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Troll cave in Laestrygon

Jan 22, 2013
Okay so how long is it supposed to take. I know it's not really a dungeon because there's no sigil thing but for me it took over an hour (sadly didn't get to finish because I had to go) I just want to know how long it's supposed to take or they could at least add a dungeon warning on it. Thx in advance if you can tell me.

-Jack nightgale lvl 65 buccaneer

Jan 02, 2012
It takes 4 fights, so you should finish it in under 2 hours. You might want to port a friend in to help with Khagan in the last fight, he's pretty tough.

Jan 02, 2012
OOps! I submitted before I realized you said Laestrygon. The Main Quest Troll dungeon cave is also about 2 hours. Watch out for reinforcements!