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locked out

Dec 29, 2008
Every time that i try to log into the pirate101 it says account locked. I type in the code thing and log in and it says account unlocked log in below. I log in but it just says that it is locked again. What do i do?


Feb 17, 2011
I know! that happened today to me to i wonder what it means........

serena spencers level 12 witchdoctor

mary green bloom level 56 life

Mar 12, 2011
The exact same thing is happening to me. I am not pleased with this. I am going to send a message to Customer support for an answer. Maybe you should do the same.

Jul 08, 2010
I am having a similar issue, I log in and it brings up the 'account locked' page, i type in the code and my info and it says unlocked please log in below, When i log in the 2nd time it lets me on. I was just worried about the the 'account locked' issue

Aug 20, 2009
Every time I want to log into the game, I type in my user and pass then it says "Your account has been locked." Then I have to enter a captcha and my user and pass again. THEN I can log into the game. Has this happened to anyone else? KI, what's going on here?

- Silent Valerian Nightingale- Level 13 Witchdoctor

Mar 02, 2009
I'm having the same problem. I thought perhaps someone had tried hacking into my account, but it appears that all my 4 family accounts are experiencing this problem as well.

Jun 14, 2009
Recently, each time I log in with the correct password, I keep getting a message saying that I am locked out and have to re-enter my information. Than the account will be unlocked and I have to log in again. This occurs after I have enter my username/password for the first time. It's becoming annoying. I am entering the correct password.

Sep 18, 2011
i have same issue too. why no one answer our those questions? i hope we didnt get hacked.

Hey everyone! I just wanted to report that we're seeing this issue across all of our games. As I learn more information, I'll let you know.

*One-Eyed Jack, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*