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Turnabout [ Tso not ready ]

Nov 06, 2012
Hello I was looking for help on this quest as it seems that I can never do enough damage to a single target and if I hurt him enoug hthen general tso would just heal him to full or use refresh. And i'm starting to get mad as this is my 3rd time trying to do this quest.

Petty Officer
Sep 19, 2010
Need in-game name of your pirate and ill offer you help with the quest or mission, My name is Timid Timothy Tolliver 50 swashbuckler or Quick Patrick Quinn 50 Musketeer send me a tell or quick message ill help you through this tough area.

Petty Officer
Nov 28, 2008
Dracorro on Dec 30, 2012 wrote:
Need in-game name of your pirate and ill offer you help with the quest or mission, My name is Timid Timothy Tolliver 50 swashbuckler or Quick Patrick Quinn 50 Musketeer send me a tell or quick message ill help you through this tough area.

Im not sure you can send a tell to a person without them being on your friend list. And you cant put them on your friend list unless you see their name in type or just happen to run into them in the game. So basically, to "find" someone in the game, you have to just happen to run into them at a time your on the same server in the same specific part of that zone and you happen to be looking at name tags.

If there is a way to find a person in-game, I would LOVE to know it as there are several I would like to contact also.

Jun 16, 2012
eveque67 on Dec 30, 2012 wrote:

Im not sure you can send a tell to a person without them being on your friend list. And you cant put them on your friend list unless you see their name in type or just happen to run into them in the game. So basically, to "find" someone in the game, you have to just happen to run into them at a time your on the same server in the same specific part of that zone and you happen to be looking at name tags.

If there is a way to find a person in-game, I would LOVE to know it as there are several I would like to contact also.
i rly need help on this task. so i teleported to a friend when they were doing this tas, bc i had to do it too. we win, i get a cow musketeer, and IT DOESNT SAVE bc i wasnt in the first battle. i need help doing this over again add me as Wicked Scarlet, lvl 42 witchdoctor