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Gap in story line?

Jun 11, 2010
Hey so i have been questing in Monquista and then i got to thinking, "What did i do to make the Royal Crown angry?" So does this get answered or no. If it gets answered later on in the game then please dont tell me, but if it doesnt get answered, then why is this not addressed? Thanks.

Jan 26, 2012
This is a subtle one, I'll admit, but the explanation is ultimately this:

Monquistans, as the PC learns, are obsessed with manners and proper behavior - their preoccupation with fashion is the tip of the iceberg. When dealing with each other, Monquistans are fonts of absurd politeness - but they feel no qualms about being rude to non-monkeys.

So for a Monquistan hero in good standing to do what Gortez did, to go savage in the jungle - it's unthinkable. An amazing embarrassment - a scandal. It's why the Bishops send the PC instead of any Monkey to deal with him. Indeed, the only reason they want big G brought back at all was so he could hook them up with this Gold Monkey, which they presumed was worth a fortune. Learning that Gortez was the Gold Monkey didn't go over well. The reactions of the Governor in Puerto Mico and Chamberlain Mandemus are understandable - they're terrified of being associated with the PC in any way, lest the stain of this Gortez scandal damage their reputation. And any former governor of Puerto Mico can tell you that bad things happen in Monquista when your reputation gets damaged.

The King and Queen just want the whole thing to go away. So they send Gortez to Zenda to be killed. The PC they add to the execution list pretty much on a whim - you're intimately associated with the whole sordid affair, and because you're a foreigner you can't be bought off or persuaded never to speak of it through more normal channels. So here's the deal: you fulfilled your mission to the Crown - that's why the Crown is so angry. Monquistan politics is dangerous. And silly.

Incidentally, this little plot point also holds a very subtle Easter Egg/reference I'm very proud of - when the King says you'll get "such thanks as fits a king's remembrance" he's directly quoting Hamlet, Act 2 scene 2, when Claudius sends Rosencrantz and Gildenstern off with a fateful letter... that seals their doom.

Jun 11, 2010
Blind Mew on Nov 27, 2012 wrote:
This is a subtle one, I'll admit, but the explanation is ultimately this:

Monquistans, as the PC learns, are obsessed with manners and proper behavior - their preoccupation with fashion is the tip of the iceberg. When dealing with each other, Monquistans are fonts of absurd politeness - but they feel no qualms about being rude to non-monkeys.

So for a Monquistan hero in good standing to do what Gortez did, to go savage in the jungle - it's unthinkable. An amazing embarrassment - a scandal. It's why the Bishops send the PC instead of any Monkey to deal with him. Indeed, the only reason they want big G brought back at all was so he could hook them up with this Gold Monkey, which they presumed was worth a fortune. Learning that Gortez was the Gold Monkey didn't go over well. The reactions of the Governor in Puerto Mico and Chamberlain Mandemus are understandable - they're terrified of being associated with the PC in any way, lest the stain of this Gortez scandal damage their reputation. And any former governor of Puerto Mico can tell you that bad things happen in Monquista when your reputation gets damaged.

The King and Queen just want the whole thing to go away. So they send Gortez to Zenda to be killed. The PC they add to the execution list pretty much on a whim - you're intimately associated with the whole sordid affair, and because you're a foreigner you can't be bought off or persuaded never to speak of it through more normal channels. So here's the deal: you fulfilled your mission to the Crown - that's why the Crown is so angry. Monquistan politics is dangerous. And silly.

Incidentally, this little plot point also holds a very subtle Easter Egg/reference I'm very proud of - when the King says you'll get "such thanks as fits a king's remembrance" he's directly quoting Hamlet, Act 2 scene 2, when Claudius sends Rosencrantz and Gildenstern off with a fateful letter... that seals their doom.
That explains soooo much! Thank you. Those monkeys are way to confusing and polite to be my friends anyways...

Dec 06, 2009
I knew that line sounded familiar.

Do you write some of the IG dialogue, Blind Mew? Your writing style seems to fit the character interactions.

Jan 26, 2012
zman330 on Nov 28, 2012 wrote:
I knew that line sounded familiar.

Do you write some of the IG dialogue, Blind Mew? Your writing style seems to fit the character interactions.
I'd say i wrote between 60 and 75% of the dialogue, and whatever I didn't write I oversaw, approved, and polished (if necessary).

Dec 25, 2012
Thx Blind Mew. I didn't know why the monkeys hated me. You're explanation really cleared that up.

