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Companions rusing to help

Jan 25, 2010
On the Isle of Fetch around 11:54 am on Dec. 3, in the Avery realm; I was going through a dungeon where you have to disable the beacon on the Armada ship. Once on the ship, the objective was to turn on the beacon and destroy the breakers to disable the beacon. Turning on the beacon wasn't a problem, because I was able to get there to turn it on, but when it came to the breakers, I was the only one to destroy them and my companions wouldn't touch the breakers at all. Tried to command them to destroy the breakers but they wouldn't light up on the board for them, it only does it to my pirate.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Strayer75 on Dec 3, 2014 wrote:
On the Isle of Fetch around 11:54 am on Dec. 3, in the Avery realm; I was going through a dungeon where you have to disable the beacon on the Armada ship. Once on the ship, the objective was to turn on the beacon and destroy the breakers to disable the beacon. Turning on the beacon wasn't a problem, because I was able to get there to turn it on, but when it came to the breakers, I was the only one to destroy them and my companions wouldn't touch the breakers at all. Tried to command them to destroy the breakers but they wouldn't light up on the board for them, it only does it to my pirate.
It's that obstacle glitch that refuses to allow others to attack/break obstacles. It has pervaded the entire game! Hopefully, the bug squishers will get them, I can only imagine how annoying this is for players who have yet to finish the present story arc.

Dread Pirate
Jun 17, 2013
Yeah, that bug is definitely Spiral wide. I encountered it in several battles and also ran into it in the Pyramid of Fire last night while trying to work on my Musketeer a bit. Talk about a tough bug to crack! I wasn't thinking straight and chose all Musketeers for the final "destroy the crystal statue" battle in the Chamber of Fire. Makes it quite a bit more tough when only my low level gunner could 'attack it'. It took a while but I positioned my crew up against the statue so that Ch'ok Ak'ab would also hit the statue when he used his AoE attack on them. That sped it up quite a bit and the statue came a crumblin' down.

I'm sure KI has discovered the problem and soon will exterminate that pesky bug!