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Is it enough?

Oct 30, 2012
I am level 7 and trying to do the first dungeon of the game The Presiteo but is it enough? I have done it about 18 times and failed all of them some with people some without.Should i try to get to level 8 and then try or is it made for level 8 pirates?

Cunning Zachary Ashburn level 7

Jan 29, 2010
A lot of players either team up with others for the Presidio, or they level their character up a bit more to do this instance solo.

Gunner's Mate
Oct 22, 2011
Leveling up to 8 is best, however, there's not a lot of experience to obtain to get there if you've already done your side quests.

Personally, I have always done it solo at level 7. It is possible to sneak past the monkeys on the top level, although, I admit, I sometimes get drawn into battle.

If you have friends that are a higher level, you shouldn't have a problem finishing the dungeon with their help. It just takes practice to get the 'rhythm' of how to work the dungeon. I have helped many friends when they started a new pirate get past it.

Inky India Innsbrook L44
Lazy Lenora Leech L50

Jan 29, 2010
BrynnerOfReign on Nov 5, 2012 wrote:
Leveling up to 8 is best, however, there's not a lot of experience to obtain to get there if you've already done your side quests.

Personally, I have always done it solo at level 7. It is possible to sneak past the monkeys on the top level, although, I admit, I sometimes get drawn into battle.

If you have friends that are a higher level, you shouldn't have a problem finishing the dungeon with their help. It just takes practice to get the 'rhythm' of how to work the dungeon. I have helped many friends when they started a new pirate get past it.

Inky India Innsbrook L44
Lazy Lenora Leech L50
Girl, you got Inky India Innsbrook up there fast! I am still poking along at a snails pace with all three of my characters. Sadly, I am still only L37 on Merciless Mariah Moone

Catch you later.

If you level up to 8th first, and you level up Bonnie Anne to 8th as well, and you finish her promotion quest first... way easier!

But you can definitely do it at 7th, if you are careful and clever.

Learn the dungeon and where the combat triggers are so you don't get caught unprepared. Use that blue potion if you lose a companion!

You can always head out to the courtyard to collect wisps (both red and blue) to help you recover. Do it after every fight, if necessary.

Petty Officer
Dec 16, 2009
Currently, sometimes I hang out at the Presidio waiting for people to come, and it's a real breeze. I'm always on random servers so you may have a tough time finding me or I may be inside.

Friendly Justin Everhart - Level 16