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Crown Shop

Nov 09, 2012
So Im level 24 but i bought a christmas weapon and they do no damage fightinf clockworks with them is HARD

Community Leader
nickandcam on Dec 26, 2012 wrote:
So Im level 24 but i bought a christmas weapon and they do no damage fightinf clockworks with them is HARD
If you look at the stats on the Christmas/Holiday weapons, you'll notice that they are pretty weak. Even by lvl 24, they aren't really worth using. That being said, I bought every single one of them from the crown shop in the hopes that stitching will soon be added and I can hit people with a Nutcracker

Host of the Talkin' the Plank Podcast, where we talk about Pirate 101 every Friday!
Jul 01, 2010
I have bought a lot of the new gift pack. I have yet to get or see the new companions. Has any got one yet? casey959 or Wolf