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Story Thread 2: Electric Boogaloo!

Jan 26, 2012
Trimond297 on Jun 6, 2013 wrote:
Book 13 was a huge war adventure that I enjoyed, Blind Mew! It was absolutely amazing! It was struggling to turn the tide of the war against the Armada in Marleybone, but it was all worth the adventure. It was exhausting to get in the midst of the war and free Catbeard from prison. With Rooke finally gone, Kane's efforts will dwindle further! I'm certain he won't be pleased about Rooke's total defeat. What is your best bet for Kane's reaction, Blind Mew when he hears about Deacon and Rooke's destruction? Very displeased?

I'm relieved that Gortez of the Opposition finally won the war against the former corrupt Monquistan King Fernando and Queen Isadore. Maybe now, with Gortez as the new King and Eleanor the regained Queen of Monquista, I'm sure there will be a lot more peaceful times in Monquista, thanks to Napoleguin and Pirates. They got the Nobles finally straight, but I'm sure Gortez and Eleanor will get everything under control while the Aqulian adventures roll on. Long live the new, uncorrupted Crown of Monquista, or should I say, "The Order of the Opposition"! A little joke, mind you. Don't worry. Maybe that means Monquista finally has a true Hero of the Realm on their side thanks to the Pirates who stood against corruption, and are finally welcome to return anytime. I wonder, what became of the former corrupt King and Queen, Fernando and Isadore? What became of them when their reign of tyranny was finally over after all those long years in Monquista, Blind Mew? I've hopes they won't plot revenge against Pirates, will they?

I'm also excited for Book 15 to come out very soon, but for now, I'll glady enjoy Book 14. I'm hoping the wait for Book 15 won't be way too long, will it? I hope it will be quite shorter than Book 13 and 14's wait.
Glad you liked it. I'm really proud of the update, if I do say so myself. I've touched upon a lot of the questions you pose here in other posts, so I'll refer you to them.

As for the wait for Book 15, I cannot comment on the schedule.

Jan 26, 2012
DomriUnseen on Jun 6, 2013 wrote:
I have a few questions myself...a little late to the party, though :(

1. I really like the class/creation-specific vocal companions, i.e. the Kraken Skulls 5, the Presidio 5, the starter 5. Are there plans to introduce more companions like this in the future?

2. For the starter companions, will you ever find out how they were captured by the Armada? Subodai mentions being sold to the Armada, but you never really find out about the others.

3.Who is your favorite companion in the game? I'm a little curious.
1. Yes there are. In fact, despite the extra effort it takes to write the extra dialogue for a group of 5, we're coming around to the idea that using more of them and fewer universal companions in the future will make the play experience more unique for each class.

2. I'm not entirely sure that it matters - but rest assured, if I ever need a plot point to hang some story on, we can definitely bring it up.

3. I very fond of Bonnie Anne, and how cheerful and earnest she is. In a world of pirates and blackguards, she's the player's conscience. I must say that El Toro might be my favorite to write for, though. He's so funny, and so righteously clueless, too! That said, it's hard to pick just one. I really really like Lucky Jack Russell, and Dead Mike is a joy to write for different reasons altogether.

Jan 26, 2012
CaptainFlint193 on Jun 6, 2013 wrote:
Blind Mew, I have a few more questions if you don't mind...

1. When are we going to see those 'linear notes' on Marleybone and Aquila you mentioned a while back? I assume either they are really long or you are hard at work on Book XV.
2. If you could design a promotion quest for a promote-for-gold companion, who would it be and what would you make us do to get them to the next tier?
3. Are we going to get any class-specific storyline companions in the vein of the MooShu Five, the Magnificent Seven, the Kraken Skulls Five and the Presidio Five?
4. Out of curiosity, to get through the Stormgate to El Dorado, aren't we going to need a windstone? I can imagine going to Darkmoor to get it since I believe it shall be in the storyline but not for a map piece...
5. I'm personally a bit of an Anglophile and am trying to write a work that parallels Great Britain. Any books you can recommend to get a feel of what Victorian life was like?
6. I loved the secret agent hook in the 'Kidnapped' quest. It seems like you put a lot of hard work into Marleybone.
7. I feel there are a lot of important worlds out there that just don't fit into the storyline (Polaris being the primary example). Will Polaris be visited, or it is just a plot generator with the whole Napoleguin and Polarian War and Fort Elena fiasco?
Sheesh! The dang update's not even been out three weeks yet! That said, I keep meaning to write them, but my workload has been ratcheting up steadily lately.