Jan 25, 2010
I actually knew why the monkeys were mad at me, if you payed close enough attention you'll know why.
Sometimes some people will act like nothing is really wrong when they have secret that they are hiding from you, thats what the King and Queen was doing, until you reach the prison to find out that you and Gortez was to be executed, thats when you find out the true colors about the Royal Monquistian.

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Here's another story gap for you to hear from me. Not only did Monquista's King and Queen cover up their "Heroic Pirate" excuse just to get rid of us, but after Donkey Hotay's repeat of his first wish, which took place before his second, was one million bananas, they also found out La Mancha's million banana hoard and have been paid to up their ante in their civil war against the Opposition and the Pirates. Answer me one question, Blind Mew. Was it the Armada that paid the King and Queen one million bananas to enforce their civil war by Supreme Commander Kane's name-yet-to-be-revealed girl Clockwork Elite? The Armada somehow knew and heard of La Mancha's huge amount of bananas and sought out to recruit the King and Queen by paying them in bananas. I had a huge hint of their involvement in this mess that keeps getting larger by the second. I have high instincts on this that she's the one who favors and helped this, as she, and their army, are willing to take the El Dorado Map pieces for Kane himself. Think she's made ot be high on manners like them, but forceful and decietful on orders? They're doing everything to get that Map, are they? I know they've been in Monquista, because questions and instincts are abound.

By the way, I really don't want to give anything away, but just answer me one more question... what is that girl Clockwork Elite's name? It's starting to become a long asked question now. All I ask of this is her name. Nobody knows what it is? At least give us Pirates her name, please. Just... her... name. That's all. Nothing more, nothing less.

Hopefully, we get to finally confront and defeat her and the King and Queen in an Epic Battle someday soon... wherever it's taking place at, but somewhere in Monquista, I'm hinting. I wish to see Monqusta would become after their defeat.

Whew! Have I droned on long enough? My apologies. Thanks for listening.

May 06, 2009
Trimond297 on Jan 14, 2013 wrote:
Here's another story gap for you to hear from me. Not only did Monquista's King and Queen cover up their "Heroic Pirate" excuse just to get rid of us, but after Donkey Hotay's repeat of his first wish, which took place before his second, was one million bananas, they also found out La Mancha's million banana hoard and have been paid to up their ante in their civil war against the Opposition and the Pirates. Answer me one question, Blind Mew. Was it the Armada that paid the King and Queen one million bananas to enforce their civil war by Supreme Commander Kane's name-yet-to-be-revealed girl Clockwork Elite? The Armada somehow knew and heard of La Mancha's huge amount of bananas and sought out to recruit the King and Queen by paying them in bananas. I had a huge hint of their involvement in this mess that keeps getting larger by the second. I have high instincts on this that she's the one who favors and helped this, as she, and their army, are willing to take the El Dorado Map pieces for Kane himself. Think she's made ot be high on manners like them, but forceful and decietful on orders? They're doing everything to get that Map, are they? I know they've been in Monquista, because questions and instincts are abound.

By the way, I really don't want to give anything away, but just answer me one more question... what is that girl Clockwork Elite's name? It's starting to become a long asked question now. All I ask of this is her name. Nobody knows what it is? At least give us Pirates her name, please. Just... her... name. That's all. Nothing more, nothing less.

Hopefully, we get to finally confront and defeat her and the King and Queen in an Epic Battle someday soon... wherever it's taking place at, but somewhere in Monquista, I'm hinting. I wish to see Monqusta would become after their defeat.

Whew! Have I droned on long enough? My apologies. Thanks for listening.
Most Pirates around the Spiral have dubbed the female Clockwork Elite as Queen becuase Kane's court is based off of a Chess court:
Kane is the King, Bishop is the court Bishop, Deacon (I apparently learned) is the deacon, a 'fairy piece' that isn't often used but, has the power of a bishop and a knight (so technically he is the Knight but I'd prefer to see a seperate elite-man called Knight. Oh well. They've already made the game this far. I don't expct an addition to the court.) in a religious sense the Deacon is the helper, Rooke is the rook, Phule is a mix of the King's court jester and a 'fool', the ringe of a bishop piece (I think in a way he works between Kane and Bishop).The only piece left, other than the countless pieces of pawns Kane has at his figure tips, is the Queen. Her name could be something else similiar to the fact that Kane's name is not King but starts with 'K', but for the time being until we enter further into the story, we shall call her Queen. Does that help?

