Pollo's map. Kane was fine with leaving Pollo's piece with him, and then in Granchia. (Pollo's epic journey had to have been before the war against Napoleguin, based on the hints we have). Kane knew exactly where it was and could collect it at any time.

Part of Deacon's responsibilities were tracking down the rest of the pieces. He tracked one to our parents, and came after them. Once he had them (but not the piece for reasons no doubt to be explored later), he used his living agents to spread multiple stories of how they'd died. Each of the origin companions heard a different story - except Gaspard who (my theory) was the only survivor from the actual attack. But no one believed him because it wasn't long after the war against Napoleguin so the Armada were still seen as allies.

We were harder to track down - Deacon never found out who our parents left us with. I think once he found where we were, he made his sweep on whatever pretext he could use, which is where the game starts. Of course we don't know where Mom's map piece is either... But we're a key to it.

He used us as his stalking horse to get past Blood's defenses and find Clark's piece. Much more convenient for him to have us taking the risks. He did try to negotiate with Blood, but that ended... badly.

I'm guessing Deacon hadn't traced all the pieces when we destroyed him, since there was no evidence there'd been any Armada activity in Aquila, and there is that stormgate to Aquila in the Aragon Skyway... We know Mom's piece hasn't been traced. We don't know if they've tracked Erika the Red's piece or not.

Us starting that war with Marleybone really threw a wrench into Kane's plans, I think. He didn't have all his pieces in place when it blew up, but that's not going to stop him. And now he's going to be really mad at us.

For some reason I don't think our encounters with him are going to be terribly civilized.

Petty Officer
Mar 29, 2012
Blind Mew on Oct 31, 2013 wrote:
Very early in the process of developing Marleybone, the Art Lead and I decided we wanted an older version of London visually - Dickens' London instead of Victoria's. From there, the creative group started wracking our brains for good Dickensian references to use. Clearly, if you're doing any Dickens at all, you MUST do A Christmas Carol.

Originally I'd figured to make the Christmas Carol a side quest. Then the idea occurred to me to make it Ratbeard's promo - Ratbeard himself is so surly and Scroogelike the idea was too good to resist. While trying to break the plot down, I kept getting hung up on how to have three ghosts visit Ratbeard, and then I had a real epiphany: turn the quest inside out - you're the ghosts. The thought of Old Scratch as the Ghost of Christmas Future made me laugh uncontrollably - it was too good to resist.

Then, of course, we had to figure out what the meat of the plot would be. It was hard to do, and it quickly became clear that this would be a looooong quest. But I think it was worth it.

As for Mr. Barks, I don't think so.
Hi Blind Mew,

Thank you so much for the answer on those questions , the promo is long but totally worth it yes, I really enjoyed the promo, every single second of it!

Ratbeard: Scrooge!, Scrooooooooooge!!!


Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
katreeny on Nov 1, 2013 wrote:
Heh! Two "that would be telling", two "great idea", one "you're on the right track", and one "yes" - that's a pretty good score!

I'm really looking forward to seeing how you bring it all together - based on what you've done so far it will be awesome.

In the meantime, I have my own theory about our parents - I think Gaspard is closest: that the Armada is responsible.

I suspect even then they were looking for Pollo's map. Kane was fine with leaving Pollo's piece with him, and then in Granchia. (Pollo's epic journey had to have been before the war against Napoleguin, based on the hints we have). Kane knew exactly where it was and could collect it at any time.

Part of Deacon's responsibilities were tracking down the rest of the pieces. He tracked one to our parents, and came after them. Once he had them (but not the piece for reasons no doubt to be explored later), he used his living agents to spread multiple stories of how they'd died. Each of the origin companions heard a different story - except Gaspard who (my theory) was the only survivor from the actual attack. But no one believed him because it wasn't long after the war against Napoleguin so the Armada were still seen as allies.

We were harder to track down - Deacon never found out who our parents left us with. I think once he found where we were, he made his sweep on whatever pretext he could use, which is where the game starts. Of course we don't know where Mom's map piece is either... But we're a key to it.

He used us as his stalking horse to get past Blood's defenses and find Clark's piece. Much more convenient for him to have us taking the risks. He did try to negotiate with Blood, but that ended... badly.

I'm guessing Deacon hadn't traced all the pieces when we destroyed him, since there was no evidence there'd been any Armada activity in Aquila, and there is that stormgate to Aquila in the Aragon Skyway... We know Mom's piece hasn't been traced. We don't know if they've tracked Erika the Red's piece or not.

Us starting that war with Marleybone really threw a wrench into Kane's plans, I think. He didn't have all his pieces in place when it blew up, but that's not going to stop him. And now he's going to be really mad at us.

