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Where's Book 15?

Jan 26, 2012
Where indeed? I assure you, my dog didn't eat it. I don't even own a dog...

The short answer: it's in development. I know many of you are tired of waiting, but I'm afraid you need to wait a bit longer. But why?

Here's the deal: the development team for Pirate101 (like all the rest out there), ultimately, has limited bandwidth. MMO teams don't get bigger after a game goes live, they get smaller. Former Pirate team members are now happily working on other KI projects, just as we borrowed many devs from Wizard's original team while we were in full production. This doesn't mean we're on life support - far from it. If we were, there wouldn't be an update at all.

Each update, finite resources forces us to make a choice: extend the game (higher level cap, big new chunks of content), or improve the game (add new systems and activities, tighten up gameplay). We can't do both. Wizard101 alternates between the two, and I can't argue with the results. We're following the same plan.

Has any work been done on Book 15? Yes - we started serious work on Book 15 before Marleybone went live. How finished is it? I don't talk schedule. Will it take another whole year? See above, but I'd be surprised.

This isn't an extension update, it's an improvement update. Fun as the game is, it still had some rough edges, so we attacked them full bore, eliminating annoyances that have bothered players since beta. Ever been irked by how hard it is to keep all your Companions leveled? How expensive training tomes are? How hard it is to keep your nautical current? How painful it is when Nurse Quinn appears randomly in a tough fight? Advanced Companions helps solve ALL those problems. And that's just one feature. When we set the scope and contents for this update, I thought it was the right call. I still do.

For all of you with 6 level 65 characters sitting at the level cap, bored out of your minds: I feel your pain. I do. Believe me, nobody wants book 15 out more than me. But, bear in mind that to get where you are, you adapted to or learned to work around those annoying bits mentioned above. Not everybody is willing to do that. I don't want new players to join up, play a bit, and then leave because they find some part of the game frustrating. I want them to join you at the level cap. Improving the game is how we make that happen.

We'll see if we can't alleviate some of your boredom before Book 15 comes out. How? That would be telling...

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Blind Mew on Apr 9, 2014 wrote:
Where indeed? I assure you, my dog didn't eat it. I don't even own a dog...

The short answer: it's in development. I know many of you are tired of waiting, but I'm afraid you need to wait a bit longer. But why?

Here's the deal: the development team for Pirate101 (like all the rest out there), ultimately, has limited bandwidth. MMO teams don't get bigger after a game goes live, they get smaller. Former Pirate team members are now happily working on other KI projects, just as we borrowed many devs from Wizard's original team while we were in full production. This doesn't mean we're on life support - far from it. If we were, there wouldn't be an update at all.

Each update, finite resources forces us to make a choice: extend the game (higher level cap, big new chunks of content), or improve the game (add new systems and activities, tighten up gameplay). We can't do both. Wizard101 alternates between the two, and I can't argue with the results. We're following the same plan.

Has any work been done on Book 15? Yes - we started serious work on Book 15 before Marleybone went live. How finished is it? I don't talk schedule. Will it take another whole year? See above, but I'd be surprised.

This isn't an extension update, it's an improvement update. Fun as the game is, it still had some rough edges, so we attacked them full bore, eliminating annoyances that have bothered players since beta. Ever been irked by how hard it is to keep all your Companions leveled? How expensive training tomes are? How hard it is to keep your nautical current? How painful it is when Nurse Quinn appears randomly in a tough fight? Advanced Companions helps solve ALL those problems. And that's just one feature. When we set the scope and contents for this update, I thought it was the right call. I still do.

For all of you with 6 level 65 characters sitting at the level cap, bored out of your minds: I feel your pain. I do. Believe me, nobody wants book 15 out more than me. But, bear in mind that to get where you are, you adapted to or learned to work around those annoying bits mentioned above. Not everybody is willing to do that. I don't want new players to join up, play a bit, and then leave because they find some part of the game frustrating. I want them to join you at the level cap. Improving the game is how we make that happen.

We'll see if we can't alleviate some of your boredom before Book 15 comes out. How? That would be telling...
What a wonderful post. Thank you very much. As always you are sharing some wonderful information yet you are still the mightiest tease in the spiral. I wouldn't have you any other way.

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Nice of you to explain all of that, Blind Mew. I had been patient about Book 15, but, I guess I can handle a little more waiting time.

Granted, I do get pretty much annoyed by trying to keep up my Companions to the highest level, by far, but with the Advanced Companions in the next update, It will be much easier to do so. Gone will be the long agonizing days of gathering gold slowly to train our Companions to their level, and comes the easier ways of training them! I, for one, am very glad to see that happen! It was so difficult to have our Companions to do their upkeep.

