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cannot enter game

Jul 29, 2013
Hi, I cannot enter the game on my level 5 buccaneer, Whiffy Davy Jones. I know he is not too far into the game, and I would have deleted him, if it weren't for the fact that I have bought the Gortez companion. I tried to re-install the game, but that did not seem to help. I have other pirates, and do not have a problem entering the game on them. When I try to enter the game on my buccaneer, the message "your character is unable to enter the game. Please quit and try again." shows up. Please help.

Oh oh! It sounds like you've encountered a bug. Please contact Customer Support to get your character unstuck. You can either use the support tool above (roll over the orange question mark on the top menu bar) or email them at Let them know which character is stuck and feel free to reference this message board post.

Hope to see you in the skyways soon!

*One-Eyed Jack, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*
Jun 14, 2013
something similer happened to me whenever I try to play it says faled to load zone and it only does it on my account is fine happy sailing! scurvy samer bowman level 10 swashbuckler

Jul 29, 2013
Thanx Jack, I contacted support and they sorted it out .

@777gandof: yes, sounds like you have the same problem as I did.

Jul 01, 2009
I'm currently suffering from this nasty bug too. Unfortunately, I keep getting a relapse. It has happened to me 3 times, and each time I have sent in a ticket to support along with a dx diag and a captain's log. The problem is fixed for a day or two, then I go right back to being stuck again. As of now, I'm waiting to hear back on my latest ticket, which I had to send yesterday.