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Skull Island Community College

Feb 01, 2011
...or..."Captain Avery's Academy for Higher Nautical Erudition and Deportment"

Here's an idea; A place we can go to train our various crew members in new abilities. It might work something like the Black Market, in that you would need scrip to pay for any 'tuition'. You go in, select a member of your crew, pay your tuition, and then select from a list of powers to give/teach to that crewmate. Any one crewmate can only learn one lesson, so no power-loading any one character...though old lessons could be erased for new ones perhaps (sorry, no refunds).

Powers could basically be anything...any epic abilities or talents (assuming you can afford the tuition). I think using scrip would be appropriate, as it wouldn't just give the advantage to members with crowns, and gold is really too easy to get.

Maybe even some new badges:

Matriculator (for sending one crewmate through school)
Big Shot on Campus (for sending three crewmates through school)
Class President (for sending five crewmates through school)
Valedictorian (for sending seven crewmates through school)