For some reason I don't think our encounters with him are going to be terribly civilized.
"For some reason I don't think our encounters with him are going to be terribly civilized."
Lol the ultimate understatement. Very well said.

Oct 15, 2012
i know you technically already did the first question but there anyway you can make tf2 like refrences or have an entire chapter that's a tf2 onage,just remove some more adultish features like the blood and gore,demo's scrumpy(or just turn it to yum) and spy's cigarette.
2.(irrelevant i know) but are you a brony:aka a male fan of my little pony friendship is magic i am one myself
3.What would happen if our pirate and his/her crew went to an alien world(as in a higly technolgy advanced for the spiral aliens,alien soldiers with rocket launcher's,pistols that shoot lasers not electricity and has a king that is nearly as powerful as a god.)what would you think of that i think it could lead to some possibilty's and cituations.
silver joseph vane

May 23, 2010
Chrissy Th'Blesser on Nov 1, 2013 wrote:
"For some reason I don't think our encounters with him are going to be terribly civilized."
Lol the ultimate understatement. Very well said.
Why thank you!

We've been busily upgrading ourselves from "nuisance fugitive" to "target", and now somewhere along the lines of "infernal nuisance" - I wouldn't be surprised if every clockwork has standing orders to capture if possible, kill if not.

Not to mention that big reward Blind Mew mentioned...

Why would Kane be polite to scum like us? We're fit only to be crushed beneath his boots - and by now he's going to want to do the crushing personally if he can.

Fun times, me hearties, fun times...

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Blaze Carter on Nov 1, 2013 wrote:
Hi Blind Mew,

Thank you so much for the answer on those questions , the promo is long but totally worth it yes, I really enjoyed the promo, every single second of it!

Ratbeard: Scrooge!, Scrooooooooooge!!!

Agreed. What totally cracked me up was Bonnie Ann's ghost.

Petty Officer
Mar 29, 2012
Chrissy Th'Blesser on Nov 2, 2013 wrote:
Agreed. What totally cracked me up was Bonnie Ann's ghost.
True , they are all 3 great ghosts, its not so hard for Scratch thou, he is already a ghost

Scratch: What did you say Cap'n my Cap'n?
Me: Nothing


Sep 28, 2013
say I have a few questions hard will the fight between the player and kane be

2.will we learn more about our parents

3.and how many worlds will be realesed between now and 2015

Aug 18, 2011
Blind Mew on Oct 31, 2013 wrote:
Very early in the process of developing Marleybone, the Art Lead and I decided we wanted an older version of London visually - Dickens' London instead of Victoria's. From there, the creative group started wracking our brains for good Dickensian references to use. Clearly, if you're doing any Dickens at all, you MUST do A Christmas Carol.

Originally I'd figured to make the Christmas Carol a side quest. Then the idea occurred to me to make it Ratbeard's promo - Ratbeard himself is so surly and Scroogelike the idea was too good to resist. While trying to break the plot down, I kept getting hung up on how to have three ghosts visit Ratbeard, and then I had a real epiphany: turn the quest inside out - you're the ghosts. The thought of Old Scratch as the Ghost of Christmas Future made me laugh uncontrollably - it was too good to resist.

Then, of course, we had to figure out what the meat of the plot would be. It was hard to do, and it quickly became clear that this would be a looooong quest. But I think it was worth it.

As for Mr. Barks, I don't think so.
I loved Bonnie's and Old Scratch's involvement in it.. especially since Ratbeard and Bonnie are always bickering with each other. And it was great to see Lasko again.

Do you think Lasko will end up making more appearances in any future promo quests for Ratbeard?

C.K. Hawkins

Oct 10, 2012
hello blind mew i have some questions if you don't mind
  1. what is you favorite world in the spiral
  2. what world would you want to live in(this question and and the the question on the top is totally different, like say that you favorite world was dragonspyre but would you want to live in dragonspyre)
  3. in the world that you live in what species would you be (cats,sharks,tigers,demons etc) and what position would you would have on that world (kings,gladiators,thieves,blind old beggars etc)
  4. and to drive you crazy, who is the female elite

Community Leader
I was wondering if we would see Avalon in this game? I'm extremely curious about where Dalia Falmea is from. It isn't quite fully explained in Wizard101. It's thought to be that Dalia is from Weirwood, but it's a very small area and does not explain her height. So someone brought up the point of Pirate101 possibly bringing and expanding Avalon. It would help us find out more about where Dalia comes from. Or at least understand her more by visiting the world especially the Weirwood kind.

Thank you.

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