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Thunderbird Issue In Elder Bluff

Dec 16, 2011
Hello. I need help. Last night Raven Eyes from Bison docks I believe mention to head over to the Elder Bluff to call out Thunderbird to end the Enemies Revealed quest and be able to go from there in the story line but Thunderbird isn't interacting at all.

I can't type X or anything. Pretty much the popup that says type x to talk to etc.. isn't showing up.

Community Leader
You may have been too close to Thunderbird when she materialized. She might need a little space & time to get her head together. Try walking back down the hill for a bit, then walk back up to her again and she should be ready to talk to you.

Chatroom Moderator - Pieces of Eight Radio
You'll want to contact if this problem persists. When you contact them, please provide as much detail as possible:

1. Confirm username (which account are you playing)
2. What area were you trying to access when this happened?
3. What time (approximately) was it?
4. Please attach game logs for further review (see below for more instructions).
5. Are you still having this trouble? If not, what occurred?

Instructions for sending game logs:
Use your email service to add an attachment. Drill down to the Pirate101 Folder then to the Bin Folder and the Log Folder then select "Captain_XXX.Log" (the highest numbered one or the most recently dated). Then just hit send!

If this is too large for your email server to attach or send, then open the game folder, go to the the bin folder again and locate the Catpain.log. Right click on the log file and select Save as Zip (or similar wording - will vary depending on your specific operating system). Then, go back to your email and attach the newly zipped file.

*One-Eyed Jack, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*
Dec 16, 2011
One-Eyed Jack on Nov 14, 2012 wrote:
You'll want to contact if this problem persists. When you contact them, please provide as much detail as possible:

1. Confirm username (which account are you playing)
2. What area were you trying to access when this happened?
3. What time (approximately) was it?
4. Please attach game logs for further review (see below for more instructions).
5. Are you still having this trouble? If not, what occurred?

Instructions for sending game logs:
Use your email service to add an attachment. Drill down to the Pirate101 Folder then to the Bin Folder and the Log Folder then select "Captain_XXX.Log" (the highest numbered one or the most recently dated). Then just hit send!

If this is too large for your email server to attach or send, then open the game folder, go to the the bin folder again and locate the Catpain.log. Right click on the log file and select Save as Zip (or similar wording - will vary depending on your specific operating system). Then, go back to your email and attach the newly zipped file.
Hello One-Eyed Jack. Thanks for the reply. It was about 8:30pm last night so I went to the contact support section and explained what happened so I ended up sticking around the general spot for 4 hours and didn't receive any help or get any reply back so went to bed.

It's been 17 hours now and I checked my email to see if anything has changed just a couple minutes ago but still no reply back on the issue. I'll try the other email address as mentioned and see if I have any luck on that one. It would be a shame having to delete the level 28 privateer and having to start that one all over.

Just as a side note: You have to interact with a totem to call him. After that you might have to move in and out of his range if you were standing a little too close to him to get the "X" button prompt to come up.

*One-Eyed Jack, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*
Dec 16, 2011
I have pretty much tried what I could as far as going to other areas, coming back, logging off and back on, rebooting etc.. No luck.

I see the big blue bird but just wont let me speak to it. By the way I tried looking for this captain log but only thing there is in it is the game play file, uninstall and and a bug reporter which I tried that one too in case.

I also searched Pirate101 and got just a folder with screenshots. I need help finding the captain log. Do I search for a specific folder from the computer local disc?

May 31, 2009
I have the same issue any suggestion

Jan 05, 2010
I have the same problem. I am stuck on the "The Enemy Revealed" quest. It says to talk to thunderbird but you can not. Its a main quest and I can not continue playing. If you scroll up above thunderbird there is no Question mark or exclamation mark. I reported this to kingsisle but no response back yet.

Mar 03, 2010
Careless Chris Eas... on Dec 5, 2012 wrote:
I have the same problem. I am stuck on the "The Enemy Revealed" quest. It says to talk to thunderbird but you can not. Its a main quest and I can not continue playing. If you scroll up above thunderbird there is no Question mark or exclamation mark. I reported this to kingsisle but no response back yet.

Hello Everyone,

Same issue as above, can my quest be reset? Any other suggestions will be good.

Thanks in advance.