2. Fin Dorsal. I don't know what we'd put him through, but it'd be really funny.

3. See above - yes, we definitely plan to steer more in that direction going forward.

4. That's a very good question.

5. Ooof, tough one. As for Victorian stuff, I'm kind of at a loss, beyond Doyle and the Sherlock stuff (though that seems incredibly obvious, I know).

6. We did! The Kidnapped quest actually owes quite a bit to the Robert Louis Stevenson story of the same name. The emergence of spies and spying as a kind of secondary theme in MB was pretty cool, and happened pretty organically.

7. That would be telling.

Oct 13, 2012
1. When did the Polarion War take place? 10 years ago, 50 years ago? No source seems to make the same date. The website says Avery made his fortune during the war, so I would have assumed that was 20-ish years ago. But Napoleguin sounds extremely young! Less than 50, that's for sure! I reallly wanted to know, for a fan fiction I'm writing.

2. Cao Tzu calls El Dorado "Shangri-La, City of the Immortals." Are the immortals he's referring to the same immortals you meet in Aquila? Or are they something else?

3. After freeing Napoleguin from prison, he keeps referring to the plan as his plan. Did he know he was going to be rescued from prison? I feel like there's something here that will be touched upon, if we go to Polaris, or see Napoleguin again.

4. It appears that the middle of the Machine in Valencia is its own skyway. Was there a skyway there before, or did the Armada create an artificial one?

5. Will our parents ever have names? Everyone refers to them as "your mother" "your dad" or "your parents." Come on, someone had to know their first names. Right?

6. Why was Napoleguin being held in Fort Elena? Sure, its an extremely strong prison, but he's the most dangerous mind in the Spiral. Is it really safe for him to be in a world, surround by unlawful pirates? I could have seen Newgate Prison being a much better place to hold him. Also, why were his valet and guards in prison with him? Sure, they are still guilty, but not like Napoleguin was!

7. We find Marco Pollo's ship, the Santo Oro, in Motherlode Mine. How did it get there? I thought Captain Blood had stolen all of Clark's treasure, not Pollo's?

Jul 25, 2009
I'm a first timer here, so this question might have been repeated before:

Since most of the armada (And I say almost because i'm not too sure about Kane) are machines, is it possible that we will be able to see the return of fallen Armada Elites?


Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Blind Mew on Jun 7, 2013 wrote:
1. Yes there are. In fact, despite the extra effort it takes to write the extra dialogue for a group of 5, we're coming around to the idea that using more of them and fewer universal companions in the future will make the play experience more unique for each class.

2. I'm not entirely sure that it matters - but rest assured, if I ever need a plot point to hang some story on, we can definitely bring it up.

3. I very fond of Bonnie Anne, and how cheerful and earnest she is. In a world of pirates and blackguards, she's the player's conscience. I must say that El Toro might be my favorite to write for, though. He's so funny, and so righteously clueless, too! That said, it's hard to pick just one. I really really like Lucky Jack Russell, and Dead Mike is a joy to write for different reasons altogether.
If you're looking to add in more companions in a group of 5, like the MooShu 5, Kraken Skulls 5, and the Presidio 5, then please have the new group reflect the choices made from the worlds the PC was raised in. I'm sure there's one out of the group waiting to see the PC after being away for so long. WIll that happen soon, Blind Mew? I'm sure a Krokotopian from Krokotopia or a Grizzleheim warrior or a more unique, yet former troubled gang member turned good, version of a female Rat Fencer from Scrimshaw would be very glad to see the PC after years of being apart. Think about this.

