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Changing Your Flag

Nov 30, 2012
I think you should be able to change your flag for a cost of 3000 gold. You would talk to Captain Avery to change it. Some people (by some people i mean me) were confused at the start of the game when we were granted the flag changing menu. I understand it is my fault for not paying attention, but we should still be able to change our flag. You would get the same exact menu that you got in the beginning of the game, and once you finish, your flags on your ship changes, the colors of your companion change, anything that has to do with the flag changes. Maybe 3000 gold is too much, maybe it should be free, maybe it should be members only. What do you think?

Jul 16, 2014

Ship Emblem Alteration service is offered for Crowns by a character named Major Flagstaff, who can be found in the back of the Bazaar.

*Bonnie Anne, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*