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What if the Polarian war never happened?

Apr 05, 2014
Imagine a spiral where the Polarian war never happened, I'm sure some of you thought about this and I'd like to see what you think would be different without that war. P.S I like turtles

Jan 18, 2011
Mr goose on Jul 3, 2014 wrote:
Imagine a spiral where the Polarian war never happened, I'm sure some of you thought about this and I'd like to see what you think would be different without that war. P.S I like turtles
if that happened, we would have no pirates and the spiral will be boring with the exception of wizard101 side of the story

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
There would still be pirates, but Avery would not have Skull Island as a haven ( he made his money from the Polarian War, remember? ) There would be no Armada, either.

First Mate
Dec 24, 2009
Even if the Polarian War never happened, the Spiral would have generated another monster to start some other war. The war would happen, Valencia would create the Armada, and we'd be back where we started. One difference is that you wouldn't have to spring Napoleguin from prison(I'm assuming you're there. If not, sorry for the spoilers). I'm pretty sure I butchered his name. This is definitely an interesting topic though.