It's good to hear that Book 15 is still in the works. I was surprised that having two new Books in one update would be quite a feat for the P101 team. Previously, I would have seen just Book 13 out, but with book 14 in that update instead, well, it was quite much for the lot, and why it was taking a little long for that to happen than expected.

Wizard101 had two major storyline updates over a year ago, as I recall, and I was intrigued that the W101 team released two new major story worlds in one year, instead of one in a year. I don't know how they did that feat, but it was amazing.

Anyway, nice to hear that work is still underway for Book 15. I'm hoping the wait for it won't be more than a little bit longer than expected. I'm still eager to find this Toymaker in Valencia and know how to stop the Armada from reaching El Dorado and what the Armada's been preparing for us since that previous trip to Valencia!

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Thank you, Blind Mew, for taking time and sharing with us the 'whys' of the new update. Every single thing you mentioned that people were complaining about was happening to me, again thank you and the KI employees for addressing these issues. Although it will be hard to wait, I'm sure the results will be absolutely worth it!

Community Leader
I honestly for one am very pleased with this addition. You didn't just update the game. You also added "content" as in three LONG quests as well as the new pet system. That will keep players busy.

Yes I am anxious for Book 15. But at least with this update, along with less problems, I also can keep myself busy by searching for new pets and finding out the new hybrids as well as farming for them.

Thank you for all you do! We really appreciate it.

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Jul 27, 2012
As my dad always said: 'things worth wanting are worth waiting for' To echo the other posters, we are all very grateful for all the work you and the folks at KI do to bring us a great game with an absorbing storyline and delightful hours of exploration and play. I also appreciate how you --and One-Eyed Jack, Ratbeard, and others-- take the time to answer questions, consider our concerns, and tease us mercilessly (I love that)

This new update is great, and I haven't seen all of it yet! Besides addressing concerns of gold, companion leveling, etc. it provides lots of ways of new play. We can enjoy ourselves heartily until book 15 comes out. And after all, it is like the publishing of a new book in a series of novels that you love to read: you have to wait until the book is published. I'm eager, but I can wait. After all, patience is a virtue!

Virtuous Anne Radcliffe

Jan 28, 2014
Thanks for informing the other people, Blind Mew.

You say that you want Book 15 more than anyone else, but I beg to differ, sir. I got so excited about the update to Pirate101 that was coming to Spring 2014, only to find out it was just an improvement to the game, which was a disappointment.

I seriously hope we don't have to wait for months just for the new book. I'm tired on being this cliffhanger. But do not worry, I am enduring my impatience and fury of wanting to progress in the game. But I might not be able to endure it any longer if 3-4 months past.

Anyways, happy developing!

Dread Pirate
Jun 17, 2013
I am just happy to play Pirate101 period. I have 6 month old twins and an 8 year old I understand patience to the fullest. It is easy for me to wait and be patient because I have a beautiful family to keep me happy and smiling.

Blind Mew, Ratbeard, One-Eyed Jack, Frogfather, Avery and all of you other fine people at KI, just keep doing what you do...keep making your magic and producing greatness. I for one, am sooooo glad that you are not selling us short, and selling yourselves short for that matter, by just putting out new content that is not worthy of showing what this game means to all of you that are devoting everything to it- just to keep us satisfied and from grumbling. This is your dream, your vision, your creation, your baby- so make it what it deserves to be, what it should be- for you all and for us.

Oh, yeah...I can be patient, very patient and I would like to thank you for not just putting out some 'lesser than' content just because there are a lot who aren't as patient. And also, thank you for putting so much into the new updates. For many it is just simply new components, new companion/pet systems, new numbers, new quests, new equipment, etc. But what the new content/update really symbolizes- is maximum effort, caring for the consumer, desire to make the game even better for us, wanting to provide a richer more polished gaming experience and just trying to bring even more joy to Pirate101...period.

So, thank all of you at KI for taking your time to provide us with the best, most amazing Pirate101 experience and new updates possible. My patience will remain steadfast and calm. In the meantime I have some precious new content and updates to keep me more than occupied.

We'll see if we can't alleviate some of your boredom before Book 15 comes out. How? That would be telling...

You're gonna throw this little tidbit out and not give them even the tiniest hint?

You're insidious, Mew.

Nefarious, even.

Dec 13, 2008
Ratbeard on Apr 11, 2014 wrote:
We'll see if we can't alleviate some of your boredom before Book 15 comes out. How? That would be telling...

You're gonna throw this little tidbit out and not give them even the tiniest hint?

