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Roleplay - Way of the Samurai

Dec 21, 2009
As darkness devours light and light destroys darkness so does the tale begin. In the beginning when nothing was yet formed there roamed one, or so the legends say. He was Ogon No Hikari, as translated into the common language, the Golden Light. He walked on the essence that would someday many ages later would become mooshu, and darkmoore, and the whole spiral. He had a brother, dark in his ways, hungering for dominion over the forming worlds whose name was Kurai Yoru, translated again into the common language, the Darkest Night. Kurai Yoru was jealous of his brother, even though he had nothing to be jealous of.

As the age passed Ogon No Hikari began forming the land and it's inhabitants out of the pure essence of the spiral. The newly made people took life of their own and loved their creator. Ogon No Hikari adored them also and set it to be made a heaven which they may go to one day to enjoy life forever. Kurai Yoru became much more jealous of his brother and set to work creating dark and evil things. He first created his oni generals, then formed the armies of demon to follow. Ogon No Hikari learned of this and set to work creating armies, seraphs as his generals, and angels as their followers. Kurai Yoru and Ogon No Hikari clashed on the middle grounds and destroyed a world created by Ogon No Hikari. The battle brought forth into being the twin blades of darkness and light, Buredo Sono Tsubame Raito, the blade that swallows light and it's counter part, Yami O Setsudan Ha, the blade that cleaves darkness. When the brothers found these blades they took them up and created armies of pure light and pure darkness and once more they clashed on creation. Ogon No Hikari defeated his brother and imprisoned him in Buredo Sono Tsubame Raito, to be released when the blade meets it's opposite in battle once again. Ogon No Hikari however was weakened and sought to return to the heavens, so to ensure peace and ordered remained in his spiral of creation he trained the Samurai in the way of light, and trained many others before finally returning to the heavens with his armies.

The way of the Samurai has been passed down for generations, the pure light follows in it's footsteps. Currently Yami O Setsudan Ha rests with the Emperor of mooshu, ever ready to once again face it's twin if the need rises.

{Hope you guys like this thread, add to who your samurai is and which path he follows, light or darkness, now heiwa wa anata to wakare to issho ni!}