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The New Companion Policy

Oct 12, 2010
Apparently there's a new policy about Companions. Now Companions get wounded If defeated in combat! Apparently they wont appear in combat for a couple of times if defeated in combat. Also we can no longer use a life fountain. Honestly I'm definitely not a big fan of this new policy, I think KI should of kept the old one. Especially for us max levels, it also says that our companions will sit out longer! I always liked going online to Pirate101 and battling all the time, especially because I knew my Companions will heal afterwards and I could use the same ones in the next battle. But I guess now I'll have to flee when my favorite companions are almost defeated in battle. This will definitely effect us in dungeons when our strong companions faint, we probably wont finish that dungeon in one day. But at least with this new policy, there's new positives. Like new companions. But I guess with so much pros there always has to be cons. Although I can't argue with my favorite website/game.

Dead-eye Octavio Devereaux, level 65 Witchdoctor
Fearful Zane Parker, level 62 Buccaneer

Dec 15, 2012
I'm just wondering if the Life potions will have the same effect as before...

Petty Officer
Dec 22, 2009
I honestly don't see anything wrong with a new, more realistic and engaging addition to the game. I wonder how KI feels when they works so hard to put out this stuff only to get rebuffed.

There is A LOT of potential in this update and you have just so many companions. To say it will take more than 5 hours to finish a dungeon is just complete exaggerated let alone a day. Even if 6 of your companions were wounded, you still have enough to complete your quest, by using different tactics. I think everyone who is fussing about this is just kinda lazy and want everything to be easy.

Guess what? Easier = more boring...

Oct 01, 2010
Technically they can still fight if they're wounded. They just suffer a penalty if they do.

I'm looking very forward to this. I understand how you may be upset about having to wait to have their wounds healed, but considering the amount of gold we get and the fact that we are most likely getting "Marking" due to that teaser released earlier, I don't see any problems since you can just get instant results by heading to Mitch.

Community Leader
I wonder how many companions we will be able to send on a "quest".
I can see it now, pirates sending all the companions they don't like on quests, keeping their favorite 5 or 6, and then as a few of those become wounded..... Where are all my companions!!! Eeeeek!

However they will probably have a limit on the number of companions that can be off questing at any given time.

Easier more boring?
Harder more tedius and NOT fun...

Dr Zeppers (aka Silent Sam Stern)
Piratey parodies I like to make.
I be a crazy pirate for goodness sake!
Artist & Admin of Skull Island TV
Community Leader
I've read the article about three times, and every time I read it, the idea of Advanced Companions gets more and more exciting. The idea of them actually being wounded in a battle, and having to take time out to heal (or continue on wounded) sounds more...realistic than instantly being healed, it removes a bit "magic" from the Piratin' side of the spiral. Now, the other activities that you can send Companions to do, such as Brawlin' and searching for gold, removes the shroud of mystery and uncertainty to what our other companions do when they're not in battle.

I, for one, am looking forward to this, it means I'll have to change my strategy, it'll be like fighting a cheating boss, just a lot better and A LOT more fun.

Visit Adventures of the Spiral today for tips and tricks on how to improve your gameplay.
Oct 12, 2010
Xiriganism on Mar 26, 2014 wrote:
I honestly don't see anything wrong with a new, more realistic and engaging addition to the game. I wonder how KI feels when they works so hard to put out this stuff only to get rebuffed.

There is A LOT of potential in this update and you have just so many companions. To say it will take more than 5 hours to finish a dungeon is just complete exaggerated let alone a day. Even if 6 of your companions were wounded, you still have enough to complete your quest, by using different tactics. I think everyone who is fussing about this is just kinda lazy and want everything to be easy.

Guess what? Easier = more boring...
I'm sorry for the exaggeration,

(I meant for it to be one)

But I sometimes basically give all of my training points to one companion. If your gonna add wounds, then I would consider only making them "the amount of damage taken to the companion during combat" wounds, or at least give them a life fountain and/or a potion to heal them. I'm not completely against the idea of the new companion policy, but I think there should be a possible way to revive them right after they get defeated in combat rather than waiting maybe 5 battles before the companion is able to show up in combat again.

Gunner's Mate
Oct 12, 2010
Witty Gavin on Mar 26, 2014 wrote:
I'm just wondering if the Life potions will have the same effect as before...
I too am wondering this. Along with this pity downside, there is also a remarkable and awesome upside! Every class will get a new class companion at level four! And we can send more companions on quests!

Strong Andy Armstrong, lvl. 65 Privateer
Slick Luke Noble, lvl. 65 Musketeer

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Witty Gavin on Mar 26, 2014 wrote:
I'm just wondering if the Life potions will have the same effect as before...
Mojo Potions, to be correct. And, I'm not sure if they do.