You're insidious, Mew.

Nefarious, even.
Ratbeard, you sly rat you Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......... Nefarious........... Insidious......... I must go ponder this.
* Runs out of the room and calculates every sentence in the post to find the tiniest bit of a hint/ sneak peek

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Ratbeard on Apr 11, 2014 wrote:
We'll see if we can't alleviate some of your boredom before Book 15 comes out. How? That would be telling...

You're gonna throw this little tidbit out and not give them even the tiniest hint?

You're insidious, Mew.

Nefarious, even.
He can be such a tease at times, Ratbeard. And that's what I like about him.

He did say the new Skyway starts with a "C". I'm not sure what it is, but it's definitely a hint.

I would also be excited to see Book 15 previews in 3D panorama like before.

Also, I believe, to recall, Wizard101 only placed a "Coming Soon" label on the then-developing world of Celestia before it was out, some time after they announced it, and I was hoping that they would do the same to more of their upcoming worlds, but I guess that was more of a one off thing than recurring. Pity, though. Left many Wizards excited during that time. It would have been nice for them to do that again.

I've been thinking since then... in an equivalent to what they did in Wizard101, seeing the next Book in a silhouette state with the "Soon..." label to it's upcoming Books in Pirate101 would get Pirates more excited to know what it is, in addition to that. Can you picture that in your heads? Just dishing out some thoughts on that one.

Jan 19, 2014
Thank you for giving players a public announcement about the status of Book 15 and the development cycle. This is a more than reasonable explanation. Yeah it annoying waiting a 'little' longer for expanding content but at least there's new content and other games to play outside Pirate101. I'm fine with that.

Also a tease. Is it me or I'm hearing the sound Dead Mike groaning in the background?

Community Leader
Thanks for the insight Blind mew.

The things you indicated were "problems" I had come to consider the "challenges" of the game!
I had excellent strategies solving all those concerns already in place!!!

I've been one busy pirate, hoping I get more time to jump into test and get a more comprehensive look at things.

Appreciate your efforts, looking forward to Chapter 15 when it comes along.

Dr Zeppers (aka Silent Sam Stern)
Piratey parodies I like to make.
I be a crazy pirate for goodness sake!
Artist & Admin of Skull Island TV
Dr Zeppers on Apr 11, 2014 wrote:
Thanks for the insight Blind mew.

The things you indicated were "problems" I had come to consider the "challenges" of the game!
I had excellent strategies solving all those concerns already in place!!!

I've been one busy pirate, hoping I get more time to jump into test and get a more comprehensive look at things.

Appreciate your efforts, looking forward to Chapter 15 when it comes along.
You're right, Zeppers. Over time you just come to accept these things, in much the same way that you can put on weight over the years without even noticing. But just because you get used to lugging around all that extra weight doesn't mean that you should just accept it, and boy, it sure feels good to shed those pounds!

Apr 21, 2012
Hey Blindmew, why not change all the mounts of those whom are impatient to slowpoke sloths! And they can not dismount to go faster. But when they enter a place that doesn't allow them to be on the mounts. Change them into the Bionic Pirate! Where their running speed is like that of the slowpoke sloth and they hear the sound banananana, bananananana or was it danananna( the sound from the Bionic man/woman when they were running in slow motion)

May 06, 2009
Trimond297 on Apr 11, 2014 wrote:
He can be such a tease at times, Ratbeard. And that's what I like about him.

He did say the new Skyway starts with a "C". I'm not sure what it is, but it's definitely a hint.

I would also be excited to see Book 15 previews in 3D panorama like before.

Also, I believe, to recall, Wizard101 only placed a "Coming Soon" label on the then-developing world of Celestia before it was out, some time after they announced it, and I was hoping that they would do the same to more of their upcoming worlds, but I guess that was more of a one off thing than recurring. Pity, though. Left many Wizards excited during that time. It would have been nice for them to do that again.

I've been thinking since then... in an equivalent to what they did in Wizard101, seeing the next Book in a silhouette state with the "Soon..." label to it's upcoming Books in Pirate101 would get Pirates more excited to know what it is, in addition to that. Can you picture that in your heads? Just dishing out some thoughts on that one.
Well, they didn't just do that Coming Soon label for Celestia with that wallpaper.
When Zafaria was coming out, they released a picture of, what is now known as, Waterfront with hidden messages on the picture as well as added the Super Bundle that alluded to Zafaria. Avalon got a puzzle-game that was widespread across all of Wizard101's fansites that lasted for about a month. I think that one was my favorite teasers. Azteca was the only world to remain silent, but it did get a lot of attention in the media, which I liked. Finally, Khrysalis came as a surprise, but Part 2 got many teasers with sneak peaks at coming areas.

