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How do you join Broadside combat?

Jun 05, 2012
So, I'm not sure if I'm just not getting it or it's over my head. Me and friend play together almost every day and it's getting harder to defeat ships in ship battles. We were going to try to join ship battles (Before boarding, I think it's called Broadside Combat) so we could take it down faster. The problem is neither of us knew how, we would go right by the ship the other was attacking and nothing would happen.

Is there a key to press or are we just doing something wrong? Please if someone could help it would be greatly appreciated.

Have you had a chance to read through the Broadside Combat section of the player's guide? More information can be found here.

*One-Eyed Jack, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*
Apr 26, 2009
The only person who can board a ship is the original attacker of the ship. That means, whoever attacks the ship first gets to decide to board or not.

Dead-eye Luke, Level 50

Nov 30, 2012
Sail next to it, you will see a "press X to join combat" screen popping up. Hit the X button to join. But, do ask the players fighting if you can join their fight, it's only polite.

Jun 05, 2012
I read through the broadside combat rules and it says nothing about 2 people participating in broadside combat at once (At least from what I've read). Also, it's not boarding the ship that we have a problem with. It's both of us using our ships to attack one ship; without boarding (Broadside Combat). On the last note, I always ask whether to join someone's combat or not, even if they don't do me the same respect

thornbee on Dec 30, 2012 wrote:
I read through the broadside combat rules and it says nothing about 2 people participating in broadside combat at once (At least from what I've read). Also, it's not boarding the ship that we have a problem with. It's both of us using our ships to attack one ship; without boarding (Broadside Combat). On the last note, I always ask whether to join someone's combat or not, even if they don't do me the same respect
I see. Well, the issue then seems to be with targeting the ship after the enemy ship has already fired upon your friend's ship?

Step 1: Either click on a ship or use the bracket keys ("[" or "]") on the keyboard to select a ship as your current target.

Step 2: Either click the power buttons on the interface or use the 1-4 buttons on your keyboard to activate powers and begin combat.

*One-Eyed Jack, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*
Sep 08, 2008
Yea, you simply join. Nothing complicated about it. Simply approach target, and open fire. Whether it is being fired upon or not.

As far as I know, even if you did not start the broadside combat, you can still board that ship.