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For Blind Mew

Gunner's Mate
Apr 13, 2010
Ahoy, pirates! Ever since I read a post about El Dorado, I've been wondering: Blind Mew, did you like Pokemon at some point of your life? There's a Pokemon named Mew, and I just had to wonder. It's going to be nagging at me until you answer.


George Gordon level 22 Buccaneer

Petty Officer
Jun 09, 2009
I've always thought Blind Mew was "the whisper behind the pirate" but I guess he could be Mew.
Mew is purple though and Blind Mew is grey.
If what you're saying is true then Mew might come over to Pirate101

Petty Officer
Nov 21, 2010
GBalance101 on Apr 3, 2013 wrote:
Ahoy, pirates! Ever since I read a post about El Dorado, I've been wondering: Blind Mew, did you like Pokemon at some point of your life? There's a Pokemon named Mew, and I just had to wonder. It's going to be nagging at me until you answer.


George Gordon level 22 Buccaneer
Blind Mew is a spoof on Blind Pew.

A character from the movie Yellowbeard.
It was a character played by John Cleese.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Lol nice theories but have you considered that he is a cat and Mew is simply short for meow?

Jan 26, 2012
Peabotz on Apr 4, 2013 wrote:
Blind Mew is a spoof on Blind Pew.

A character from the movie Yellowbeard.
It was a character played by John Cleese.
And before Yellowbeard, Old Pew was a character in Treasure Island. I switched from Pew to Mew because he's a cat (a fun little pun).

I picked Blind Mew as my forum identity because he's basically Mr. Exposition, always telling you what you need to know. It fit well. Also, I happen to voice him in the game...

May 02, 2009
Blind Mew on Apr 4, 2013 wrote:
And before Yellowbeard, Old Pew was a character in Treasure Island. I switched from Pew to Mew because he's a cat (a fun little pun).

I picked Blind Mew as my forum identity because he's basically Mr. Exposition, always telling you what you need to know. It fit well. Also, I happen to voice him in the game...
Well, that's the last thing I'd ever expect. I half-thought that the voices for some NPCs were computer generated, but you voicing Blind Mew, I'd never thought the like.