Bonnie Anne's recent promotion adventure was great, and I enjoyed it, but I feel kinda sorry about her and her family troubles. It was touching and slightly dark, about why she left the Radicals for her life of peace and adventure in Skull Island and beyond. She had a heavy serious tone about it, too, almost like a slight change to her personality when in Marleybone. She knew what she had to do and made the right choice by leaving the Radicals on her own and going to Captain Avery in Skull Island and joining the Resistance. She wishes for a better way to stop the bitter treatment the Dogs are giving the Albion Foxes, but without making more troubles, and longs for it to come true. Maybe that could happen someday, but what are the odds of that happening, Blind Mew? By the way, is there only one true leader of the Radicals, or are there many of them?

Feb 29, 2012
One last question.

5. Which Marleybonian companion is your favorite? Gracie, Catbeard, Bagha Khan... etc. I personally love Gracie.

Petty Officer
Jan 10, 2013
IonProductionz on Jun 8, 2013 wrote:
I'm a first timer here, so this question might have been repeated before:

Since most of the armada (And I say almost because i'm not too sure about Kane) are machines, is it possible that we will be able to see the return of fallen Armada Elites?

Blind Mew mentioned in the first thread that it's "very unlikely", because it would frustrate the player more than surprise the players.

Oct 15, 2012
Disloyal1 on Jun 8, 2013 wrote:
1. When did the Polarion War take place? 10 years ago, 50 years ago? No source seems to make the same date. The website says Avery made his fortune during the war, so I would have assumed that was 20-ish years ago. But Napoleguin sounds extremely young! Less than 50, that's for sure! I reallly wanted to know, for a fan fiction I'm writing.

2. Cao Tzu calls El Dorado "Shangri-La, City of the Immortals." Are the immortals he's referring to the same immortals you meet in Aquila? Or are they something else?

3. After freeing Napoleguin from prison, he keeps referring to the plan as his plan. Did he know he was going to be rescued from prison? I feel like there's something here that will be touched upon, if we go to Polaris, or see Napoleguin again.

4. It appears that the middle of the Machine in Valencia is its own skyway. Was there a skyway there before, or did the Armada create an artificial one?

5. Will our parents ever have names? Everyone refers to them as "your mother" "your dad" or "your parents." Come on, someone had to know their first names. Right?

6. Why was Napoleguin being held in Fort Elena? Sure, its an extremely strong prison, but he's the most dangerous mind in the Spiral. Is it really safe for him to be in a world, surround by unlawful pirates? I could have seen Newgate Prison being a much better place to hold him. Also, why were his valet and guards in prison with him? Sure, they are still guilty, but not like Napoleguin was!

7. We find Marco Pollo's ship, the Santo Oro, in Motherlode Mine. How did it get there? I thought Captain Blood had stolen all of Clark's treasure, not Pollo's?
may i answer a few questions if blind mew would be ok with it if so(p.s. i am only going to ansewer a few) offence everyone but...the games rated e10+ and that means its meant for well people 10 and over mostly and mostly in cartoons the main character most of the time does not reffer their parent's to their actual names they are most of the time refferd to as mom or dad
6.its because 1.he wanted to tear the ENTIRE SPIRAL apart and 2.he started a war that devestated the spiral and caused to avoid swearing here DRAGONSPYRE for valencia seriouly ok next time you look at napoleguin's puppet show listen at what catbeard says.
7.again listen

Gunner's Mate
Nov 01, 2012
Thanks blind mew for the answers got a few more

1. In Bonnie Anne's 2nd promo deacon says his little fox hunt was over why was he hunting Bonnie Anne in the first place and wasn't after us? And will we ever find the traitor since mister m said he was going to find him/her.

