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"Tails, Tails, Tails"

Jun 26, 2010
This has been drifting in me mind for quite a while mates, so I'll say it, some of the companions don't have TAILS! I mean take Marlybone for example ye see foxes with tails, ye see cats with tails, and ye even see rats & mice with tails, but not dogs what be up with that huh? And that be only the beginning mates, we can all think of all the current worlds we been too, with creatures that are suppose to have tails but don't, so I think we need to tell KI that creatures & companions that don't have tails need tails so do ye say me hearty's.

- Deadeye Jack Morgan

May 31, 2009
Some of the dogs have tails. The ones with the monocles that look like some kind of terrier/Scottie mix and are dressed in blue have tails. Now that I think about it, they're the only ones!

Petty Officer
Aug 27, 2010
Perhaps it is fashionable in Marleybone for dogs to snip their tails?

Community Leader
I may be totally off the mark here, but a lot of working dog breeds (as would be the case with those on the Isle of Dogs) have their tailed docked at 2-3 days old before the nerve endings fuse to prevent more pain and amputations should their tail become injured in the process of working. It may be that the wealthier dogs have tails, while the "working-class" dogs do not to save them from problems waiting to happen and long recoveries to follow.

Sounds like something interesting to post about. I need to look into this one.

Swordroll's Blog
Nov 23, 2011
Handsome Dan has a perfect bulldoggy tail, you just can't see it because it is under his jacket. The other guys? They were carried away by cannon balls, traded for yum, sold to pawn-brokers, left behind when they had to flee port suddenly, or lost to the innumerable hazards of the piratin' life. Yar!

Or (alternative answer), they are right there... you know, next to the chickens' wings...


Jul 07, 2013
This is a problem that Marleybone tailors have been fighting with a long time. Where to put the tail hole in the pants. This is a problem in the military as well because of regulation uniforms and the tail hole having to match a guy's height. Also in the industry of Marleybone in the past having the tails exposed caused many to lose them in accidents getting stuck in the machinery. In the factories it is against safety regulations to have a long tail exposed. So actually the issue is a long tale....

Virtuous Dante Ramsey

Jun 26, 2010
If ye look up the Pirate101 rouge's gallery ye will notice a photo of Gracie Conrad in her files, if ye look very closely ye'll see that she has a tail, but in the game she doesn't, and I can think of a number of companions without tails, but are suppose too.

- Deadeye Jack Morgan

First Mate
Dec 13, 2009
I have a pet boxer. He has no tail.
ALL teh dogs are boxers. There is your answer.

Jun 26, 2010
One Eyed Jack, Bonnie Anne, what be your opinion on this matter, I bet ye both are awry of companions that don't have tails but are suppose too, ye be with KI right so I was thinking if it be not too much trouble if ye could put in a good word too them about this matter.

- Deadeye Jack Morgan

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Some have tails but choose to conceal them ( to keep them out of the way during battle ) Mustang Sally & El Toro for example. Some proudly show them, Bonnie Anne, Ratbeard and so on. It would be rude to ask Lt. Springer what happened to his tail.

Nov 01, 2012
anecorbie on Aug 10, 2014 wrote:
Some have tails but choose to conceal them ( to keep them out of the way during battle ) Mustang Sally & El Toro for example. Some proudly show them, Bonnie Anne, Ratbeard and so on. It would be rude to ask Lt. Springer what happened to his tail.
What happened to his tail?

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
ChrisTheSwashy on Aug 12, 2014 wrote:
What happened to his tail?
I have no idea, but it might make a good fan fiction to make up an amusing 'tale of the tail'!