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Fellow pirates, hang up your weapons!

Jan 28, 2009
Now, I consider myself a person who doesn't just drop weapons. I have a large array of shooty weapons and other weapons, and I think, like in wizard101 you can hang your wands, how about we pirates display our weapons proudly! Display cases or just wall hanging, for example. I think it would free up space for people who don't like loosing old weapons, and also provide flair to a pirates home.

Community Leader
I would also like to see this. Some weapons you get as drops aren't really useful for you, but are rare and can be seen as a trophy. I recently got the twin blades from Fin Dorsal on my Swashbuckler and was all set to equip them when I hit level 5 . . . . only to discover I already had better weapons in my shared bank. Now, if I could hang them on the wall, i can still be stoked that I got them!

Host of the Talkin' the Plank Podcast, where we talk about Pirate 101 every Friday!
Community Leader
I would love something like there is in Wizard101 where we could display them on our house walls.

If using display cases they could work much like mannequins or music players, where you add and they show in the display case. I think this would be awesome so that they do not count towards your housing item count.

Owner of Paige's Page Perilous Paige. "Honorary Black Cat of the entire Pirate 101 Fleet"
It's a great suggestion! Thanks! (Here's another thread that's mentioned this: click .)

*One-Eyed Jack, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*
May 10, 2010
Love the idea, we have to be patient, I am sure tons of things will be added to the game!

Stuff like stitching, weapons hanging, ships in houses, ship captain cabins, the bazaar, etc.

Love the game and so much more to look forward to!

May 07, 2011
Paige MoonShade on Nov 29, 2012 wrote:
I would love something like there is in Wizard101 where we could display them on our house walls.

If using display cases they could work much like mannequins or music players, where you add and they show in the display case. I think this would be awesome so that they do not count towards your housing item count.
Forget the display case, I think it would be better if we could set them on like a type of statue base where it makes them float in the air and spin like an awesome trophy weapon.