And don't forget that Pirate101 did a whole puzzle game for Marleybone and Aquila's arrival a month before the Test Realm came out and the 10 panoramas for this Spring update. I still remember the excitement I had. So KI does still do the whole teasers, just not in the count-down Wallpaper style Celestia had.

I would like something of a major teaser event to happen for Book 15. I'm hoping it will be released some time this summer as I've noticed KI always does a Summer update (big or small). Since Wizard101 is coming out with their major content, that flip-flop concept Ratbeard or Blind Mew mentioned would mean Book 15 would come out some time after Khrysalis Part 2 is released. But I think some kind of intermission of either Rank PvP or a tough side dungeon for Level 60-65's (like Briskbreeze Tower) will come out before then. Blind Mew did mention some time ago that he'd work with Ratbeard to see what they could do about a side dungeon (which I recall you, Trimond, asked about).

As to Blind Mew, thanks so much for clearing the air about the hold-up of Book 15. It's very appreciated and re-assuring the work is being done on Book 15. Hopefully it wouldn't be too long before it makes it's intriguing debut. I'm interested in seeing this big quest feat Blind Mew mentioned. Hopefully you guys will be more than ready to pull it off (or at least itchingly-confident).

Jan 28, 2014
I know you said "You don't talk schedule" but will the book come out sometime this year? (Like perhaps in the fall or summer or December, etc.) Because if I have to wait a WHOLE 'nother year for one bo-

Sorry, almost got frustrated.

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Cunning Finnigan S... on Apr 12, 2014 wrote:
Well, they didn't just do that Coming Soon label for Celestia with that wallpaper.
When Zafaria was coming out, they released a picture of, what is now known as, Waterfront with hidden messages on the picture as well as added the Super Bundle that alluded to Zafaria. Avalon got a puzzle-game that was widespread across all of Wizard101's fansites that lasted for about a month. I think that one was my favorite teasers. Azteca was the only world to remain silent, but it did get a lot of attention in the media, which I liked. Finally, Khrysalis came as a surprise, but Part 2 got many teasers with sneak peaks at coming areas.

And don't forget that Pirate101 did a whole puzzle game for Marleybone and Aquila's arrival a month before the Test Realm came out and the 10 panoramas for this Spring update. I still remember the excitement I had. So KI does still do the whole teasers, just not in the count-down Wallpaper style Celestia had.

I would like something of a major teaser event to happen for Book 15. I'm hoping it will be released some time this summer as I've noticed KI always does a Summer update (big or small). Since Wizard101 is coming out with their major content, that flip-flop concept Ratbeard or Blind Mew mentioned would mean Book 15 would come out some time after Khrysalis Part 2 is released. But I think some kind of intermission of either Rank PvP or a tough side dungeon for Level 60-65's (like Briskbreeze Tower) will come out before then. Blind Mew did mention some time ago that he'd work with Ratbeard to see what they could do about a side dungeon (which I recall you, Trimond, asked about).

As to Blind Mew, thanks so much for clearing the air about the hold-up of Book 15. It's very appreciated and re-assuring the work is being done on Book 15. Hopefully it wouldn't be too long before it makes it's intriguing debut. I'm interested in seeing this big quest feat Blind Mew mentioned. Hopefully you guys will be more than ready to pull it off (or at least itchingly-confident).
I get that they still do teasers for upcoming content, but in various ways for both games, of which I appreciate.

Honestly, I was certain that they would do Coming Soon labels for major worlds after Celestia, but I guess they haven't. Other than that, and the different teasers they do, my suggestion for upcoming Books in Pirate101 would be a Coming Soon label, akin to what the W101 team did to Celestia, but the next Book's icon would be in a silhouette state until that next Book gets released and it's icon revealed in full color.

Yes. Of course. I remember that. Nice reminder. Seriously.

And, I don't even remember them doing sneak peeks from Azteca, and that was the one world I didn't expect to be a major world in the storyline. I presumed others to be one of them, but that was quite a surprise. I didn't even think of that because no one, fans and KI members, mentioned that world to anyone, even me. Not to mention that they haven't done TV commercials for Avalon and Azteca, up until Khrysalis' first half, that is, which was quite unusual of them to not advertise the then-released respective Wizard101 worlds about them. I would think that they would do commercials for Avalon and Azteca, but I guess they forgot to do that.

Also, I'm still looking forward to Book 15. Valencia is still targeted as our next visit, as we've still yet to know who the Toymaker is.