Dread Pirate
Jun 17, 2013
AoS Sheldon on Mar 26, 2014 wrote:
I've read the article about three times, and every time I read it, the idea of Advanced Companions gets more and more exciting. The idea of them actually being wounded in a battle, and having to take time out to heal (or continue on wounded) sounds more...realistic than instantly being healed, it removes a bit "magic" from the Piratin' side of the spiral. Now, the other activities that you can send Companions to do, such as Brawlin' and searching for gold, removes the shroud of mystery and uncertainty to what our other companions do when they're not in battle.

I, for one, am looking forward to this, it means I'll have to change my strategy, it'll be like fighting a cheating boss, just a lot better and A LOT more fun.
I agree and I too really like this new Advanced Companion idea. It is exciting knowing that you can possibly be having your whole second page (and then some) earning their keep and providing valuable items for the crew. Who wouldn't enjoy your 'extra', idle companions instead collecting gold, player loot, Nautical XP, pet loot, training tomes and companion XP for you crew, all while being done behind the scenes. Might as well get the most out of them if they are going to be part of the crew.

The wounded aspect is something that I am looking forward to as well. With the current way battles go, most of the battles there is absolutely no need to worry about who you lose in battle or in most cases, there is no need to heal them in the midst of battle, period. You always know that with a simple click of on icon and quick teleport to a life fountain- whoosh, everyone is A-OK. There really hasn't been any need to worry about any so called 'consequences' of losing a companion or two- besides in the battle your pirate was engaged in at that moment. Now, at least letting those companions absorb damage (without feeling the need to have to heal them) will play more of a role in your pirate's future battles and cause you to have to tend to them if you want them fully healthy in the immediate future.

I absolutely welcome the changes and can't wait to see them and my new helpers in their new, valuable roles.

Gunner's Mate
Oct 12, 2010
Pirate101, I wanted to ask. Are you thinking of ever changing this policy back to the way it was at first? Because I for one, would prefer the first way allot better.

Jan 26, 2012
Note also that they only are "wounded" if they're defeated - you don't lose them unless they drop. As tregards their health regen between fights, that will not change.

Oct 12, 2010
Wait a second... WHAT! It also says that now Companions wont appear in combat! If that is true, that is going WAY to far. Making them wounded in combat is one thing, but now they don't even appear in combat?! I have to say, that's a little disappointing. I love companions appearing in combat, I would rather they appear in combat more than me appearing in combat. What's the point of critical strikes and epics now? Sorry if I'm being a little harsh. If you scroll down on this link to "Companion Orders"( It says that they just give you orders! After your done reading that, look at the comments, everyone is agreeing that this is a bad idea. Companions are my favorite thing about Pirate101, and of course them in combat is my favorite thing the Companions. I mean I'm still going to play Pirate101, but (I never thought I would say this) I don't know if I'm going to play it as frequently.

Once again, I still love the game. And I'm sorry if I'm being harsh. I'm also not trying to encourage anyone to not like the game (if you haven't yet started the game, then I do encourage you to start today)

Dead-eye Octavio Devereaux, level 65 Witchdoctor
Fearful Zane Parker, level 65 Buccaneer

Everybody take a deep breath.

You'll be able to try it out soon.

In the meantime, just imagine logging in every day and collecting 2+ pages worth of gold, tomes, loot, and nautical XP from your companions.

Oct 01, 2010
1of1 Buccaneer on Mar 26, 2014 wrote:
Wait a second... WHAT! It also says that now Companions wont appear in combat! If that is true, that is going WAY to far. Making them wounded in combat is one thing, but now they don't even appear in combat?! I have to say, that's a little disappointing. I love companions appearing in combat, I would rather they appear in combat more than me appearing in combat. What's the point of critical strikes and epics now? Sorry if I'm being a little harsh. If you scroll down on this link to "Companion Orders"( It says that they just give you orders! After your done reading that, look at the comments, everyone is agreeing that this is a bad idea. Companions are my favorite thing about Pirate101, and of course them in combat is my favorite thing the Companions. I mean I'm still going to play Pirate101, but (I never thought I would say this) I don't know if I'm going to play it as frequently.

Once again, I still love the game. And I'm sorry if I'm being harsh. I'm also not trying to encourage anyone to not like the game (if you haven't yet started the game, then I do encourage you to start today)

Dead-eye Octavio Devereaux, level 65 Witchdoctor
Fearful Zane Parker, level 65 Buccaneer
I think you've misread the article.

