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Magnificent 7 Promotion Quest

May 06, 2011
I've been working on promoting my Duck Holliday, and I don't like that part where you fight the archer shades. Especially the boss. (forgot his name) I had my team continue to hit him, so he was at red, and then I looked away and looked back - he was at green again. This meant he kept healing, which was annoying! It's like they have five hundred heals... I think this should be changed to that they only have, say, 2 - 3 heals. It'll be easier for the next players to promote their Magnificent 7 member.

(Note - I am complaining about the Eagle Shades and how they heal a lot when they do, and how they heal almost every time)

Petty Officer
May 14, 2011
If you do ever decide to purchase anymore of the 7 i suggest it 2 at a time makes much easier on many battles

Oct 16, 2012
One thing to do is ONLY focus your fire on Cadmus, the Eagle Shade whom you are referring to. I have ALL of the Seven, and it was easy for me, since I was max level lol. I did it one time with three members of the Magnificent Seven. Little fun fact! IF you buy the other members of the seven and do their promotion quests all at once, when you face Typhon, you will have all of the Seven whom you are promoting in the fight, along with a couple companions of your choice! You could have EIGHT companions fighting at once in that fight!! How neat is that!?!? Anyway, always kill Cadmus first, as with him, you will want to take him down ASAP. Do that, and the rest of the fight is a breeze. I recommend using Musketeers or Swashbucklers in the fight against Cadmus, if that helps any!