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Epic Combos!

First Mate
Dec 12, 2011
Howdy, my friends. I'm just gonna make this quick and simple. Let say (if you aren't already), you're a max character in your favorite class. Here's my question: What are some good combos to use in an fight (any fight! PvP, PvE, etc).

I'm a Swashbuckler, and my favorite combo to use on somebody is to first poison someone to prevent them from healing, then increase agility, increase Critical, Walk in the Shadows, then attack...

If you're not a Swashbuckler..? That's fine. Feel free to post your 'Epic Combos' here and, if you have to, name the enemy you're fighting or the enemy's class. I'm sure there are some better ideal combos out there that are better than mine. So post!

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Bloody Belle on Oct 12, 2013 wrote:
Howdy, my friends. I'm just gonna make this quick and simple. Let say (if you aren't already), you're a max character in your favorite class. Here's my question: What are some good combos to use in an fight (any fight! PvP, PvE, etc).

I'm a Swashbuckler, and my favorite combo to use on somebody is to first poison someone to prevent them from healing, then increase agility, increase Critical, Walk in the Shadows, then attack...

If you're not a Swashbuckler..? That's fine. Feel free to post your 'Epic Combos' here and, if you have to, name the enemy you're fighting or the enemy's class. I'm sure there are some better ideal combos out there that are better than mine. So post!
Oh what a fantastic idea to allow us to peek at the Play Books of our great fighting teams and see what works best to put up our sleeves.