2. I know you've stated your not fond of having an armada companion but with caligistro g I made up a little quest in my head that could end with an armada companion the quest I made up was this when we find caligistro he tells us no ordinary living person can kill Kane only an armada elite can kill Kane but we obuviously say why would an elite ever kill Kane so caligistro says their is a way to do it by using special parts from Valencia, krokotopia, and marleybone to reconstruct the one and only deacon! It takes us on many quests with challenges along the way but once we get them caligistro tells us while he constructs the armada reprogrammer or whatever it is called we need to go find deacons remains from motherlode mine and once we get back he does the repairs to his body and puts in the reprogrammer to the body and Phule interrupts and battles us with armada troops after we beat him he retreats and goes to Kane to report. And then we take caligistro to marleybone and works with mister m and deacon says when the time comes to battle Kane he will be prepared but while we venture to get the rest of the map pieces he will join us. And then he is our companion and that way he is the only armada companion and is available to all classes for free and everyone is happy with only one armada companion. Even if this doesn't get implemented will we at least get any armada companion eventually?

To be continued...

Gunner's Mate
Nov 01, 2012

3. I was reading through wizard101 Wikipedia and was looking at the possible worlds to come and I saw Asgard home of Thor so then I was thinking is it possible our pirates will ever go their it seems like a place for both games magic and fighting hand to hand or whatever our pirates weapon is

4. I've been wondering is the toy maker of the clockwork birds caligistro or are they different people and is the toy maker or caligistro or both of them the person who created the armada.

5. I realize I've already asked this twice but I was so excited when calico jake as a companion could be a possibility so is their a chance you could implement him as a companion he is for some reason my favorite NPC of the game he seems mysterious and has a past related with Bonnie which makes him even more mysterious and also will he ever reappear in the storyline since I think he works with mycroft who now has an important role in the storyline

Slick Cody Jones privateer lvl 59
Merciless Ethan Jenkins swashbuckler lvl 64

May 21, 2009
Ok, so I've been going around the worlds a bit and I've been noticing quite a few things...

1. I THOUGHT I saw Boochbeard and Gandry at both the Motherlode Mine AND Catbeard's hilarious trial...which I should mention has a bug with the hilarious dialogue cut...but are there frequent appearances significant?
2. Any hints as to what those mysterious 'Celestial Computations' were?
3. Ok, as with Book XIII, can you give us an extremely brief sum-up of Book XVI? I remember you calling 'The Dogs of War' a 'war story', and that was about it, before it came out. Any words to describe the coming update to Valencia?
4. Hmmm...this is more of a suggestion/look back rather than a traditional question - I thought each class would be getting one of the Celestial Guardians in Book 12 (Pigsy, Friar Sand, Monkey King, Dragon Prince, and Shunzang the Wise) when I saw the puppet show. Do you think this would have been a good move? Or was having the Monkey King join us the plan through-and-through, no changes? (No regrets though - he is amazingly funny).
5. Fishfingers and custard...I was just doing the 'V for Vulpine' quest and I was amazed at the SINGLE modern Doctor Who reference...well played, Blind Mew, well played...
6. You stated in a different post that every companion will promote at least once more before El Dorado - I was wondering two things - a) Will Guy Fox ever be caught, since he did flee to Port Regal...he seems to be in our grasp, even though Bonnie Anne let him go... b) Any comments on Old Scratch's next promotion quest? I eagerly anticipate more lore on him and the spirit world of the Spiral. c) Valencia opens up many opportunities for promo quests, as you previously stated. Any promo quests we can expect? Oh wait...that's three things.
7. Is Captain Swing based off of anybody? His flamboyancy (and slightly sadistic?) personality gives me the heebie-jeebies...

May 02, 2009
So if Kane and his Elite are able to think on their own, how can they do it? They don't have brains and I'm pretty sure computers and computer chips haven't been invented in the spiral yet, so how can they think?

Also, can you tell us how many planned promotions are there in the next two books? You don't have to tell me who promotes, I would just like the number, or would that be telling?

Also is book 15 a heist like book 4 where we get in, get info, get out or would we do something incredibly dangerous, risky, and stupid that has 90+% of us getting killed?

And If we do go after Erika next, wouldn't catbeard (and/ or Egg Fu Yung (since Argos is with us we can't get his help)) know where she would hide if she did (i'm not saying she doesn't know either) that we were collecting Pollo's map.

Finally, are we going to go in depth of why Pollo got a crew and why they joined him in the first place?

