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New El Toro Promotion

May 18, 2011
Since we haven't had a promotion for El Toro since the beginning of Mooshu, I was thinking that it would be a cool idea to have another promotion for El Toro in the next update. Since he went from Masked Hero to Masked Champion, he could go from Masked Champion to Masked Warlord. He could incorporate more armor into his look to make him look more like a warlord.

Just an idea that would make for some new game play.

Two- Faced Griffin Yellowfish: level 65
Ambitious Jacob Eastwick: level 56
Merciless Marcus Mizzen: level 25
Two- Faced Luke: level 22
Davy Jones: level 12

Feb 02, 2013
something more like masked legend would make more sense

Nov 28, 2009
El Toro seems more graceful, less like a warrior. He would most likely often complain about the armor, as it would weigh him down. His lasso would probably break when he does his Mega Hit, and when he jumps up to try and do his "T" for the Super Hit, he would find that his short legs would not produce enough power to lift him and his armor. Not trying to be a fun sponge here, but I'm all about the facts.
I see El Toro's next promotion naming him as a "Masked Legend".

Petty Officer
Jan 09, 2013
That's a great idea but notice that a Warlord is mostly is a buccanner and Toro is a buckler, he uses less armor to be more agile.

Mar 24, 2013
So ready to look forward to El Toro's 3rd tier. Perhaps when he reached level 70, a promo quest maybe unlock and may train in that new world to earn his next title to become from a Masked Champion to something else. Either a Masked Legend or a Masked Master Hero,these could be his next promo upgrade.

Jun 16, 2014
TheTsunami on Jul 31, 2014 wrote:
Since we haven't had a promotion for El Toro since the beginning of Mooshu, I was thinking that it would be a cool idea to have another promotion for El Toro in the next update. Since he went from Masked Hero to Masked Champion, he could go from Masked Champion to Masked Warlord. He could incorporate more armor into his look to make him look more like a warlord.

Just an idea that would make for some new game play.

Two- Faced Griffin Yellowfish: level 65
Ambitious Jacob Eastwick: level 56
Merciless Marcus Mizzen: level 25
Two- Faced Luke: level 22
Davy Jones: level 12
Sorry but mask legend makes more sense