I have just started Monquista with my Swashbuckler, so I haven't gotten that far, but my brother as been through this world four times and about to make it a fifth (eh, what can I say? He really loves this game then I could play it in an hour). As I have seen, after Donkey Hotay makes his second one-million-bananas wish, this leans to a repition of the events previous: A war between powers breaks out. What I think they are doing is the Opposition is trying to get as many lords on their side as possible before the Monquistion takes it for themselves (did you know that in Spain there was an Inquistion of the Church? I was so shocked when I saw that in my history class lol. I love Kingsisle's puns). Monquista itself is simply a short story before the start of the recognization of the Armada. We have yet to learn a thing about them until after Monquista. The Armada, I believe, is completely disinterested in Monquista at all and probably only sees it as more materials for their Machine (you'll learn more in Granchia of Valencia).

In short:
*The female Clockwork Elite is thought to be name Queen, for now, but it is subject to change in the future. Also remember by the rules of Chess, the Queen is more powerful then the King but it is important to keep the King alive.
*The Armada has yet to enter Monquista since the Polarian Wars if at all. They'll only go there if a Map piece is thought to be there.
*The King and Queen battle against the Opposition in La Mancha only to achieve the power they need to remain ruling. If the Opposition gains that, they will be put out of power and rule. They were not paid, simply an action of maintaining royalty.

I believe we will return to this world only for two possible reasons: 1) there is a Map piece or 2) there willl be a break in the story or some kind of Comic Relief from tension to stop this civil war and bring balance (I mean two areas on the other skyway have already been mentioned: Gibbonia and the Mines of Orryx.

Jun 16, 2009
Blind Mew, love the Shakespeare reference. There seem to be quite a few around the spiral.

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Cunning Finnigan S... on Jan 18, 2013 wrote:
Most Pirates around the Spiral have dubbed the female Clockwork Elite as Queen becuase Kane's court is based off of a Chess court:
Kane is the King, Bishop is the court Bishop, Deacon (I apparently learned) is the deacon, a 'fairy piece' that isn't often used but, has the power of a bishop and a knight (so technically he is the Knight but I'd prefer to see a seperate elite-man called Knight. Oh well. They've already made the game this far. I don't expct an addition to the court.) in a religious sense the Deacon is the helper, Rooke is the rook, Phule is a mix of the King's court jester and a 'fool', the ringe of a bishop piece (I think in a way he works between Kane and Bishop).The only piece left, other than the countless pieces of pawns Kane has at his figure tips, is the Queen. Her name could be something else similiar to the fact that Kane's name is not King but starts with 'K', but for the time being until we enter further into the story, we shall call her Queen. Does that help?

I have just started Monquista with my Swashbuckler, so I haven't gotten that far, but my brother as been through this world four times and about to make it a fifth (eh, what can I say? He really loves this game then I could play it in an hour). As I have seen, after Donkey Hotay makes his second one-million-bananas wish, this leans to a repition of the events previous: A war between powers breaks out. What I think they are doing is the Opposition is trying to get as many lords on their side as possible before the Monquistion takes it for themselves (did you know that in Spain there was an Inquistion of the Church? I was so shocked when I saw that in my history class lol. I love Kingsisle's puns). Monquista itself is simply a short story before the start of the recognization of the Armada. We have yet to learn a thing about them until after Monquista. The Armada, I believe, is completely disinterested in Monquista at all and probably only sees it as more materials for their Machine (you'll learn more in Granchia of Valencia).

In short:
*The female Clockwork Elite is thought to be name Queen, for now, but it is subject to change in the future. Also remember by the rules of Chess, the Queen is more powerful then the King but it is important to keep the King alive.
*The Armada has yet to enter Monquista since the Polarian Wars if at all. They'll only go there if a Map piece is thought to be there.
*The King and Queen battle against the Opposition in La Mancha only to achieve the power they need to remain ruling. If the Opposition gains that, they will be put out of power and rule. They were not paid, simply an action of maintaining royalty.