The first three companions placed in your roster will always show up. Everyone else will just stand in the sidelines unless moved up. I can tell the developers put a great deal of effort into this update. It would be rude to say it is intolerable before the updates even showed up, and I'm not aiming at you. I noted some people here and there complaining about the updates. I do not see how these new updates could be bad in the slightest, and I look forward to them with great intent. At least give it a chance when it shows up. I would hate to see such great effort be put to waste.

Oct 12, 2010
1of1 Buccaneer on Mar 26, 2014 wrote:
Wait a second... WHAT! It also says that now Companions wont appear in combat! If that is true, that is going WAY to far. Making them wounded in combat is one thing, but now they don't even appear in combat?! I have to say, that's a little disappointing. I love companions appearing in combat, I would rather they appear in combat more than me appearing in combat. What's the point of critical strikes and epics now? Sorry if I'm being a little harsh. If you scroll down on this link to "Companion Orders"( It says that they just give you orders! After your done reading that, look at the comments, everyone is agreeing that this is a bad idea. Companions are my favorite thing about Pirate101, and of course them in combat is my favorite thing the Companions. I mean I'm still going to play Pirate101, but (I never thought I would say this) I don't know if I'm going to play it as frequently.

Once again, I still love the game. And I'm sorry if I'm being harsh. I'm also not trying to encourage anyone to not like the game (if you haven't yet started the game, then I do encourage you to start today)

Dead-eye Octavio Devereaux, level 65 Witchdoctor
Fearful Zane Parker, level 65 Buccaneer
Sorry, I read this wrong.

This is actually a really cool update to Pirate101!

It actually says that the companions that we're not using will not be in combat.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
As I understand it, we'll be able to choose which companions show in combat ( instead of the random percentage we have been using ) I, for one, look forward to sending my crew out on activities, that way I won't keep thinking of my least favorite members as a waste of space. And maybe, I'll be able to use them more often if my faves do get too wounded to continue. BTW, I always heal my companions in battle ( I care about them, I'm funny that way.)

Oct 12, 2010
The only thing about this new policy is the confusion. Will an administrator or developer please tell me how this will work? Here are some questions that I would like the answer to

  1. Will we be able to get our companions back from their own quests whenever we want?
  2. Will we be able to send our companions on quest whenever we want?
  3. Will we be able whatever companion on whatever quest?

The only thing that I dislike about this policy right now is that the roster will chose the our first three companions. It might seem like everyone would like it this way, but I honestly prefer random choice WAY more than the first three. It would be WAY cooler if we could change these settings. For example, we can go to the settings, go to the second joystick, and there would be an option saying that we could chose between random companions, or the first three companions, just like normal settings.

Sep 20, 2009
1of1 Buccaneer on Mar 26, 2014 wrote:
Wait a second... WHAT! It also says that now Companions wont appear in combat! If that is true, that is going WAY to far. Making them wounded in combat is one thing, but now they don't even appear in combat?! I have to say, that's a little disappointing. I love companions appearing in combat, I would rather they appear in combat more than me appearing in combat. What's the point of critical strikes and epics now? Sorry if I'm being a little harsh. If you scroll down on this link to "Companion Orders"( It says that they just give you orders! After your done reading that, look at the comments, everyone is agreeing that this is a bad idea. Companions are my favorite thing about Pirate101, and of course them in combat is my favorite thing the Companions. I mean I'm still going to play Pirate101, but (I never thought I would say this) I don't know if I'm going to play it as frequently.

Once again, I still love the game. And I'm sorry if I'm being harsh. I'm also not trying to encourage anyone to not like the game (if you haven't yet started the game, then I do encourage you to start today)

Dead-eye Octavio Devereaux, level 65 Witchdoctor
Fearful Zane Parker, level 65 Buccaneer
Um, Octavio. I really think you've misread the article. The companions will still join in the fights, now we'll have extra orders we can give them, and we get a chance to choose which companions will join us during a fight. This gives us a whole new level of strategy, now we have to look and understand the enemies we'll be fighting in order to choose the correct companions for the fight. This means no more watching witchdoctor companions lose to enemies like the satyres. It also means that if you know you're going to fight buccaneer enemies, then you can have your swashy companions join in the fight.

And beside, think about what you're writing, if our companions no longer join in combat, then how do they get defeated and wounded in combat?

