Pirate Game Fan Fiction


Death of the Golden Eye by Xavier Donnely

Marleybone Docks

“Clear sky, slight breeze, and ship’s in tip top shape if I do say so myself!” gleamed the ever-so-happy Henry Donnely. He placed both fisted hands at his waists, his face simply radiating his pride for the magnificent Golden Eye. It was a frigate, and it fit nicely for the old pirate. A lean woman with dashing gray eyes and black hair came to the side of the blue eyed man.

“Well Cap’n, shall we set sail?” she asked while taking him by the elbow. The man looked down at the woman as the woman looked up to the man.

“We’ll have to ask Captain X if we’re going to leave anytime soon. Jesop!” the man cried. Henry assumed that the Marleybonian would be running behind him at that moment. To his surprise, he saw a young boy with the woman’s eyes and his ruffled hairstyle look. Behind the young boy was a large, German Shepherd like man, who was Jesop. Henry had been correct with his assumption.

Jesop was frantically trying to calm the excited boy down, but by the looks of it, all efforts had failed. The large Marleybonian did not fare well in running in a blue suit and top hat.

Both Henry and the woman laughed.

“How far do you think the poor lad’s ran Delisle?” Henry asked the woman.

She rubbed her chin a bit. “Probably a block. Jesop isn’t sweating and if he ran anymore, I doubt he would be that close to Xavier.”

The two laughed again. The young boy had finally caught up to the pair and had gone into a crash collision course into his father’s right leg. He hugged it tightly before looking up with the large, intelligent gray eyes he had.

Henry picked the young boy up, nudging the boy’s cheek a little with his trimmed goatee. Jesop had finally caught up to the two by now, placing his paws on his knees. The poor Marleybonian was panting a bit but he quickly straightened once he caught his breath.

“Sorry ‘bout Xavier. The boy started sprinting down the block right when he saw you two approaching the docks.” The large dog straightened his hat a tad and let out a smile.

Delisle brought her right hand to pat Xavier’s head.

“You know Xavier, always running to catch a visit with us before heading out.” Delisle set a smile towards Jesop, which eased the Marleybonian a tad.

“Do we have permission to set sail Cap’n X?” Henry requested in an authoritative tone.

“You are clear for sailing Cap’n Henry!” Xavier shouted authoritatively at his father. He hugged his father’s neck tightly, almost to the point where Henry may have choked.

Xavier let go of his father’s neck. “Promise you’ll come back?” he pleaded while staring head on towards Henry’s eyes.

Delisle brought her head up towards the two. She looked to Xavier.

“We’ll always be with you, you know that Xavier.” She poked the chest area where Xavier’s heart was.

Henry added, “And we promise we’ll come back.”

Jesop stood near the family, who had placed their heads together as the three hugged. The Marlyebonian brought his top hat down to be held by both paws. He already knew the dangers of living the life of a pirate.

The three let go of their bond. Henry passed Xavier to Delisle, where she and the young boy would hug before Xavier was let down onto the floor again. The couple waved good bye to their son, walking arm in arm onto the ship.

Xavier waved good-bye to them. The young boy held Jesop’s paw tightly as the radiant wooden frigate sailed off into the skyway.

Somewhere in the Skyways

“Goodness gracious. Winds are picking up, and so is the rain,” a wet rat proclaimed as he stepped into the mess hall.

“Crew doing alright up there?” asked Henry.

“Sure are Cap’n. Still, the men up there are havin’ their doubts ‘bout the storm.” The rat took a seat near Henry. Delisle was seated next to Henry, her head resting on his shoulder.

She lifted her head up cautiously when the wind blew harder against the wooden planks. The boat was wailing, screaming in agony. Delisle knew that the ship might not make it.

Henry caught her look of worry. “I’m sure we’ll make it through this. Least we’re not running into the Armada.”

The rat shifted in his seat as the word Armada was spoken.

Just then, a crack of thunder hit the hull.

A few screams and the cries of panic rang throughout the hall.

“Hurry! Up to the deck!” Henry cried and all three rushed up to the deck.

Men were trying their best to keep the sails up while making sure that their ropes were secured tightly to the mast. A large crack had appeared in one of the frontal masts, and it was at the verge of cracking.

Henry rushed to help the crew, braving through the storm.

Delisle headed up to the now spinning wheel, grabbing it tightly and trying to keep the ship steady.

“Henry!” she yelled through the pounding rain.

“Delisle!” he called back.

Ship mates were now falling off of the ship as the large wooden thing tipped this way and that. Wind swept away a few men whose life ropes were loosely attached to the mast. The lightning struck at a few ship mates as well as many parts of the ships, which included the sails. It seemed the ship was lost.

Henry went up to help Delisle, and the rat followed as well.

“Milo, get all of the crew off of the boat. Make sure their all well and safe,” Delisle ordered the rat. Milo looked at the two, his face contorted with sadness.

Henry looked to Delisle. He understood what was happening.

“If anything happens to us, tell Xavier we love him,” Delisle said with sincerity.

“And tell him we’re sorry,” added Henry.

The rat gazed at the two captains one last time. He nodded, left, and rushed to help the rest of the crew.

Most of the crew survived on floating makeshift rafts from the Golden Eye.

Only Henry and Delisle were left on the ship, arm in arm when the Golden Eye finally closed its eye shut.


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