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Apr 28, 2012
When does the next Season of Ranked PvP start and, if it is a true season, does it last 3 months?

I would think that, if it followed the calendar, the next Season will start in September as the Fall season.

Jul 16, 2014

Seasons will begin on the 20th of September, December, March and June.

If something unforeseen were to come up that would need to change these dates, we will let everyone know.

*Bonnie Anne, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*
Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Bonnie Anne on Aug 13, 2015 wrote:

Seasons will begin on the 20th of September, December, March and June.

If something unforeseen were to come up that would need to change these dates, we will let everyone know.
And the seasons are all compiled under the years that is called Ages, right? If all seasons on an Age pass by, a new Age begins, yes?