Dec 29, 2012
1of1 Buccaneer on Mar 26, 2014 wrote:
Wait a second... WHAT! It also says that now Companions wont appear in combat! If that is true, that is going WAY to far. Making them wounded in combat is one thing, but now they don't even appear in combat?! I have to say, that's a little disappointing. I love companions appearing in combat, I would rather they appear in combat more than me appearing in combat. What's the point of critical strikes and epics now? Sorry if I'm being a little harsh. If you scroll down on this link to "Companion Orders"( It says that they just give you orders! After your done reading that, look at the comments, everyone is agreeing that this is a bad idea. Companions are my favorite thing about Pirate101, and of course them in combat is my favorite thing the Companions. I mean I'm still going to play Pirate101, but (I never thought I would say this) I don't know if I'm going to play it as frequently.

Once again, I still love the game. And I'm sorry if I'm being harsh. I'm also not trying to encourage anyone to not like the game (if you haven't yet started the game, then I do encourage you to start today)

Dead-eye Octavio Devereaux, level 65 Witchdoctor
Fearful Zane Parker, level 65 Buccaneer
It says if they're wounded too much, they're put to bed rest. If they're in bed rest they won't appear in battle. That's the same if they're knocked out during battle, they won't appear. I suggest you read it again.

Mar 24, 2013
There goes the ranking board,now companions are now treated with more equal opportunities.So companions are no longer benched, higher leveled companions no longer dominates lower leveled companions and companions no longer fully healed after combats. This sounds great now that less appreciated shipmates can now have their shining moments.I did not see this one coming,before reading the update article. On the bright side we got a new companion,for players level 4 and above.

This beg the question what will happen to life fountains after this update ?

" Change can be hard,but it's also good. " - Amber Underwood

See you in the sky ways.

Jan 26, 2012
Monkrinx2024 on Mar 27, 2014 wrote:
There goes the ranking board,now companions are now treated with more equal opportunities.So companions are no longer benched, higher leveled companions no longer dominates lower leveled companions and companions no longer fully healed after combats. This sounds great now that less appreciated shipmates can now have their shining moments.I did not see this one coming,before reading the update article. On the bright side we got a new companion,for players level 4 and above.

This beg the question what will happen to life fountains after this update ?

" Change can be hard,but it's also good. " - Amber Underwood

See you in the sky ways.
Nowhere does it ever say that Companions are not healed after combat. If they fall (i.e. are reduced to 0 hit points), they are automatically given an order - to rest and get better. After a timer expires, they're good as new.

Don't want to wait? Go to Avery's Court and get them healed at Miracle Mitch's place. Or, cancel the order and put them back in the combat line up - it's two or three clicks worth of effort.. They'll fight at a penalty, but they'll show up for combat again. If they fall again before the heal timer expires, the penalty gets worse.

Jan 26, 2012
1Of1Musketeer on Mar 26, 2014 wrote:
Pirate101, I wanted to ask. Are you thinking of ever changing this policy back to the way it was at first? Because I for one, would prefer the first way allot better.
Without playing it first?

Dread Pirate
Jun 17, 2013
I definitely say, "let's give this thing a fair chance" before it is labeled as a bad idea. How can anyone know if it is a bad idea or they don't like it, without actually trying it first. If I had done that before I ever had pizza, fries, sundaes or my precious coffee- without daring to try it out first...oh, I would be one unhappy pirate.

Like Ratbeard stated, our pirates are essentially going to be given free stuff every time we log in, without us having to do anything but click on a few companions and click again and assign them what task we want them to carry out. And we will be able to actually dictate who accompanies our pirate into battle. Now, I too like the randomness factor, but that being said I also am not crazy about when I have a companion in the first row that hasn't shown up in 20+ battles even though by percentages it should have. I am excited that I will be able to keep my first mate and still be guaranteed to see one of my other favorite companion join any given battle too. And we can still 'adjust' the difficulty a bit by putting a lower level companion or 2 into one of those 4 guaranteed slots. If you miss seeing certain companions, send them to the 1st row, seats 1-4.

Sounds like a great scenario to me- but again we will have to give it a fair shot and actually try it out before condemning it.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
I am in full agreement with the "Just hold your ships at dock" and hand on a second and wait and give it a try first. In fact you will need to give it many trys to get the true feel of it. This is something new and anything new is going to be a bit tough to feel familiar. Habits don't happen the first time you do something, except for maybe the first time you tried chocolate but then again chocolate doesn't really follow the rules, does it? Give these things a try folks before you have your hissy fits. THEN if you still don't prefer it, don't just bash it, give ideas that you have that might make it better to deal with. Sometimes a simple tweak can make something unbearable fixed enough to work with. Don't just dismiss it because it's different. Different is only hard because you are not used to it. Once you get used to it you may really get surprised and find that you truly like it better. Our beloved developers have put a LOT of time and effort into making massive changes just to please US. They did not do this just to yank our chains. They have done these things to please us. Let's just calm down and wait for the test realm to open and all give it that Message Board Marauders style TRY. OK?