Petty Officer
Dec 05, 2009
I have only 2 level 65 characters I am really looking forward to the new book but as much as I want a new book I am glad they are doing this update. Polishing up the free to play zones is really needed to help get new players and more of my wizard friends into the game will be great. a few of my friends from wizard101 don't like the game cause if they dont feel like questing there is not much else to do like pet collecting, pvp, crafting, gardening. Others who tried the free areas where still to unfamiliar with the game to bother paying for more content. I found that most of my friends who do play i had to explain how alot of things work and help them see what I see in the game.

Jun 16, 2009
Ratbeard on Apr 11, 2014 wrote:
We'll see if we can't alleviate some of your boredom before Book 15 comes out. How? That would be telling...

You're gonna throw this little tidbit out and not give them even the tiniest hint?

You're insidious, Mew.

Nefarious, even.
You're one to talk! It would have been perfectly simple for you to tell him that at the office. You're as big a tease as Blind Mew!

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Really, Ratbeard? Blind Mew is insidious and nefarious? Definitions of insidious - gradual and harmful, slowly and subtly harmful or destructive & nefarious - evil; utterly immoral or wicked. Just because he's teasing us ( and didn't give even the slightest iota of a hint doesn't mean.... oh I get it now.) Yeah you're right he is insidious and nefarious!

Mar 24, 2013
I'm looking forward to book 15. Where ever world in the spiral take my pirate(s) to, This will be great to continue the storyline. Who knows what discoveries will be made, in that new world or an expansion of a currently existing world. Thanks for the post and see you at the sky way.

" Code of the Pirate Never, ever give up and be patience." Reckless Nicole Ramsey

May 01, 2010
I think it's great that you guys and girls at KI are taking you time with Book 15. If I can recall correctly, there was another video game company (forgot the name) that went out of business because they were thinking too big too fast. KI is advancing at a nice steady pace. I find it's a great way to practice patience. I've seen that younger generations are getting less patient and expect everything they want handed to them on a silver platter. At least this new spring update will give us more to do beside just side quests and farming. So thanks again for all your efforts at KI; keep up the great work.

Mar 15, 2012
I would usually be forcing you guys to hurry up but I think I will wait and two things one please post a reply to me Blind Mew and two I have an idea for book 15. I think the next worlds should be Polaris and Krokatopia. And I think there should be even more treasure so I can share with me crew. Pirate rule of being a captian always share the treasure with your crew. Dark Andrew Sharp level 65 musketeer

Jan 17, 2013
Blind Mew on Apr 9, 2014 wrote:
Where indeed? I assure you, my dog didn't eat it. I don't even own a dog...

The short answer: it's in development. I know many of you are tired of waiting, but I'm afraid you need to wait a bit longer. But why?

Here's the deal: the development team for Pirate101 (like all the rest out there), ultimately, has limited bandwidth. MMO teams don't get bigger after a game goes live, they get smaller. Former Pirate team members are now happily working on other KI projects, just as we borrowed many devs from Wizard's original team while we were in full production. This doesn't mean we're on life support - far from it. If we were, there wouldn't be an update at all.

Each update, finite resources forces us to make a choice: extend the game (higher level cap, big new chunks of content), or improve the game (add new systems and activities, tighten up gameplay). We can't do both. Wizard101 alternates between the two, and I can't argue with the results. We're following the same plan.

Has any work been done on Book 15? Yes - we started serious work on Book 15 before Marleybone went live. How finished is it? I don't talk schedule. Will it take another whole year? See above, but I'd be surprised.

This isn't an extension update, it's an improvement update. Fun as the game is, it still had some rough edges, so we attacked them full bore, eliminating annoyances that have bothered players since beta. Ever been irked by how hard it is to keep all your Companions leveled? How expensive training tomes are? How hard it is to keep your nautical current? How painful it is when Nurse Quinn appears randomly in a tough fight? Advanced Companions helps solve ALL those problems. And that's just one feature. When we set the scope and contents for this update, I thought it was the right call. I still do.

For all of you with 6 level 65 characters sitting at the level cap, bored out of your minds: I feel your pain. I do. Believe me, nobody wants book 15 out more than me. But, bear in mind that to get where you are, you adapted to or learned to work around those annoying bits mentioned above. Not everybody is willing to do that. I don't want new players to join up, play a bit, and then leave because they find some part of the game frustrating. I want them to join you at the level cap. Improving the game is how we make that happen.

We'll see if we can't alleviate some of your boredom before Book 15 comes out. How? That would be telling...
Sheesh, blind mew. Big cliffhanger!