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How to get rare powers & talents for pets?

Mar 21, 2015

When it comes to getting new powers and talents for pets, I am a bit unlucky. Most of the time I get the uncommon power or talent. So is it just random-like you get what you get?


Nov 23, 2011
Hi inky!

For a first-generation pet, it is totally random which powers and talents activate. The only exceptions I know of are the $10 and $20 gift cards that give you crowns and a pet: the first Talent your pet hits at level 10 is fixed. If you check the list of the cards for the month that KI provides (there is a link to the list when you first open up Pirate101 on the screen where you type in your account # and password) it will tell you what each card has for a pet that month, and what talent it "comes with". That talent will always be what the pet receives at level 10. So if you have a level 10 first generation Raindance Walktapus (GameStop $20 card for June) it will receive Blade Storm. Always. However, if you have a Raindance Walktapus that is the result of a morph between a Raindance Walktapus and something else, this 2nd generation RW may receive Bladestorm at lvl 10, 30 or 50, but it is not guaranteed.

For 2nd+ generation pets, they receive half their powers and talents from each parent. As I understand it, what powers and talents are passed on is not completely random, since the chances are weighted toward (1) powers and talents that the parents had manifested and (2) the more rare talents. So you can build up pets with the more rare talents (shoving its pedigree higher), through multiple morphs if you are patient.

You can give a pet a big jump by morphing with a pirate who has a pet with a high pedigree. I have found a lot of helpful pirates by going to the morphing tent and asking for assistance. However, you need to be polite and patient - pirates hanging around the morphing tent with nice pets are constantly being asked to morph with other pirates, and each morph costs time and gold and no one can help everyone who asks.

I have some decent pets, if you would like to set up a rendezvous for the future.


Mar 21, 2015
Thank you this was very helpful!! For now, I won't morph since I don't have enough gold

Thanks again!