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Treasure Cards

Mar 30, 2012
Do you think they are going to make treasure cards for pirates?

Dec 01, 2012
Privateer176 on Jul 1, 2013 wrote:
Do you think they are going to make treasure cards for pirates?
that would make no sense. i mean only witchdoctors use 'spells' and even those seem less of wizards, more like creepy voodoo people. it just wouldnt fit

Aug 01, 2011
Apr 19, 2012
A Balanced Life395 on Jul 3, 2013 wrote:
that would make no sense. i mean only witchdoctors use 'spells' and even those seem less of wizards, more like creepy voodoo people. it just wouldnt fit
Yarrr! Sure it would work lad. There are lots of attacks, powers and buffs I would like to be able to use without having to give up a gear selection for. It would be exactly like Wizard101. You could have assassins strike cards, healing cards, teleportation cards, summon minion cards etc. Just like the new team epics musketeers have that are musketeer abilities that work for every class of companion. I think it would be great and I bet they start making them available sooner or later. They could even make it so that you had to train in different abilities to be able to use different cards or they could do it according to level. I think that eventually Pirates will have just about every feature that Wizards does.

Wicked Erin, Self Appointed Unlimited Class World Swashbuckling Champion Supreme