Pirate101 Monthly Newsletter


December 2022 Newsletter


Ahoy, Pirates!

It's that time of year when snow begins to fall, blankets are pulled out of storage, and pirates return to their regularly scheduled pillaging of all known enemies. Tis the season for raising absolute madness on the Spiral! This months newsletter has all the events, memes, and guides to keep even the grandest of pirates satisfied.

Here’s a closer look at all that and more!

Charity Speedrun Competition

From now until 11:59pm CT January 1st, 2023 the speedrun leaderboards (found here!) are worth Crowns! Every category of speedrun is its own leaderboard, and the top 3 spots on each of those leaderboards have a Crown bounty. Check out the competition page here!


For every player whose run beats the last-place run on each category leaderboard (as of November 16th, 2022), KingsIsle will be donating $25 to Games Done Quick. That means for Pirate101, a single player can enable $175 to go to charity!!

Winter Wonderland Artwork Contest


Help make the holidays magical during this year’s 12 Days of the Spiral event! Today kicks off our annual Winter Wonderland Artwork Contest, but with a cool twist. The theme for Pirate101: Companions!

In order to participate, select your favorite companion in Pirate101 and draw them in a winter wonderland setting. You can draw them either on paper with whatever tools you’d like, such as pencil, ink, paint, etc. As a Proud Paper Moment entry, or you can draw them as a Digitial Winter Wonder entry on a computer through tools like Photoshop. Prizes will be awarded separately for each of these methods.

Check out this page for all the information you need!

Dreadnaught Spawn Party

This past November an invasion of MASSIVE proportions hit Skill Island. Hawkules spawned 40+ Dreadnaughts and an untold number of Naval Towers! Pirates from around the Spiral banded together to overcome wave after wave of Armada armaments. Lucky for us, the Armada was held back in large part thanks to DemonAxe: Here is a video of the event!


Who knows when the Armada will return in such numbers? You do! December 21st from 7pm-9pm CST, the raid returns. Gather your allies and prepare your computer: This battle will be an enormous one.

Advice for Returning Players!

/u/TatsumoriYuno made a fantastic mini essay for returning players to Pirate101! For Musketeers, we cannot imagine a better TL:DR for how to get back into the game with a maximized set of gear and recommendations. If you want to get really deep into the math, Yuno has you covered as well. Typically the subreddit focuses on memes, but occasionally you'll see a genuine gem of a comment on a post like this. Well done!

Click here to see the post!

Luckyy the Legend

Gather ‘round, Pirates, and hear the tale of Luckky. Not a seadog on these Spiral waters can defeat’em in a race on Skull Island.
This here be a fine example of a farmer. Spoils of war, boasted and shared with all the world to see!

Have ye a legendary Pirate tale to share? Tell Hawkules#8429 on Discord and that pirate might just make it onto this very Newsletter next month!

Community Art Spotlight

We know you have a choice of art/meme providers when browsing the internet, and we here at KingsIsle would like to thank you for choosing us as your Certified Curators.




Is there a newsletter section or item we should add? Tweet your suggestion to @Pirate101 and we’ll select the top idea we can implement to win 5,000 Crowns!

Be sure to follow the game and its community on social media!

Please take a moment to read our article on online safety. Stop by our KingsIsle Blog for Account Security Best Practices. There’s important information in the article to manage and protect your entire family’s accounts.