Merciless Valkoor
Aquila Legend

Jun 29, 2009
I have a few more questions (and this time they're actually mine, not someone else's...). However, since I'm still looking through the first story thread, if you've already answered a question, may you please say what page it is on in the first thread?

1. Why don't the Magnificent 7 speak at all like the other main quest companions? We spent a whole book revolving around them, so what's with the silence on their part?

2. Speaking of the Magnificent 7, is the plan for the Privateer couple to alternate who gets the promo quest? In other words, will Wild Bill get the next promo quest, or will Jane get it again?

3. What is the reason behind the....I'll call "Ninja Pig" treatment for Monkey King? As in, why doesn't he have his own slow-mo trio of critical hits, nor does he have any powers (Critical Strike, Espirit de Corps, etc.)?

4. You stated we will get more groups of 5 for our companions based on decisions we made in character creation. Can we expect these companions to be related in a way, such as the Mag. 7 or the Mooshu 5? Or will they be more varied in species, such as the Kraken Skulls 5 or the Presidio 5 (being from different worlds or species)?

5. Would you ever consider putting in companions based on characters that are not exactly kid friendly (such as companions based off of the TF2 classes, which has been running through my mind recently....I really want a penguin spy or polar bear heavy...)? I understand Old Scratch and Dead Mike aren't lollipops and sugar plums, but you can't search up those names and find gruesome images....

Jul 09, 2009
I've seen this topic come up a lot lately and I'd like to see your opinion on this: Wizards Vs. Pirates. In a battle who would win? A pirate or a wizard? Would your answer change depending on which class/school the pirate or wizard was. If the pirate was using 3 companions of their choice, would your answer change?

Jan 26, 2012
Disloyal1 on Jun 8, 2013 wrote:
1. When did the Polarion War take place? 10 years ago, 50 years ago? No source seems to make the same date. The website says Avery made his fortune during the war, so I would have assumed that was 20-ish years ago. But Napoleguin sounds extremely young! Less than 50, that's for sure! I reallly wanted to know, for a fan fiction I'm writing.

2. Cao Tzu calls El Dorado "Shangri-La, City of the Immortals." Are the immortals he's referring to the same immortals you meet in Aquila? Or are they something else?

3. After freeing Napoleguin from prison, he keeps referring to the plan as his plan. Did he know he was going to be rescued from prison? I feel like there's something here that will be touched upon, if we go to Polaris, or see Napoleguin again.

4. It appears that the middle of the Machine in Valencia is its own skyway. Was there a skyway there before, or did the Armada create an artificial one?

5. Will our parents ever have names? Everyone refers to them as "your mother" "your dad" or "your parents." Come on, someone had to know their first names. Right?

6. Why was Napoleguin being held in Fort Elena? Sure, its an extremely strong prison, but he's the most dangerous mind in the Spiral. Is it really safe for him to be in a world, surround by unlawful pirates? I could have seen Newgate Prison being a much better place to hold him. Also, why were his valet and guards in prison with him? Sure, they are still guilty, but not like Napoleguin was!

7. We find Marco Pollo's ship, the Santo Oro, in Motherlode Mine. How did it get there? I thought Captain Blood had stolen all of Clark's treasure, not Pollo's?
I see these have already been responded to from within the community, but I'll follow up.

1. I'm content to leave the actual dates vague - I never want to get pinned down and then trapped by it when I'm trying to weave story stuff later. That said, I expect it took place shortly before the pirate's birth, in the 10-15 years ago range.

2. They are something else. It's Asian mythology vs. Greek mythology.

3. Well, like the historical figure he's based on Napoleguin is astonishingly egocentric. Every plan he is remotely a part of is his plan. And yes, I figure he did have something to do with the formation of the plan. Benedict, after all, was less loyal than he seemed - I expect there was some covert communication between Napoleguin and Catbeard.

4. I expect there was a skyway there, and they've in effect filled it.

5. I'd rather not - given the multiple flavors we have on our PC names list, I don't want to put out names that would be jarring with the name the player chose.

