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A question for a developer.

Petty Officer
Nov 29, 2011
Just a quick question I'd like to ask one of the developers: do sidequest badges for Books 8 and 14 exist?
On that note, is it possible that you guys can make quest finder like in Wizard101?

First Mate
May 01, 2012
I don't know about Book 14 but I have the Book 8 side quest badge. Best place to do a search is on

They do exist!

*One-Eyed Jack, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*
Petty Officer
Sep 24, 2013
Petty Officer
Nov 29, 2011
I finally found the ones I was missing by looking through the Pirate101 Central Wiki.
Trading Under The Table/I'll Sink Your Battleship in Book 8 and Three Eyes Are Better in Book 14.
Now I'm all set until the next major update! Krokotopia or Valencia?