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Weird PvP Domination observations...

Oct 26, 2012
This is very inaccurate, and is based solely on observation. I think for a certain timeframe, one class is considerably stronger than all the others. Of course, it can be different in your opinion but here is what I think.

Levels 1-9:
I think swashbucklers rule here. They have such strong damage and considering the instability of damage in the early levels (eg one epic hit can take away 75% of your health), swashes can do one hit wonders and kill everyone.

Level 10-24:
I think swashes and bucks still rule the field, but other classes are getting nice powers and slowly beginning to shine.

Level 25-39:
I like this age because I think all classes are equal and it is solely based on strategy, perhaps even a bit of luck, is required to win a match. Buccaneers are slowy starting to falling behind at mooshu, and musks and witches and privy are beginning to shine. Swashbucklers are stable.

Level 40-49:
PvP becomes more complicated. The age of buffs and the ability to farm for other classes dangerous spells are now compulsory to shine in PvP. Bucc's have remained stable, alongside swashes, and the other classes get good powers.

Level 50-65:
With the ability to stack Battle Zeal with many other accuracy/dodge buffs and gain a 125% acc and 100% dodge boost (extra from toro), privateers easily dominate the field and are a threat to max levels (currently level 65) even at level 50. Swashes have gone down quite a bit, buccaneers even a bit more. Musks and Witches have remained stable.

Level 66-80 (Predictions):
I have a hunch that melee classes will be underdogs, since the age of AoE attacks have begun, meaning that musks and witches rule the field.

-The Nausica-Goro strategy give players a massive edge, indicating a possible pay to win arena.
-Farming for spells is now a must to shine in PvP
-Defensive buffs such as Levi and Valor may be too strong if there are quite a bit available to everyone.

Jun 02, 2013
Golden Guardian on Jan 23, 2014 wrote:
This is very inaccurate, and is based solely on observation. I think for a certain timeframe, one class is considerably stronger than all the others. Of course, it can be different in your opinion but here is what I think.

Levels 1-9:
I think swashbucklers rule here. They have such strong damage and considering the instability of damage in the early levels (eg one epic hit can take away 75% of your health), swashes can do one hit wonders and kill everyone.

Level 10-24:
I think swashes and bucks still rule the field, but other classes are getting nice powers and slowly beginning to shine.

Level 25-39:
I like this age because I think all classes are equal and it is solely based on strategy, perhaps even a bit of luck, is required to win a match. Buccaneers are slowy starting to falling behind at mooshu, and musks and witches and privy are beginning to shine. Swashbucklers are stable.

Level 40-49:
PvP becomes more complicated. The age of buffs and the ability to farm for other classes dangerous spells are now compulsory to shine in PvP. Bucc's have remained stable, alongside swashes, and the other classes get good powers.

Level 50-65:
With the ability to stack Battle Zeal with many other accuracy/dodge buffs and gain a 125% acc and 100% dodge boost (extra from toro), privateers easily dominate the field and are a threat to max levels (currently level 65) even at level 50. Swashes have gone down quite a bit, buccaneers even a bit more. Musks and Witches have remained stable.

Level 66-80 (Predictions):
I have a hunch that melee classes will be underdogs, since the age of AoE attacks have begun, meaning that musks and witches rule the field.

-The Nausica-Goro strategy give players a massive edge, indicating a possible pay to win arena.
-Farming for spells is now a must to shine in PvP
-Defensive buffs such as Levi and Valor may be too strong if there are quite a bit available to everyone.
I have found so many levi,valor cards but there always for Swashbucklersi beileive you are right but the 66 80 think privateers will be stable due to there big guns stuff and so on outshines mojo storm but we still have jobus kiss and breath etc
I don't know about musketeers if they play well yes but not all do