6. Napoleguin's captivity is based on Napoleon's exile to the isle of St. Helena, almost 2,000 miles of the coast of Africa. Indeed, our name is derivative - Saint Helena becomes Fort Elena. Just as with our world's European powers, the primary concern of the allies was to put Napoleguin as far away from where he could make trouble as possible. Yes, there are pirates in Skull Island, but the major powers have never seen them as much more than an annoyance. Keeping him in Newgate might invite attacks from Imperial Loyalists in Polaris (Polaris and Marleybone are pretty close), and close proximity to the core worlds of the Spiral would make it much easier for spies or potential agents from any number of places to get to him. Also, the defeat of Napoleguin was a multi-national operation - putting him in one of the allies' capitols would be bad form. Valencia and Marleybone share a presence in Port Regal Skyway, and a Monquistan colony is just a Skyway away. The Valet and guards were imprisoned by association.

7. Blood put it there - Motherlode Mine was his secret refuge, after all. The letter Blood left in Scorpion Cave specified that it was Pollo's ship, gold, and map that he had taken. The fact that Pollo tried to hide the map with Clark was incidental.

Oct 15, 2012
speaking of tf2 does anyone find it conincidental that this is called electric boogaloo and tf2's new content update is also called that?

Jan 26, 2012
thatonevalenciansw... on Jun 12, 2013 wrote:
speaking of tf2 does anyone find it conincidental that this is called electric boogaloo and tf2's new content update is also called that?
Seeing as how most game dev's currently working came of age in the 1980's, I'd say it's simply a matter of us both making a funny reference.

Google "Electric Boogaloo" and you'll see what we mean.

Petty Officer
Feb 13, 2013
It seems we see bishop almost every where in beachhead.Though I wonder how he managed to survive after two defeats?

Gunner's Mate
Nov 01, 2012
MooshuFanatic500 on Jun 13, 2013 wrote:
It seems we see bishop almost every where in beachhead.Though I wonder how he managed to survive after two defeats?
He probably escaped because by the time we fight him again he will have more health probably 1,000 more depending at what time we fight him again and that could be the explanation he knew would have lost so he just fleed with most of his health lost. The point is he didn't get beaten because he escaped.
Slick Cody Jones privateer lvl 60
Merciless Ethan Jenkins swashbuckler lvl 65

Petty Officer
Dec 30, 2012
MooshuFanatic500 on Jun 13, 2013 wrote:
It seems we see bishop almost every where in beachhead.Though I wonder how he managed to survive after two defeats?
About a month back, I asked the same question. Look for the thread entitled "Regarding Bishop and Rooke" that I started. Blind Mew explained everything there.

May 21, 2009
CyberMaster12 on Jun 13, 2013 wrote:
About a month back, I asked the same question. Look for the thread entitled "Regarding Bishop and Rooke" that I started. Blind Mew explained everything there.
Could you direct me to that post? I can't seem to find it.

Petty Officer
Dec 30, 2012
CaptainFlint193 on Jun 13, 2013 wrote:
Could you direct me to that post? I can't seem to find it.
Please disregard my previous message. The issue has been dealt with. Look for the thread on the Marleybone forum. Glad I could help.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
CaptainFlint193 on Jun 13, 2013 wrote:
Could you direct me to that post? I can't seem to find it.
One Eyed Jack dug it up for Cybermaster12 Here is the link.

If this is already posted by Cybermaster, Moderators, I will not be offended if you omit my post also

Aug 21, 2010
Hey, Blind Mew.
1. Will we ever return to Marleybone to find out who won the war with the Armada? I presume it was Marleybone that won but...
2. Will we ever see Meowiarty again? It sounded to me he was planning on escaping Glass House (I think that's the name of the prison ) If he does turn up, consider making him a companion. It can be like a redemption story, like Ratbeard's.
3. Is Rajah (I think that's how you spell it) a part of Mirage? Or are they just two completely separate worlds?
4. I know this is very early but how far are you into the next update, storywise? I love the story, very imaginative and extremely witty and clever! Great job to you and whoever it is that help... (Sorry but you never gave their names...)

Two-Faced Isaac Ashford
Level 58, Musketeer