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Champion weapons?

May 09, 2013
Are they going to be the only way of proving you were a champion? Any summer 2015 champion badges? If so the weapons need to be buffed. Flames are only good in pve and increase base stats don't increase enough. Also I use hybrid weapons so champion stuff is even more useless.

Could you make a summer champion set, kit, and staffy hybrid?

One more thing, will the same weapons come back next summer or will they be different?

First Mate
Dec 24, 2009
bluba4 on Sep 2, 2015 wrote:
Are they going to be the only way of proving you were a champion? Any summer 2015 champion badges? If so the weapons need to be buffed. Flames are only good in pve and increase base stats don't increase enough. Also I use hybrid weapons so champion stuff is even more useless.

Could you make a summer champion set, kit, and staffy hybrid?

One more thing, will the same weapons come back next summer or will they be different?
Well, it's my guess that the weapons will have different powers with each season. However, I do assume that they will come full circle and that next summer, we'll have the same weapons.

If you want a set, my suggestion would be to get the weapon you want, then stitch it with whichever set you want.

Fearless Dolan Grant lvl65