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Hurry up mode bug?

May 09, 2013
So far I have played four ranked pvp 1v1 matches. The first three were fine, but on the fourth one, I found a weird bug. Basically, my timer would tick down to about 45-40 seconds and then end my turn before I was finished. Then one of my companions (el toro) was no longer visible to me even though he was being attacked. My opponent said he could see him, but all I saw was a horse guy slashing at the air.

I don't mind occasionally not seeing a companion, but losing two turns in a row because the timer only gave me 15~20 seconds is huge. Note that it wasn't my first turn that the timer started acting weird, it was the first turn I was attacked.

I wanted to know if anyone else is having this problem. I do have the hurry up option selected in the game options, so I was wondering if that had something to do with it?

Please look into this.

Oct 11, 2012
From my experiences, I would say your internet connection is running slow. Mine generally skips a lot of time if it is (It is behind in the battle causing you enter the planning phase late) running slow. You might need to contact your provider and check up with them. You can try restarting your modem (if you have one), that usually helps mine.

On the subject of a "Hurry Up Mode Bug", I would like to add that every time someone attacks my game freezes up. Once the attack ends it unfreezes. Does anyone know whats going on with that, or is my computer just having a tough time loading?