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pirate101 nuzlocke rules:redone

Oct 15, 2012
hey guy's so a long time ago i made a post about a challenge called the pirate101:nuzlocke to make the game harder so for the new people who might try to take the challenge they may know the rules
rule 1:only one side-companion/crown shop companion per landing on an island meaning that you can only get/buy one companion once you land in a diffrient area.
rule 2:no healing except for red yum-yum fruit
rule 3:all wounded companion's are considered DEAD and can not be healed at a life fountain/blue potion/etc(as for talking companion's dying pretend it's there ghost)
rule 4:(sorry non-member's but)member's only or people who are rich as heck with crowns of swagness.
rule 5:criticals must be used every five turns unless you run out.
rule 6:companion's nor the pirate shall have higher level's than the next dungeon's main enemy for example if the main boss of the next battle(aka the next epic battle) is level 50 than your max. lv shall only be 50.
until you are 4 dungeon's away from the current final boss than you can be whatever level you want.
so those are the rules if you feel your up for the challenge have fun.