I believe we will return to this world only for two possible reasons: 1) there is a Map piece or 2) there willl be a break in the story or some kind of Comic Relief from tension to stop this civil war and bring balance (I mean two areas on the other skyway have already been mentioned: Gibbonia and the Mines of Orryx.
That may be so, seeing as Monquista was drawn into the Polarian War long ago with Valencia, but just to remind you, the corrupt King and Queen will do everything in their power just to destroy the Opposition and the PC for defying the execution and conspiring with them. Someday, maybe, someday, they may conspire with the Armada, if they've heard of El Dorado. Word about it may spread to Monquista rapidly and might topple the civil war in their favor. You never know how twists and turns work out. If so, they will utilize said fortune with the Armada to destroy and reform the Spiral with them from the ground up, if they reach it with the Map in whole and in their hands. Just theorizing. In other words, if the corrupt King and Queen of Monquista hear about El Dorado and the Map, they may conspire with the Armada, they might get a share of it. Their goal may change. Imagine if they find out about it. The King and Queen's minds are twisted by greed, too, you know, so they might go for it. You do know that the vast fortunes Monqusita acquires from Skull Island also twist ther minds to greed, correct?

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Besides, if you look closely at Deacon's letter to Kane, he said the Armada has been to Monquista before, which has yet to be seen, and during Bonnie Anne's second promotion quest, the Armada paid the Moquistans to follow their orders. Also, it is highly suspicious that the Armada paid the King and Queen one million bananas to enforce their civil war against the Opposition. If the story continues, it will reveal that the corrupt Monquistan King and Queen will be working with the Armada in the search for the El Dorado Map pieces. It can happen soon, you know. The Armada will utilize every means of alliances necessary in their search.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Cunning Finnigan S... on Jan 18, 2013 wrote:
Most Pirates around the Spiral have dubbed the female Clockwork Elite as Queen becuase Kane's court is based off of a Chess court:
Kane is the King, Bishop is the court Bishop, Deacon (I apparently learned) is the deacon, a 'fairy piece' that isn't often used but, has the power of a bishop and a knight (so technically he is the Knight but I'd prefer to see a seperate elite-man called Knight. Oh well. They've already made the game this far. I don't expct an addition to the court.) in a religious sense the Deacon is the helper, Rooke is the rook, Phule is a mix of the King's court jester and a 'fool', the ringe of a bishop piece (I think in a way he works between Kane and Bishop).The only piece left, other than the countless pieces of pawns Kane has at his figure tips, is the Queen. Her name could be something else similiar to the fact that Kane's name is not King but starts with 'K', but for the time being until we enter further into the story, we shall call her Queen. Does that help?

I have just started Monquista with my Swashbuckler, so I haven't gotten that far, but my brother as been through this world four times and about to make it a fifth (eh, what can I say? He really loves this game then I could play it in an hour). As I have seen, after Donkey Hotay makes his second one-million-bananas wish, this leans to a repition of the events previous: A war between powers breaks out. What I think they are doing is the Opposition is trying to get as many lords on their side as possible before the Monquistion takes it for themselves (did you know that in Spain there was an Inquistion of the Church? I was so shocked when I saw that in my history class lol. I love Kingsisle's puns). Monquista itself is simply a short story before the start of the recognization of the Armada. We have yet to learn a thing about them until after Monquista. The Armada, I believe, is completely disinterested in Monquista at all and probably only sees it as more materials for their Machine (you'll learn more in Granchia of Valencia).

In short:
*The female Clockwork Elite is thought to be name Queen, for now, but it is subject to change in the future. Also remember by the rules of Chess, the Queen is more powerful then the King but it is important to keep the King alive.
*The Armada has yet to enter Monquista since the Polarian Wars if at all. They'll only go there if a Map piece is thought to be there.
*The King and Queen battle against the Opposition in La Mancha only to achieve the power they need to remain ruling. If the Opposition gains that, they will be put out of power and rule. They were not paid, simply an action of maintaining royalty.

I believe we will return to this world only for two possible reasons: 1) there is a Map piece or 2) there willl be a break in the story or some kind of Comic Relief from tension to stop this civil war and bring balance (I mean two areas on the other skyway have already been mentioned: Gibbonia and the Mines of Orryx.
Wow, well written. You have really thought this through. Sorry for being so late with my complement, I am only, just now, getting to the older posts and wow is it worth the digging to find such gems. A feast for the mind. Thank you.

Sep 10, 2010
what i thought is that the monkeys did not like me because i am not a monkey. so they sent me to defeat gortez thinking i would die. when i didn't die, they got mad, this makes a little more sence.

Gunner's Mate
Apr 01, 2013
Maybe because of the Presidio incident? Wiping out half the entire guard squadron there, freeing a prisoner there, taking out a commander of the Monquistan Navy there, and even robbing expensive spices there. That's my opinion.