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Pirate101~ Best game EVER!

Petty Officer
Sep 02, 2011
A mix of suspense fighting and humor. Only two questions for the Creators- Why pirates? i Like pirates a lot but i am wondering what inspired you guys to make pirate. 2. Kane is supposedly the strongest thing in the spiral right? Then why didnt he come after us. Did Deacon not tell Kane? Or Kane knew but didnt bother to help. Plz answer.

Kingisle's #1 fan
Lovable Seth Parker

Jan 26, 2012
unicornman987 on Apr 6, 2013 wrote:
A mix of suspense fighting and humor. Only two questions for the Creators- Why pirates? i Like pirates a lot but i am wondering what inspired you guys to make pirate. 2. Kane is supposedly the strongest thing in the spiral right? Then why didnt he come after us. Did Deacon not tell Kane? Or Kane knew but didnt bother to help. Plz answer.

Kingisle's #1 fan
Lovable Seth Parker
Pirates are fun! Everybody has a pretty good idea of what pirates are and how they act. Seemed like a great direction to go.

I'll jump in and answer the second question: Kane's busy. With something very important, and very difficult. It'll still take a bit of doing to convince him that dealing with you is a higher priority.

Petty Officer
Sep 02, 2011
Where is kane? is he in valencia or in hiding? a different world?

how did the presidio guys get in jail? how did they survive what happened to our parents?

will bonnie get promoted again? sarah? mike? SUBODAI?!? i sure hope so!

If you can answer these questions it would be great.

P.S. What worlds are you thinking of bringing into pirate? wysteria? maybe avalon? if you can tell plz do but somethings are better left a secret

your #1 fan Lovable Seth Parker lv 50

Jan 26, 2012
unicornman987 on Apr 12, 2013 wrote:
Where is kane? is he in valencia or in hiding? a different world?

how did the presidio guys get in jail? how did they survive what happened to our parents?

will bonnie get promoted again? sarah? mike? SUBODAI?!? i sure hope so!

If you can answer these questions it would be great.

P.S. What worlds are you thinking of bringing into pirate? wysteria? maybe avalon? if you can tell plz do but somethings are better left a secret

your #1 fan Lovable Seth Parker lv 50
If you look at A Pirate's Life, there's a huge thread that touches on many of these issues (and many more!). But, to sum up...

1) Kane? He's busy. He's not hiding. Valencia would certainly be a good place to look.

2) Well, presumably they were up to no good in Monquistan territory and got caught. I'd bet smuggling. Does it matter?

3) Yes, she will. All of the talking Companions will get at least one more promotion, but we space them out quite a bit.

PS - I'll remain tight-lipped on our world list. Hopefully there will be some surprises...